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Our old friend JTrea is very concerned about Brady


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Just now, DrungoHazewood said:

Sorry, forgot.  That was the part that made it a conspiratorial ganging up on the poor guy who was just exercising his constitutional right to demand the 2008 Orioles spend $250M on Mark Teixeira because after that there wouldn't be any more first basemen for six years.

I always got a bit nervous that I missed something important when I found myself in agreement with him.

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Just now, DrungoHazewood said:

SportsGuy was often a reasonable and decent guy who made any number of good points.  But if you got on his bad side it was like breath of hell.  And he had like 50,000 posts in five years.

I told him to cool off one time because he just tore into one poster and he went after me. I just gave him the cold shoulder. 

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5 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

I always got a bit nervous that I missed something important when I found myself in agreement with him.

I'm sure that there were any number of times that my position on an issue was only that because JTrea had already staked out the opposite position and I didn't want to go to the trouble of trying to reconcile my thoughts with whatever he was going to come up with.

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Anyway, in fairness to El Trea - I read his article.  He's a decent enough writer, but still I think his points are somewhat flawed.


I know he’s out of options and the Orioles don’t have a lot of starting pitching depth, whether it’s good or bad. However, I also don’t think it’s a coincidence that the Orioles haven’t shifted Wright to a reliever role, where he’d likely excel having to focus on fewer pitches for a shorter period and have a chance to help the club in the bullpen.

Instead, they are going to look at him as a starting pitcher this spring once again after he’s proven he can’t do it at the major league level in three seasons.

Wright also worked out once again with Brady Anderson in California again this offseason and with the Vice President of Baseball Operations seemingly still in his corner, Wright’s relationship with Anderson will likely continue to pay dividends at the team’s expense.

Let's pump the brakes here for a second.  Yes, Wright isn't good.  But let's not pretend like the Orioles just didn't sign Cashner to take a spot that could have gone to Wright.  

Wright having a shot at the team doesn't have anything to do with Brady Anderson, it's more of a sign in regards to how poorly this team has drafted and developed pitching over the years.  Wright DOES have talent, similar to how CaBBrera was.  As frustrating as CaBBrera was, the talent was too much to give up in case he ever figured out a way to harness it.  

There's no reason to think that Wright could be a good reliever when he's not a good starter.  Yes, that does work for pitchers sometimes but it's not a magical cure-all.  It's worth a shot but in the end I don't have an issue with a former player who was a fitness freak working out with anyone on the team.  



Finally that offseason of 2016-2017, Reimold left as a free agent and has yet to return. Again, seeing the fierce advocacy shown for Reimold in 2010, there shouldn’t be a doubt that Brady Anderson played some role in Reimold’s long tenure with the Orioles.

With advocacy for players like Wright and Reimold, the pattern is clear, and Rosenthal stated it pretty plainly along with a quote from Buck Showalter why that pattern is troublesome for any prospective GM:

Today, the players Anderson gravitates toward most are the players who remind him of his old self, players seemingly on the verge of losing their careers. Showalter said that his only problem with Anderson is that he, ‘tries to save ‘em all.’

Tries to save them all?

That certainly doesn’t sound like somebody that can separate their personal feelings from the day to day operations of a baseball team.

"There shouldn't be a doubt..."

I see El Trea is still up to his usual conclusion jumping.  Even though here, he could be correct there's no evidence that he is.  It's just based off assumptions.

However, assuming he's correct here...so what?  451 games isn't exactly a "long tenure," for starters.  Granted, it was spread out over the course of a few seasons but Reimold couldn't stay healthy.  He certainly had some great moments while he was here and he's the kind of guy that's a low risk, high reward type.  

The tries to save them all is a bit cute.  Man, I know if I'm in a war and running for the helicopter and Trea is flying it I better haul ass cause he's gonna leave me.

There's nothing wrong with working with players and giving them a shot.  Wright and Reimold weren't given shots at the expense of bringing in someone better.  In fact Cashner's here and Trumbo is here.  Trumbo ain't great, but at least he's durable.  

And if Brady is studying under the tutelage of DD while DD is here, isn't DD explaining to Brady that he can't save em all?  I mean, I'm flying to conclusions but if JTrea can, so can I.  :)


Rosenthal stated that Anderson was involved in the negotiation for Trumbo as well, but to the extent, fans don’t know.  What we do know is that negotiation with Anderson included, and a no-trade clause as a result for a one-dimensional player like Mark Trumbo simply does not offer any reassurance of competency.

Now you have the news of Anderson becoming heavily involved in the deal for Andrew Cashner, and while it may seem like there’s little risk with a smaller base salary and the contract being incentive-laden, the majority of the incentives are only tied to innings pitched – meaning Cashner’s health, not performance.

Of course the Trumbo contract sucks.  Of course the no-trade clause sucks.  But to blame Brady Anderson for this is a bit ridiculous.  He even admits not knowing to what extent Brady helped with the negotiations.  

I mean, what went down here? 

DD:  Mark, are you interested in signing here?

Trumbo:  Not quite sure, the dollars are right but I'm just not really feeling the love.

DD:  We could offer a few more dollars.

Trumbo:  No, it's really all good.  It's not about the money.

DD:  So what can we do?

Anderson:  I've got a WILD idea.  Sorry to interrupt but I think I can help close this deal.

DD and Trumbo:  Yeah, go ahead.

Anderson:  Hold on to your butts, guys...a...no....trade...clause!

DD:  I never thought of that.

Trumbo:  YES! That's the missing ingredient!  I will sign now!

DD:  Brady!  Dilly dilly!


The Alex Rodriguez trade will probably go down as the worst trade in Rangers history, and that’s saying something. Other trades during Showalter’s tenure were Adrian Gonzalez and Chris Young for Adam Eaton as the headliner, or the trade of Soriano again for Brad Wilkerson coming back as the central piece. Jon Daniels was GM for those latter two but didn’t have much experience at the time, and Buck Showalter was well, Buck Showalter.

Is that really who Orioles fans want to be an assistant Orioles GM – a GM that seemed to act as a rubber stamp for Buck Showalter who like Anderson, has let his personal feelings trump the actual statistics and value of the player on the field?  How did that work out for the Rangers?

Now it’s theoretical of course, but is that scenario with Anderson and Hart better than Dan Duquette and his current advisors?  That group includes trusted colleagues from Duquette’s days with the Montreal Expos and Boston Red Sox, and most importantly scouting director Gary Rajsich who is likely the best scouting director of the Angelos era given the results.

Rajsich has drafted significant league talents like Kevin Gausman and Trey Mancini and looked to have the best crop of Orioles position players in the minors since the 1980s with Austin Hays, Chance Sisco, Ryan Mountcastle and possibly DJ Stewartand Cedric Mullins.  Can the Orioles do better than that?

All of a sudden John Hart is the next Orioles GM.  Or assistant GM.  Because a guy like that would be interested in being a first time GM's assistant.

Let's not forget it was Hart who constructed the Cleveland teams in the 90s.  

At least El Trea admits it's theoretical.  



Sure Duquette has made his mistakes, but all general managers do. The only poor contracts the Baltimore Orioles are saddled with are ones where ownership and Anderson got directly involved.

So DD would be flawless if it wasn't for Angelos and Anderson.  DD would NEVER give out a poor contract to anyone!  DD, batting 1.000 until Angelos and Anderson come in and screw everything up.


I hope that Peter Angelos instead, considers extending Duquette for multiple years if he’s willing to stay, and for the immediate future of the Baltimore Orioles and their fans.

Otherwise, if Anderson is named Duquette’s successor and he continues to “try to save em all,” he’ll doom the very team that saved his career.

Look at El Trea, forever leaping to conclusions.

 I can't believe I wasted 30 minutes out of my afternoon reading this but I just wanted to see what the little McNugget had to say about the future of the team with Anderson at the helm.  Unfortunately "save them all" is such a piss poor character trait that dooms Anderson from being successful.  Might as well not even play the games.

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18 minutes ago, DrungoHazewood said:

Sorry, forgot.  That was the part that made it a conspiratorial ganging up on the poor guy who was just exercising his constitutional right to demand the 2008 Orioles spend $250M on Mark Teixeira because after that there wouldn't be any more first basemen for six years.

I think he also demanded that the Orioles sign Prince Fielder like 100 times in one thread.  

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