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Cobb to Orioles (Confirmed by Roch Kubatko)


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2 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

Paying a premium is what makes it an overpay.

We aren't on a level playing field when it comes to acquiring SP talent.  Pitchers don't want to come here.  We may have paid a premium, but the contract is within reason and the premium should be expected. 

Doesn't excuse overpaying for Tillman when no one else would give him a major league deal, but this is what it probably took.  You know we were probably fighting that fourth year to the very end. 

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3 minutes ago, ChuckS said:

We aren't on a level playing field when it comes to acquiring SP talent.  Pitchers don't want to come here.  We may have paid a premium, but the contract is within reason and the premium should be expected. 

Doesn't excuse overpaying for Tillman when no one else would give him a major league deal, but this is what it probably took.  You know we were probably fighting that fourth year to the very end. 

All I am saying is if you have to pay a premium than the end result is going to be an overpay.


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3 minutes ago, ChuckS said:

We aren't on a level playing field when it comes to acquiring SP talent.  Pitchers don't want to come here.  We may have paid a premium, but the contract is within reason and the premium should be expected. 

Doesn't excuse overpaying for Tillman when no one else would give him a major league deal, but this is what it probably took.  You know we were probably fighting that fourth year to the very end. 

The Tillmans signing is a nothingburger as long as it doesn't stop them from giving him the hook if he stinks in April.  Of course, with a penny wise pound foolish organization like this one, it would be just like them to doggedly hang on to Tillman past the trade deadline with a 7.00 ERA because of that pesky $3 million guaranteed. 

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Dan did well for himself on his 2018 wish list after all

1) two viable starters and depth - Cashner and Cobb, with Tillman and Cortes for depth, CHECK

2) left handed hitting, primarily in the form of a RF - Rasmus with Pedro and Presley for depth, CHECK

3) left handed relief depth - Edgin and Joely, Cortes too, was enough depth to send Hart back to AAA, CHECK

4) Catching depth - Susac, enough to send Wynns to AAA for now and maybe even Sisco, CHECK

5) Middle infield depth - switch Manny to SS, switch the strategy, Beckham is the back up SS/2B and now we have big bopper Velencia to feast on lefties.

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1 minute ago, Can_of_corn said:

All I am saying is if you have to pay a premium than the end result is going to be an overpay.


We're arguing semantics here.  I tend to only classify something as an overpay if it is relative to the park and league-adjusted price for someone.  But I can see how an absolute approach could define it as anything above what he's projected to get.  Tomato, tomahto.  So yeah we paid a lot, and I actually do think it was an overpay even considering our hitters park and hitters league.  Still, it ended up being that because there were literally no other options left of Cobb's caliber, and the only other viable option would have been to trade Manny which the FO is dead set against.  

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2 minutes ago, ScGO's said:

Dan did well for himself on his 2018 wish list after all

1) two viable starters and depth - Cashner and Cobb, with Tillman and Cortes for depth, CHECK

2) left handed hitting, primarily in the form of a RF - Rasmus with Pedro and Presley for depth, CHECK

3) left handed relief depth - Edgin and Joely, Cortes too, was enough depth to send Hart back to AAA, CHECK

4) Catching depth - Susac, enough to send Wynns to AAA for now and maybe even Sisco, CHECK

5) Middle infield depth - switch Manny to SS, switch the strategy, Beckham is the back up SS/2B and now we have big bopper Velencia to feast on lefties.

The question remains, was DD involved in any of it besides the rule 5 guys and maybe the NRI? Everything he’s said has pointed to wanting to sell off.

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1 minute ago, Luke-OH said:

The question remains, was DD involved in any of it besides the rule 5 guys and maybe the NRI? Everything he’s said has pointed to wanting to sell off.

Man that’s what I’m wondering. I think DD got to have input on all the low risk/one year deals. Looks like Brady was heavily involved with Cashner and Cobb. 

Something has got to give, but a big reason for us overachieving has been the low risk moves over the year. 

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You all forget we had the best record in baseball through the end of May last year. We started going south once Britton went out, and we started losing close games.

We have a better team on paper than the 2014 team in my opinion. One can also assume, Trumbo and Davis can't play as poorly as they did last year, and the same can be said for Tillman. I like our chances to compete for the AL Pennant.

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15 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

I'm not arguing that Manny is in fact a generational talent.

But I do think there is room for more than one (and less than 30) at a time.

Like so many things around here, it’s all a matter of how you want to define the term.   I think my definition (the kind of player who usually only comes around for a team once every 15-20 years or so) is about the same as what you are suggesting, as there is more than one player who meets that definition and certainly less than 30.

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