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should we demote Rowell?


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Just got home from tonight's game and Rowell did not look good at all. 0-3 on the night. He walked in his first at bat, but then proceeded to strike out in his next three at bats. In the 7th he struck out on a called third strike, after which Rowell proceeded to stand there for a moment with the bat on his shoulders while he gave the ump a "look". I'm not sure if he said anything or not though. After leaving the box he just tossed his hitting gear on the ground and walked to the field,making someone else bring him his glove and hat. I'm not trying to make a big deal about this(I'm only providing my interpretation of this), but I know there has been some talk about his character the past couple of weeks and just thought I would mention what I saw. I will also say that he wasn't the only Key to have issuse's or comments in regards to the home plate umpire.

I can't wait for some more Old Fan psycho-analysis on this one! :laughlol:

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After leaving the box he just tossed his hitting gear on the ground and walked to the field,making someone else bring him his glove and hat.
You mean just like every other player who's ever played baseball ever?

That's what you do after you make the last out, or are on base when the last out is made. Somebody picks you up and brings you your stuff.

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You mean just like every other player who's ever played baseball ever?

That's what you do after you make the last out, or are on base when the last out is made. Somebody picks you up and brings you your stuff.

I thought the exact same thing. So when Brian Roberts gets thrown out trying to stretch a single into a double and drops his stuff and walks toward his position with his head down, we should consider him an attitude problem?

I'm not worried yet. Do I think he's underachieving? Yes. Do I think he got promoted too quickly? Yes. Am I ready to give up on him? No.

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The kid needs a reality check and he needs to earn his spot. He was granted a promotion to Frederick this season even though he didn't really earn it. It sounds like he is taking it for granted so the Orioles need to send him back to Delmarva until he gets his head screwed on right, if that ever happens...

Very foolish statement here.

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Very foolish statement here.

What was so impressive about Rowell that made him a shoo in for Frederick? He only had a .761 OPS with a .426 SLG. For a guy that was supposed to have plus power, he didn't really show it and he hasn't shown it on a consistant basis. He also had 31 BBs to 104 Ks. That ratio should be unacceptable even for an 18 year old. He also was terrible against LHP. The guy could clearly have used another year at Delmarva and was rushed to Frederick before he was ready...

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I know it's just one small portion of your post, but this is pretty common.
You mean just like every other player who's ever played baseball ever?

That's what you do after you make the last out, or are on base when the last out is made. Somebody picks you up and brings you your stuff.

Yeah, I'm no really sure why I even mentioned that. I guess that's more of a pet peeve than anything. I can understand when you're on the base path and make the last out, I just don't see what is so hard about walking over from the batter's box to the dugout to get your glove and hat.

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I can't wait for some more Old Fan psycho-analysis on this one! :laughlol:

Here you go, you got it! It would seem to me his HOF guarantee is going to have to be in some other sport. :laughlol: Perhaps Bago or Dominoes where he won't have umpires to blame everything on.:P Somebody needs to get this kid's attention in a hurry because he has total and complete bust written all over him. Giant Ego, poor attitude, arrogance, combined with poor results will get him no where fast, and that is where he will remain.:mad: I would definitely demote him if I had any say. He needs to be sent a message, and it needs to be a wake up call that he heeds.:clap3:

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You could make the case that he could have stayed down in Delmarva and worked on his game there. However, you said he didn't earn a promotion to Frederick. The majority of players who put up the numbers that Rowell did in Delmarva would have been promoted to the next level. That's just the way it works. Maybe it's semantics but I would say he did earn by having a decent enough season in Delmarva.

I think sometimes people expect players to dominate one level before they're allowed to move on, and that's just not typically how it happens. Rowell had a perfectly acceptable season last year. Not a great season, but enough to earn advancement.

I can see the case for demoting him at this point, but I'd just as soon let him be. He doesn't need to be "sent a message" as some posters are saying -- the High A pitchers are doing a good enough job of that right now.

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What was so impressive about Rowell that made him a shoo in for Frederick? He only had a .761 OPS with a .426 SLG. For a guy that was supposed to have plus power, he didn't really show it and he hasn't shown it on a consistant basis. He also had 31 BBs to 104 Ks. That ratio should be unacceptable even for an 18 year old. He also was terrible against LHP. The guy could clearly have used another year at Delmarva and was rushed to Frederick before he was ready...

Power usually takes a bit longr to develop. His performance last year was pretty good relative to the rest of the league. He definately earned the promotion. If he keeps struggling like he has over his last 100+ ABs he will earn a demotion.

Personally I think this is good for him... This has the potential to be a greater learning experience for him than if he was in Frederick putting up decent numbers. I'm still extremly bullish on his future and think he will learn from this and end up having a very good MLB career down the line.

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The kid needs a reality check and he needs to earn his spot. He was granted a promotion to Frederick this season even though he didn't really earn it. It sounds like he is taking it for granted so the Orioles need to send him back to Delmarva until he gets his head screwed on right, if that ever happens...

It's easy to say his head isn't screwed on right when he's struggling.

And he definitley earned a promotion to Frederick, if he didn't, then almost all of the Shorebirds didn't.

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Apparently this scout pasted Rowell...(after praising Weiters!:clap3:)

On the other end of the spectrum is 2006 first-round pick Billy Rowell, who is hitting a lowly .237/.295/.362, with just three home runs and 48 strikeouts in 177 at-bats. The scouting report reflects those numbers. "I’m totally off that. Look, when he centers a ball, it’s really good–it’s a lot of power, but it hardly ever plays because he has lots of swing problems and is constantly bailing against lefties." Defensively, there are real concerns about Rowell’s effort. "He’s just lazy," said the scout. "I don’t like the energy, and I just sit there wanting to yell, 'Dude! Move!'I don’t even like how he catches the ball–it’s just annoying to watch him play.



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I thought the exact same thing. So when Brian Roberts gets thrown out trying to stretch a single into a double and drops his stuff and walks toward his position with his head down, we should consider him an attitude problem?

I think Brian Roberts has earned the right....Rowell hasn't earned jack yet. Right or wrong, people put up with more stuff when you are producing. Rowell just isn't producing and if he keeps up the attitude, he will wear out his welcome very quickly.

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I'm totally of that? How old is the scout, 18? :D

Doesn't sound too good though. I guess you wouldn't expect a good report with those numbers.

Yeah, he throws a DUDE in there too. :P

But I was sorry to read the defensive part in addition.

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Yeah, he throws a DUDE in there too. :P

But I was sorry to read the defensive part in addition.

There is absolutely no excuse for defensive laziness at any level by any player period. I truly think whoever scouted and recommended this kid needs to be demoted or fired.

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