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TT: Ynoa, it's time to say goodbye to Mike Wright


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1 minute ago, interloper said:

It's..... CRAZY

At this point I just have to respect his survivability. There's no rhyme or reason to it. I guarantee his next appearance will be scoreless and he'll strike out the side. Or go 4 scoreless innings in emergency long relief. Whatever it takes to pull him back from the brink of DFA, he will do miraculously. 


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I’ve been on the Ynoa/Yefry train for a while. Arajuo shouldn’t have made the roster. Wright may have gotten decent ST stats but that changed on OD. I don’t think they are going to save the team, but this year is all about seeing what players can do. 

First wave(it happened):

Wright, Arajuo

Second Wave:

Wotherspoon, Phillips 

Third Wave(needs to happen):

Yefry, Ynoa

Fourth Wave:

Scott(refined), Kline, maybe Carroll. 

After that you’re getting into the guys that haven’t had much AAA or AA seasoning yet, but their time should come at the end of the year. Guys like Akin, Harvey, Pop. 

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27 minutes ago, interloper said:

It's..... CRAZY

At this point I just have to respect his survivability. There's no rhyme or reason to it. I guarantee his next appearance will be scoreless and he'll strike out the side. Or go 4 scoreless innings in emergency long relief. Whatever it takes to pull him back from the brink of DFA, he will do miraculously. 

He reminds me of Forrest Gump's shrimping boat after the big storm....except that every time he pulls the net out of the water, there are still no shrimp in it. 

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Why did they ditch the change if it is his most effective pitch? Wouldn't that mixed with the cutter give the hitters a different look and more separation from the FB speed?

Why can't he maintain a FB in the 95-97 range in 1-2 inning stints? He is maddening and I can only assume that he shows more in workouts but just doesn't in the game.

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4 hours ago, Tony-OH said:

And just like that, Ynoa gets beat around like a bad MMA fighter right after i suggest he'd be better than Wright! :D

Ynoa had no command of his slider or change tonight and his fastball isn't good enough to play when guys have eliminated his other pitches. Just not a sharp outing, he'll get it back, just bad timing. 

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3 hours ago, Luke-OH said:

Ynoa had no command of his slider or change tonight and his fastball isn't good enough to play when guys have eliminated his other pitches. Just not a sharp outing, he'll get it back, just bad timing. 

What’s the old pitching moniker, you need one pitch to compete, two to win, three to dominate. Our guys have such a small margin of error that they need 3 just to compete. 

At this point it just is what it is. We have a September pitching staff in April. 

Just start with the basics, who on this team has even a consistently avg FB, with consistently avg command?  Not many. 

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4 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

How is Bleier's heath questionable?

Not being good doesn't mean he's hurt.

The Orioles are discussing a couple of ways to give struggling reliever Richard Bleier a “reset,” including his placement on the 10-day injured list.

Manager Brandon Hyde said Bleier is being “checked” today by the medical staff and the Orioles will make a decision on him. It could happen later this afternoon or the following day.

“I don’t know how well his arm is responding. He’s getting a little checked out today. We’re still going to continue to be patient with him. It’s a major injury he’s coming off of and I think it’s pretty cool that he was trying to be on this club, but I think we’re going to possibly reset him, also, and see how that goes.”

Hyde confirmed that the IL is one of the options with Bleier.



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    • As I said....so many of you guys are basing what you see with JH based on social media hype.  He has been very good as a young player.  I agree.   I don't see elite elite elite.   You are being fooled if you do.  And I promise you that if JH did not have the last name HOLLIDAY?  In other words not his dads last name but lets say the last name of Jackson Blow?   He would not be as hyped.   Social media these days means a lot.  I will equate this to Bronny James who just was drafted in the NBAs 2nd round and given a guaranteed contract despite never doing much of....anything.  In fact he averaged 4 points as a Frosh at USC lol.  Give me a break.   Again...stop thinking of JH as this amazing super duper prospect and look at real life.  What have you seen him do that is so amazing compared to MIller?  Miller is amazing.  Can help us win now and the next 2 years. JH?  Is not going to help this year and probably next next as well. 
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    • So you’re saying he’s elite for his age?   Going to be an elite ML player?  Right now he’s got issues and he’s not an elite AAA player.   I suspect he’s going to turn it around at some point but he’s got a ways to go.
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    • No he actually thinks that’s good value.  It’s clear he just doesn’t understand.
    • i think that is satire lol a RP and a fringe starter for the undisputed top prospect in the game. 
    • I really don't think you would get much more than what I proposed.   Don't look at 'potential'.  Look at current situations and what can you do for me now.  I could be wrong but..... Mason Miller is posting Andrew Miller type numbers (in other words elite elite elite) while being way younger, way cheaper than him, and more controllable that Andrew Miller and.... JH has been injured this year and been terrible with the Os and just OK this year with AAA. I see this as a pretty even trade.
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