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Hyde postgame


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15 minutes ago, OsFanSinceThe80s said:

Helps there is no real other CF on the roster. That needs to change.

That’s not the point. stick Wilkerson in centerfield. Remember, as Mike said, “winning now is not relevant to the long term strategy” Or whatever it was he said. Therefore it doesn’t matter-up to a point- who you put in centerfield. Wilkerson is fine, and you can reinforce very clearly to Broxton that his only value is defensive, and if he’s stupid in the field he has no value at all. If the worst team in baseball releases you, the road to retirement is very short.

Buuuttt....Nothing was done, and here it is.

Maybe Severino is starting Because of his own bonehead play yesterday, he’s being denied his day off and forced to play, ha ha

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14 hours ago, atomic said:

He interviewed for something like 6 other mlb teams this offseason.  He knew the chance of him getting a different MLB managerial job was remote,  He can go back to being a bench coach when this is over.  

When Manager is given sub par talent you can’t put all the blame on him. This is his first rodeo so you may want to give him some slack. IMO 

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14 hours ago, Philip said:

So what? If he’s blunt and angry and does nothing, who cares?

See what he DOES, not what he says. So far he’s done damn little. Not one single guy had been pulled from a game for bonehead play.

I would have pulled Broxton at the end of that inning, and Severino as well. Send in the bullpen catcher, for Pete’s sake. Sloppy play without consequences is inexcusable, and there’s been LOTS of soppy play and no consequences. They are bad because the players aren’t good. But they don’t have to be embarrassing.

The league is laughing at you, O’s. Don’t you care?

For goodness sake let’s give the man a chance. 

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14 hours ago, eddie83 said:

And how do you know what he does? Are you in the clubhouse?  Dressing down a player in public may be a show you want to see but we have no idea what conversations are said behind closed doors. 

Last 2 nights have been bad but this team has “played” better than last year. 

Players may get roasted in the club house but not in public.

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I don’t get why sports fans need some kind of public flogging for there to be accountability. 

If I were to mess up at work, my boss would let me know that things are not acceptable. That would get the message across—he wouldn’t have to get something negative printed about me in the paper, and he wouldn’t tell me to just stay home on Monday so I can think about what I did. I would also quite clearly recognize that if poor work continued I might be let go. If Hyde can take care of things behind closed doors that should be good enough. If poor play continues then maybe you don’t get to play as much cause that means you just aren’t good. But as a fan I don’t need to see him draw blood on some notion of accountability. And we certainly can’t DFA two guys a week, we need a longer term view.

One thing should be clear to every one of those guys—Elias is watching, and stuff like this is always being considered. These guys shouldn’t need much reminder—if you can’t keep a job with the 2019 Orioles you might be in the wrong line of work. Sitting on the bench for a day is relatively meaningless. 

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2 hours ago, Philip said:

Sure absolutely. He should have been pulled during the game. But he wasn’t.

Maybe he will be sat down for a game or two. I’m just meaning no one knows what goes on behind closed doors. That’s why I want to give Hyde a chance. Or more of a chance.

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16 hours ago, Enjoy Terror said:

I feel for him. I guess he’s not perfect either, but this is his first rodeo. He’s in a no-win situation (quite literally).

Could you imagine your job is to dig holes but management doesn’t have any shovels?

Well, if this is his Kobayashi Maru, then he should change the conditions of the test.



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15 hours ago, Philip said:

Oh it wasn’t 100, Was a bit of hyperbole, any idiot should’ve been aware of that, but I’m happy to explain to the elementary kids here. Usually it was 50 or 60, And after that he would switch to a different exercise like the flutter kick, and actually that’s the last specific name I can remember.  But it just became a part of normal life, for instance on Sunday we were allowed to buy the Sunday paper, but we had to do 50 push-ups. The newspaper boy was doubtless amused when every guy in the platoon went down with a buck and a half and did 50 push-ups before getting his paper and running upstairs.

I can still do 25 honest push-ups and that’s not too bad.

Maybe I’m just an idiot, but did you mean 50 when you said it there or more like 20?

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7 minutes ago, waroriole said:

Maybe I’m just an idiot, but did you mean 50 when you said it there or more like 20?

I'm trying to get over the idea of a whole platoon worth of soldiers wanting to read the Sunday paper, much less desiring their own copy instead of sharing. 

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