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Why did Davis go after Hyde? He was not happy.


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3 hours ago, theocean said:

I'm sorry that having the audacity to have an opinion that differs with yours is complete garbage.

I think it's important to realize that Brandon Hyde isn't a broadcaster like Jim Hunter, where it is refreshing to hear an announcer or commentator speak to the truth and not sugar-coat things. Brandon Hyde is the manager. His job is to be a leader and make sure the O's win games. If you're looking for the post-game presser to be a source of valuable insight, I think that is a terribly misguided expectation.

We don't need Brandon Hyde to tell us how bad this team is. You're right, everything Hyde has said is correct. But, there's plenty of people on ESPN, MASN, NBC, FOX, and tons of baseball websites to tell us that. What we need is Brandon Hyde to be a manager who keeps the clubhouse together and playing the best that they can. He isn't a commentator. He isn't the Orioles PR team. He's the manager.

Roch has now stated he thinks Davis threw something in frustration, it hit Hyde's foot possibly, Hyde said something that wasn't appreciated, and it set Davis off. Why is a manager doing that? Why is a manager saying to the press that the guys on his team are not good enough? He can do whatever he wants behind closed doors - but not publicly. Whether you agree with that or not - modern baseball players do not like that. At all. Take one look at the Red Sox/Dennis Eckersley situation and you'll know that modern baseball players have certain expectations. Hell, Joe Girardi was a great manager and he got shown the door in New York because the clubhouse wasn't with him.

Simply put, sure - if you're someone doesn't sugar-coat things, that's great. I completely understand. But, me personally, I care about what is effective. And we've seen on countless occasions that modern day baseball players have no patience for some of the things Hyde has been doing lately. We can shout about typical old-man-millenials-are-crybabies takes all day - but it doesn't matter. What matters is effective, and that's not trying to pick a fight with your first baseman. That's not talking to the press about how your pitching staff sucks.

Your statement that Hyde "picked a fight" is factually incorrect, if Davis hit Hyde with a thrown baseball helmet. It would also undermine your entire argument that Hyde's mishandling the team. I don't agree at all. I think Hyde's been brilliant so far given the outrageously horrid roster he's dealing with and all the losses after coming over from elite organizations. He's not used to terrible. And I am glad he has no patience for it. 

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This is pretty simple, Davis is the LAST GUY ON ANY TEAM that should take a shot at his manager for ANY KIND OF CRITICISM. The dude is hitting .183, and most likely owns the worst contract in MLB history from a performance stand point. This IDIOT should be happy he's in a major league dugout at all, let along playing or starting.

I feel pretty safe in saying if it were not for the contact he would be OUT OF BASEBALL COMPLETELY, or at the very least in the minors. There is no other team that would carry Davis on their MLB roster, and he's going to attack his coach in the dug out? REALLY!

Send this dude packing he makes my biggest MLB idiot of all time list. 

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6 hours ago, Beef Supreme said:

Yeah, I was afraid of referencing that jammy.

But Hyde did, in fact, begin the interaction. Davis did not react to Hyde farting.

While on the subject, starting a fire by placing a flame near an expectant fart is something that should be done with at least one layer of pants on. Also, when a person lets out a fart a little bit at a time while walking, it is called a "drag bunt."

I've always heard it called "crop-dusting".  But it's nice to have a baseball themed word for it too.

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1 minute ago, Roll Tide said:

The guys on 105.7 FM said that Hyde asked Davis if he could at least hit his weight. I should've posted it here and not the other thread.

I don't know the value of the information.

I'm thinking that was probably a joke. And Davis has lost a enough muscle where he might be hitting his weight now. 

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38 minutes ago, Roll Tide said:

The guys on 105.7 FM said that Hyde asked Davis if he could at least hit his weight. I should've posted it here and not the other thread.

I don't know the value of the information.

That would be an incredibly improper thing for Hyde to say.    Not sure I’m buying it.   

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