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Why did Davis go after Hyde? He was not happy.


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13 minutes ago, tntoriole said:

And we still don’t know what was said....Maybe it was this, maybe it was that...either way, physical violence is an unacceptable response generally in the workplace. If I had to be physically restrained from attacking my boss, I am pretty sure it would not be my boss who would be getting sanctioned for calling out my performance.  But prima donna millionaire baseball players? No, they can act out like this and still get supported because  managers should not have called them out “in the dugout.”    I am done with Chris Davis as an Oriole fan.  His behavior was disgraceful and he needs to be fired, imho. 

This 1,000 times over. 

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1 minute ago, tntoriole said:

Davis likely believes his contract buffers him from consequences and he has likely been even more hacked off ever since Showalter (his guy) and all the other veterans left...any other .180 hitting player would likely not have been acting out towards a manager because being DFAd orsent to Norfolk would have been the next step.  Davis knows it and Hyde knows it too...and now the effects on the rest of the team will remain to be seen. 

At least when Reggie did this, he was hitting 32 HRs and 110 rbis and 5 hrs in the Series that year...Davis has no room to be acting out hitting .180 for two years...and look at who had to be restrained in this episode....my, times have changed for sure...




The times have changed since Reggie. 

It looked "ragey" to me / 

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3 minutes ago, foxfield said:


Davis has struggled and has in spite of it generally said the right things.  At the same time, he really hasn't made any changes and the reason for his performance seems to be that he is simply not good enough to perform to his contract, or to really justify a position on a pretty poor team.  I didn't see the game, only the videos floating around during and after.  Hyde certainly could have handled the situation better, but we simply do not know the context for either side.  If he questioned Davis' effort or di so in a way that should have been handled in the office, then Hyde has to learn from that and has to own it.  Hyde has little managerial experience and no doubt is making mistakes in his first year.  He will either improve or he will be a bridge to someone else down the road.  But Davis, is the one who went off and he has to be held accountable too.  It was a terrible series, and a harsh reminder, that even though the Orioles have played better of late, they are a poor team, without the talent and pieces to be competitive night in and night out against better teams.

While we would all like to know exactly what transpired, it's probably best that it was handled the way it was.  In house.  But it seems that both men have to be held accountable for their own actions.  There is such a long way to go...

Actions speak louder than words. First Palmer called him out on it...now Hyde apparently...where's there's smoke there's usually fire. Bottom line, it's an embarrassing incident for an already embarrassing team. Last year the national focus was on Davis and his quest to be the worst player ever. And now it's back on Davis for his inappropriate actions. All he seems to be doing is bringing negative attention to the team. As painful as it would be to eat his salary this seems like it's quickly becoming an addition by subtraction type of scenario.  

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8 minutes ago, tntoriole said:

This article completely blames the episode on Davis and him getting mad for being pulled for a pinch hitter...probably not, I suspect but who knows?

There is certainly no hometown spin to this one. No softball local take. 

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7 minutes ago, tntoriole said:

This article completely blames the episode on Davis and him getting mad for being pulled for a pinch hitter...probably not, I suspect but who knows?

The thing that isn't clear to me is did Hyde call him out for lack of hustle but was not intending on pinch hitting for him until Davis's reaction in the dugout?  Not that it matters all that much but I would love to know the order of the incident.  

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1 minute ago, wildbillhiccup said:

Actions speak louder than words. First Palmer called him out on it...now Hyde apparently...where's there's smoke there's usually fire. Bottom line, it's an embarrassing incident for an already embarrassing team. Last year the national focus was on Davis and his quest to be the worst player ever. And now it's back on Davis for his inappropriate actions. All he seems to be doing is bringing negative attention to the team. As painful as it would be to eat his salary this seems like it's quickly becoming an addition by subtraction type of scenario.  

Look, I agree that Davis is a problem, but he is a problem because everyone knows he is here because of that contract.  And none of the people in charge are responsible for the contract.  I think it is likely Hyde felt he needed to address Davis in front of the team, but we simply don't know the context of what was said.  That doesn't excuse Hyde in any way if he was over the line.  But even if he was, Davis' reaction is simply unacceptable.  Regardless of where fault lies for last night, I thing it underscores why Davis on the roster but not contributing is a growing problem.  And that should not take away from the fact that until last night, Davis seemed to be playing pretty well defensively.  Certainly relative to three infielders playing in the outfield.  But here again, Davis being on the team is part of the reason this occurs.  Davis will be a lightning rod, with good attitude or not, until he is gone.

I just don't see how it can be otherwise.

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1 minute ago, foxfield said:

Look, I agree that Davis is a problem, but he is a problem because everyone knows he is here because of that contract.  And none of the people in charge are responsible for the contract.  I think it is likely Hyde felt he needed to address Davis in front of the team, but we simply don't know the context of what was said.  That doesn't excuse Hyde in any way if he was over the line.  But even if he was, Davis' reaction is simply unacceptable.  Regardless of where fault lies for last night, I thing it underscores why Davis on the roster but not contributing is a growing problem.  And that should not take away from the fact that until last night, Davis seemed to be playing pretty well defensively.  Certainly relative to three infielders playing in the outfield.  But here again, Davis being on the team is part of the reason this occurs.  Davis will be a lightning rod, with good attitude or not, until he is gone.

I just don't see how it can be otherwise.

This was a great post!! I agree 100% that Davis being on the team is senseless at this point.  Any attention he gets is typically negative attention which is exactly what this team doesn't need. 

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Why all the pages on a Double A ball team? Maybe they're even less than that. Certainly, Hyde doesn't belong at the helm with his inexperience,  the pitching quality is college level, and Elias should be fired after his first year for deliberately tanking this team with the lack of any substantial pitching moves in the off season. And for hiring a newbie manager. And for keeping a Davis on the team.

Brandon Hyde should be fired for many things, one of which is hiring a pitching coach who clearly is in over his head. 

Harsh? Watching this team in harsh. Paying to watch this team is even harsher. It's embarrassing. So embarrassing, MLB needs to force the Angelos brothers to sell the team. At least I hope it gets to that.  

I'd probably have more respect for this team if Elias had made a scintilla of effort in the off season to field a major league team, instead of another Bad News Bears! 

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37 minutes ago, turtlebowl said:

For years I had to watch Machado's lack of effort and all I ever heard was it would be taken care of behind closed doors.  Well whatever happened behind closed doors obviously had zero impact on Machado because he never changed.  Davis looked lazy in the game last night defensively.  Hyde has stressed from day 1 that he would not tolerate lack of effort.  Hyde was likely frustrated last night because the Yankees are making his team look like they don't belong on the same field.  He see's his highest paid player showing minimal effort and he called him out in front of his peers.  Could he of handled it a little better, probably.  Did he get his point across to Davis and the whole roster, absolutely.

Manny's "lack of effort" is due to him blowing out his knee running hard down the first base line against the Rays in 2013. Can't blame the guy for wanting to protect his body after an injury like that. Also, Machado never dogged it defensively like Davis is doing now. 

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