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How and when will MLB resume in 2020? Update: Owners Agree - Proposal Submitted to Union


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1 hour ago, eddie83 said:

Why would he die? From what? Do we have these concerns over the flu? 

This isn't the flu.  And one of the number one of the comorbidity is high blood pressure.  They said something like 40 to 50 percent of people who die have high blood pressure.  63 percent of people over 60 in this country have high blood pressure.  

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2 hours ago, eddie83 said:

Those models have been about as accurate as predicting snow in July. 

Florida with a huge population and an older one has under 1000 deaths. Does Florida not get the flu? The fear over this is becoming unreal.

-More and more data that this has been here far earlier than previous thought. 

- data that heat and humidity kill this 

- data that this preys on the elderly and/or those with underlying issues. 

   -in NY a study of 5700 patients. 88% had more one the comorbidities. 94% with at least one. The median was 4. 

   - CDC data- not complete- but clearly showing where the ages in death are occurring. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/index.htm

This virus was brutal in NY, New Jersey area. Perhaps up to 50% of deaths from that area. This thing is not killing young healthy Americans. There isn’t one scientific data point that says it is. There is no reason we can’t start to slowly return to our lives while protecting those who need it at the same time.  

Florida has the highest number of people unemployed in the country.  They are tourism and service based economy.  They are getting hit really hard by this.   I think it is pretty obvious Florida is under-reporting numbers. 

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1 hour ago, eddie83 said:

Why would he die? From what? Do we have these concerns over the flu? 

No, we don’t have these concerns over the flu.  But, unfortunately, this isn’t the flu.  Can you point out a time in the last 50 years when we lost 50k Americans in one month from the flu?

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1 hour ago, backwardsk said:

No, we don’t have these concerns over the flu.  But, unfortunately, this isn’t the flu.  Can you point out a time in the last 50 years when we lost 50k Americans in one month from the flu?

2017-18 was pretty bad and something like 60k died in the US.  During the whole year's flu season.

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My friend after 20 something days is getting out of the hospital. Two things ,one will need oxygen and blood thinners but not sure for how long.Also a Walker for awhile.

Had to tell him that a study shows that half of the people who were released with mild symptoms, take one to  eight days to shed the virus That is after symptoms are gone Worse symptoms  can take much longer to shed the virus.


Good News:
I’m scheduled to tentatively be released tomorrow. I’ve had no fever for 3 days. My cough has mostly subsided. My appetite is good. My oxygen saturation level has been consistently good. My portable oxygen has been delivered and my blood thinner prescription filled.....

BAD News:
I was retested today using the swab method of poking a swab into your brain (what it feels like) and the results were a certainty having been sick now for 29 days. NOTHING is a certainty with this virus that’s trying to kill me. My result was positive. I’m in shock a little bit, because it just doesn’t make sense. I’m waiting to speak to the doctor(s) to determine how this is even possible. I’ve been quarantined in the hospital for 19 DAYS!
This will likely not effect my release, however, I will likely have to travel home by ambulance and Susie will not be able to care for me. I’ll be on my own. 

I’m going to insist on a reswab tomorrow,
to clear me of a false positive. In any case, this is a little setback. I’ll deal with it and grateful to still be here.


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1 hour ago, atomic said:

This isn't the flu.  And one of the number one of the comorbidity is high blood pressure.  They said something like 40 to 50 percent of people who die have high blood pressure.  63 percent of people over 60 in this country have high blood pressure.  


1 hour ago, backwardsk said:

No, we don’t have these concerns over the flu.  But, unfortunately, this isn’t the flu.  Can you point out a time in the last 50 years when we lost 50k Americans in one month from the flu?

I would politely ask you both to go back and read what I said.

Right now one of my best friends is doing everything for his dad. He is in his early 70’s and in pretty good health but has an autoimmune disease. My friend gets all his groceries for him and any errands he needs. His dad is retired but has a part time job which right now he isn’t doing obviously. His dad never leaves the house nor should he. 

Four years ago my dad died. He was 69. Had high cholesterol, hypertension and fairly early stages of Parkinsons. If he was still alive he would not be leaving his house either. 

I referenced the flu in comparison to this in terms of young healthy adults. That’s it. 

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23 minutes ago, DrungoHazewood said:

2017-18 was pretty bad and something like 60k died in the US.  During the whole year's flu season.

Right, which is what? Eight months?  The number of non-NY/NJ deaths has tripled in the past two weeks.  This isn’t just a NYC problem.

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2 hours ago, DrungoHazewood said:

Hmmm... could be a perfect excuse to test a bunch of pace of play modifications.  Tell everyone the game is over after 2:30, whether you finish or not. 

In the book I'm reading there was a bit about how fans in the 1890s were getting a little upset about games taking two hours, when everyone was used to 90 minutes.  Tell the players it can be done, we're just not sure if they're up to it.  Make it a competitive thing.

I can’t see them playing games too early in the day. Would have to think if for sake of argument there are 10 teams in Texas that means 3 games in one stadium and 2 in another. Would have to have 6 teams in once city and four in the other. Play games at 1, 4 and 7?  I guess could play some at 8pm. 

Baseball was close to having access to 2 stadiums in Arlington. I believe though that the Rangers old park has already been retrofitted for soccer and football. Would be neat to see Houston get the Astrodome up and running...

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4 minutes ago, eddie83 said:

I can’t see them playing games too early in the day. Would have to think if for sake of argument there are 10 teams in Texas that means 3 games in one stadium and 2 in another. Would have to have 6 teams in once city and four in the other. Play games at 1, 4 and 7?  I guess could play some at 8pm. 

Baseball was close to having access to 2 stadiums in Arlington. I believe though that the Rangers old park has already been retrofitted for soccer and football. Would be neat to see Houston get the Astrodome up and running...

I think they ripped the seats out of the Astrodome  Also needs probably a new air conditioning system. But just need a few seats for the players and the Army Corp of Engineers can do the rest.

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7 minutes ago, Going Underground said:

I think they ripped the seats out of the Astrodome  Also needs probably a new air conditioning system. But just need a few seats for the players and the Army Corp of Engineers can do the rest.

I know, was kidding. 

I know they have talked about tearing it down for years and never have. 

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4 minutes ago, eddie83 said:

I can’t see them playing games too early in the day. Would have to think if for sake of argument there are 10 teams in Texas that means 3 games in one stadium and 2 in another. Would have to have 6 teams in once city and four in the other. Play games at 1, 4 and 7?  I guess could play some at 8pm. 

Baseball was close to having access to 2 stadiums in Arlington. I believe though that the Rangers old park has already been retrofitted for soccer and football. Would be neat to see Houston get the Astrodome up and running...

In '96 the Orioles swept Louisville in a tripleheader.  And that was about 40 years before MLB started using lights.  It can be done.  Might have to have the pitchers get some extra running in.  They'll get winded if they don't get the better part of a minute between pitches.

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5 minutes ago, Going Underground said:

I think they ripped the seats out of the Astrodome  Also needs probably a new air conditioning system. But just need a few seats for the players and the Army Corp of Engineers can do the rest.

What better setting for a Mad Max post-apocalyptic plague game?1000x-1.jpg

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1 minute ago, eddie83 said:

I know, was kidding. 

My Oriole source said the Orioles were going to charter planes  each day to Arizona ,so Oriole season ticket holders can watch the games in person.Oriole season ticket holders should be able to social distance more then six  feet. Spreading them out should be no problem. Go Scottsdale Orioles. 

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9 minutes ago, Going Underground said:

My Oriole source said the Orioles were going to charter planes  each day to Arizona ,so Oriole season ticket holders can watch the games in person.Oriole season ticket holders should be able to social distance more then six  feet. Spreading them out should be no problem. Go Scottsdale Orioles. 

Someone from Ravens called me couple days ago. I haven’t actually talked to them yet. They also emailed me last week? Orioles sent out an email awhile ago. Really curious what they do. Credit? Refund? 

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15 minutes ago, DrungoHazewood said:

In '96 the Orioles swept Louisville in a tripleheader.  And that was about 40 years before MLB started using lights.  It can be done.  Might have to have the pitchers get some extra running in.  They'll get winded if they don't get the better part of a minute between pitches.

My god the stories you have. 

I am sure the union would love that. 

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