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Hays or Mullins?

Bahama O's Fan

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This is starting to become more difficult than it should be to answer, but I'm still going to go with Hays. There are serious questions about Mullins. Hays is the better player by far and as such he'll probably get more opportunities if he struggles. The injury thing is real, but I'm not going to let one hamstring injury tip the scales. Before the season I would have said Hayes and three great games from Mullins and one injury doesn't change that

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Mullins.  He's already ahead and Hays just can't stay on the field.  I'm not overreacting to the hamstring today but if you had to pick one Oriole position player to exit the field early in the first series of the season due to an injury who would you pick?  

I agree with @ChosenOne21 that Hays is probably the better player but it doesn't matter if he can't stay healthy.  If Mullins hitting from the left side full time turns out to be a good move he might have a full time starting job here.

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Tough question! You have to think Mullins is just on a roll and will revert back to his mean. But he does seem to have gotten his legs under him. He does seem to have gotten thru whatever brain fart made him so bad in past seasons.

Hays is obviously the better player. More skills. Maybe he turns out to Jeffrey Hammonds (who had a fine career...) Hugely skilled but always fighting to stay on the field.

Mullins has, and might develop some more consistent, if on a lesser level, might develop some power to round out his game. SSSS (super SSS) but he did hit the Orioles longest HR last year. Just saw it mentioned on O's ALL Access but forget the distance. A shot WAY up into the bleachers in Right.


I have to go with....... Hays.

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It is too early to write off Austin Hayes.  It may be a big if right now but if he gets 500 at bats he will put up numbers.  I just think Mullins could be also have a very nice career for the Orioles.  He can be a really nice lead-off hitter for many years to come.  

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