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MLB gives guidance on foreign substances


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Figured this deserved its own thread rather than the Youtube video thread.  Feel free to merge if you would like


-Ejection and 10 day suspension with pay, player may not be replaced on roster

-Mandatory 2 checks for starters, relievers checked at the end of inning or when taken out

-Ump may check if suspects anything without other manager initiation

-Catchers checked and if found to be putting something on the ball is ejected along with pitcher both suspended

-Position players not checked but if something looks suspect, then ump can make his own determination

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That move to start enforcing the long-ignored rule, he said, is why he hurt his elbow.

"I just threw 80 something innings and you just told me I can't use anything. I have to change everything," he said, via Bally Sports' Tricia Whitaker. "I truly believe 100% that's why I got hurt. 

"I'm frustrated MLB doesn't understand. You can't just tell us to use nothing. It's crazy."

They should be allowed to throw without feeling pain but it cant be spider tac. 

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1 hour ago, jabba72 said:

That move to start enforcing the long-ignored rule, he said, is why he hurt his elbow.

"I just threw 80 something innings and you just told me I can't use anything. I have to change everything," he said, via Bally Sports' Tricia Whitaker. "I truly believe 100% that's why I got hurt. 

"I'm frustrated MLB doesn't understand. You can't just tell us to use nothing. It's crazy."

They should be allowed to throw without feeling pain but it cant be spider tac. 

So Glasnow was cheating(and he knew it), and now he's whining because he has to obey the rules. He says MLB doesn't understand. I think he's the one that doesn't understand.

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1 hour ago, Camden_yardbird said:

Major league baseball needs to provide an approved substance right now.  And not the rosin bag everyone knows doesn't work.

Make all the teams use it and level the playing field.

If all the players were following the rules, the playing field would be level.

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It's dumb to crack down on it all of a sudden in the middle of the season.  Glasnow seems like a whiny bitch, but I agree with him there (IIRC he said give us the offseason to make adjustments).  

Furthermore in regards to Glasnow....I haven't pitched since high school, I'm not sure why anyone would put a fastball grip deeper in his hand.  Fastball should be out on the fingertips.  He even said it in his video rant, he can't hold the ball light anymore....well, why not?  Why does he feel the need to grip it hard?  A fastball shouldn't be gripped hard to begin with.

I've heard some say that it's a safety issue, maybe for Glasnow it's that...maybe he doesn't want to sling it 98 mph without a good grip and feels the need to have something to create better command for himself.

Anyway, they should have waited until the offseason for this, it's pretty dumb.  I'm also surprised to see people equating Spider Tack with whatever Barry Bonds was injecting himself with, that's just ignorant too.  



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12 minutes ago, Moose Milligan said:

It's dumb to crack down on it all of a sudden in the middle of the season.  Glasnow seems like a whiny bitch, but I agree with him there (IIRC he said give us the offseason to make adjustments).  

Furthermore in regards to Glasnow....I haven't pitched since high school, I'm not sure why anyone would put a fastball grip deeper in his hand.  Fastball should be out on the fingertips.  He even said it in his video rant, he can't hold the ball light anymore....well, why not?  Why does he feel the need to grip it hard?  A fastball shouldn't be gripped hard to begin with.

I've heard some say that it's a safety issue, maybe for Glasnow it's that...maybe he doesn't want to sling it 98 mph without a good grip and feels the need to have something to create better command for himself.

Anyway, they should have waited until the offseason for this, it's pretty dumb.  I'm also surprised to see people equating Spider Tack with whatever Barry Bonds was injecting himself with, that's just ignorant too.  




We may see guys start overthrowing now without the sticky stuff, trying to get similar results to when they were cheating... so it doesn't look like they were cheating.  More strain on shoulders/elbows/wrists from extra force/pronation/supination and all that.  Could lead to injuries and then stupid ass excuses about poor grip.  Might be what happened with Glasnow.

There is a reason the ball has stitches and a reason rosin is allowed.  Maybe something else could be unilaterally added to those things.  What isn't needed are teams of chemists trying to turn these guys into Spiderman.  Handling it now is typical MLB stupidity though.


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16 minutes ago, Ripken said:


We may see guys start overthrowing now without the sticky stuff, trying to get similar results to when they were cheating... so it doesn't look like they were cheating.  More strain on shoulders/elbows/wrists from extra force/pronation/supination and all that.  Could lead to injuries and then stupid ass excuses about poor grip.  Might be what happened with Glasnow.

There is a reason the ball has stitches and a reason rosin is allowed.  Maybe something else could be unilaterally added to those things.  What isn't needed are teams of chemists trying to turn these guys into Spiderman.  Handling it now is typical MLB stupidity though.


A guy like Glasnow, throwing 100 is pretty much a max effort guy.  I believe him when he says he felt that throwing without sticky stuff is what contributed to his injury, but I question why he'd want to change his grips in the first place.  IIRC, the sticky stuff helps with the spin rate which is king these days.  These guys have such an innate feel for pitching, Glasnow whining about having to change his grip doesn't make sense.  Tiger Woods doesn't try to change his swing halfway through a round of golf.  Steph Curry doesn't change his jump shot partway through a basketball game. 

So Glasnow tries to go cold turkey without the sticky stuff, which....whatever, he's been dealt a crappy hand and is making the most of it.  But no one told him to change his grips.  No one told him to choke the hell out of the ball.  That's his problem and his problem alone. 

Rosin by itself doesn't help much from what I've been learning over the past few weeks.  Adding rubbing alcohol to rosin creates that stickiness that improves grip.  So does applying sunscreen to your arm, then going right to the mound and dumping rosin on the sunscreen creates a paste of sorts.  

I don't mind pitchers trying to get a better grip due to the aforementioned safety issues.  These guys are throwing harder than ever, it's important that they have a better idea of where it's going.

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