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Mancini ejection?


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3 minutes ago, tntoriole said:

No matter what is being said from the dugout.. why the heck do umpires need to respond to it?  Nobody in the stands can hear it and it is not disrupting the game until an overly sensitive, traditional bound umpire walks over and makes it a show. 

NFL refs hear profanity ALL the time and do nothing to coaches 

Coach K was totally profane to refs ALL the time .. never got a T 

Why should the sport condone that type of behavior?

I don't think the other ones should either.

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This is an example of two wrongs dont make a right.  Mancini does not make an attempt to go to second.  But he does turn in...which is allowable...but also allows some to discern movement away from first towards second.  The ump pretty clearly stares at the play in a tag him and ill call him out kind of way.  

Ump is wrong, but Trey probably should have hustled back to the bag since he turned in.  I mean that's what we tell em from the time they are kids.  

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That’s a bad call by the ump.  He turned towards 2B but clearly had no intention of running.   It’s not like he started, saw where the ball was and then stopped.  

Here’s the text of the rule book:

“A batter-runner cannot be tagged out after overrunning or oversliding first base if he returns immediately to the base”

The batter is out if “He fails to return at once to first base after overruning or oversliding that base.  If he attempts to run to second he is out when tagged.”

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1 hour ago, Can_of_corn said:

Why should the sport condone that type of behavior?

I don't think the other ones should either.

Free speech.. Mancini doesn’t work for that first base umpire.. why can he not say whatever he wants to say in his own dugout?  He is not threatening him, just verbally expressing himself. 

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20 minutes ago, tntoriole said:

Free speech.. Mancini doesn’t work for that first base umpire.. why can he not say whatever he wants to say in his own dugout?  He is not threatening him, just verbally expressing himself. 

What does the American concept of free speech have to do anything?

That is a very specific right that doesn't do what you apparently think it does.

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One thing I will say, posters here have a strong conviction in their stance!

Looking back at the video, at 9 seconds, Mancini does a bit of a "hop" towards second while looking back and seeing the catcher backing up the play. Now, there can be an argument all day long on if that is a move to second or not.

Seeing the play, I can see how the umpire could rule that Mancini made a move towards second (the hop) and retreated to first (due to the catcher backing the play up.)

Someone else in here said the umpire didn't explain the issue and instead ejected everyone. I guess they missed the entire video, where the umpire gestures towards second multiple times while talking with Hyde, explaining what he saw and considered a "move."

Now, does the fact I saw a play almost exactly like this in person the other night influence how I saw the video? Maybe.

Ground ball to an infielder, bad throw to first, catcher backing up the play. Batter/runner ran through first then turned to the left but didn't make ANY move, hop or sprint, toward second. Catcher still tagged him, ump called him "safe." Manager came out (since it was the minors, wasn't much of an argument) and the umpire told him "he turned into fair territory, but didn't make a move." Manager was content with that.

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I know that they don’t want games delayed but this is one that should be reviewed and then would’ve subsequently overturned . Mancini made no effort to take second and I’m betting he was within several inches the entire time to the baseline. Then nobody is pissed about the horrible call and there is no need for an ejection of anyone.

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6 hours ago, tntoriole said:

Free speech.. Mancini doesn’t work for that first base umpire.. why can he not say whatever he wants to say in his own dugout?  He is not threatening him, just verbally expressing himself. 

Lol free speech.  

Sure, free speech.  But there are also consequences for free speech.  He can say whatever he wants in his own dugout, you're absolutely correct.  The problem for Trey is that it was aimed at the first base umpire.  

But you draw the line at threatening him?  So what would be acceptable, insults about his mother?  How ****ty of an umpire he is?  

Ahhh, yeah, free speech, no consequences.  That's right.  

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13 hours ago, Can_of_corn said:

It's not a call you see often at all but technically it's the correct call.  At the 10 second make Mancini does take a single step toward second while checking to see if the throw got away.

It's not something you should get yourself ejected over.

The call was beyond nonsense.  He didn't move towards second at all.  The only tiny shred of logic the ump has to hold onto here is that Mancini turned counter-clockwise instead of clockwise, but he barely stepped on the foul line, much less moved towards second! 

Looking at the rules this is up to the ump's judgment if he moved towards second base, but I can't imagine an objective neutral party saying he moved towards second.  This is like an ump calling a checked swing a swing when the bat barely left the batter's shoulder.  It's his judgment, so he can call whatever he wants, no matter how ridiculous.

I probably would have been thrown out there, too. 

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6 hours ago, Legend_Of_Joey said:

Looking back at the video, at 9 seconds, Mancini does a bit of a "hop" towards second while looking back and seeing the catcher backing up the play. Now, there can be an argument all day long on if that is a move to second or not.

If that was a move towards second base then every one of the ball fours in this video were swings.

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9 hours ago, tntoriole said:

No matter what is being said from the dugout.. why the heck do umpires need to respond to it?  Nobody in the stands can hear it and it is not disrupting the game until an overly sensitive, traditional bound umpire walks over and makes it a show. 

NFL refs hear profanity ALL the time and do nothing to coaches 

Coach K was totally profane to refs ALL the time .. never got a T 

There were 17 people in the stands.  You could probably hear a casual conversation from six sections over.  I'm sure half the people in the stadium could hear what he was saying.

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