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The Teixeira Watch: Part IV


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Tex having an opt out clause at age 35 makes no sense so that right away makes me think this info is false.

If there was an opt out, it would be after 3-4 years so Tex could still be in his prime.

It could make some sense if that was the only way any team would budge on an opt out clause, or if the contract is front loaded and Tex thinks he can make more money with a different deal.

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I can't keep up with all the posts here, so this may have already been said, but it looks to me like Roch's latest blog entries are calling out Belkast pretty badly.

I love reading this board for all the rumors. I love listening to Belkast and know that he's well intentioned. However, with this whole Tex thing, if we don't sign him, Belkast is going to have to go into hiding with all the mad posters on this board. It'd be one thing if Belkast said that he was just optimistic, but the posts where he's made it sound like it's a done deal and such are going to be his undoing if this doesn't come through.

This is wrong.

Belkast has specifically said he's very optimistic but he's also said he's not making any announcements. It's impossible to keep all of the new people, and even the experienced posters, on message, but Belkast has been awesome in this whole thing.

Let's just say that Olney's right and Boston gets him. All that means is Belkast's optimism was trumped because Boston upped their offer. Every cautious person on this board has understood that this could happen at any time until an official announcement was made.

I repeat: Belkast has definitively said he's not making any announcements.

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Im not sure if this was said but what if Tex wants to come here and is willing to take a discount to come here. However, Boras is still going to try to get the best offer possible from us. Therefore he is trying to leak little things out over the past couple of days like the Red Sox up their offer or the Angels have an offer out there to scare us into offering more.

Either way I am okay with our stance of not offering more money. There has to be a certain point where we cannot go because it will be detramental to our future and that might be the case here.

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It could make some sense if that was the only way any team would budge on an opt out clause, or if the contract is front loaded and Tex thinks he can make more money with a different deal.

At 35? Why the heck would Tex want to opt out of his deal on the possible downside of his career?

I doubt Boras would go for that. Most opt out clauses are in 4 years or less. ARod's was an exception because he was so young IMO.

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Which is either very good or very bad.

AM is very good at keeping things to himself and sending out misleading signals...but AM is not a liar.

So, who really knows? I am not sure what to believe...I tend to side with our insiders because I think it is very coincidental that the media is all hearing the same thing and the media is the exact group of people AM would want to mislead...especially in a negotiation like this...with a Boras client.

Well, there is ONE constant: Teix is unsigned (as far as we know) at the moment.

Now, if the O's really had only a 7@$140-150 deal on the table, and the Nats had 8@$200 along with the Redsox, what would account for his not being signed? You could say he really wants to play near his home and is waiting for the O's to step to the plate, but the Nats (apparently) already have AND the O's hadn't budged in a week. Seems like a choice would have been made already. But, it hasn't. I have to think we are in it. Whether we are ahead etc, I have no clue. But if the media report that we're all but out of it as true, I think a decsion would have been made by now.

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Yeah, I appreciate the information and I wasn't trying to call you out. I just find it very interesting that your Dad gave the same numbers Schmuck put on the internet this morning. I know you want Teix to sign here. If I knew anyone or had anything to contribute, I would post it too. Thanks.

No offense was taken, I just wanted to point out that I agree with you and I'm taking everything with a grain of salt at this point. and...you're welcome.

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It could make some sense if that was the only way any team would budge on an opt out clause, or if the contract is front loaded and Tex thinks he can make more money with a different deal.

So you're saying thats the only way a team would budge? Given the situation, I highly doubt that it's Tex's side thats going to have to budge on this one.

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