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Does the New CBA Create a New Service Time Manipulation?


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Obviously, under the old CBA, there was an incentive to keep players down for a few weeks to gain an extra year of service time. Under the new CBA, players that finish in the top 2 of the ROY automatically gain a full year of service time. In addition, if a team has a player on the Opening Day roster and that player finishes in the top 3 of the ROY rankings, the team acquires a draft pick. 

Could there be a delayed service clock manipulation - one that won't affect FA, but other benefits? And could this impact the O's at all this year? Meaning in terms of Gunnar Henderson, DL Hall, and Jordan Westburg (GrayRod is likely a nonfactor in this conversation) - is there an incentive to keep them down until the beginning of September to preserve their rookie status? I'm not saying I approve of the strategy (I don't know where the theoretical picks would be - and they're not guaranteed), but could this incentive impact a call up date? 

I'm generally against external factors impacting a players development. But if a 2 week delay in a promotion created a, say, supplemental 2nd round pick - in a year we're likely not competing - it could make sense. 

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1 minute ago, owknows said:

Can't get nuthin by you Deputy Fife. ☺️

Cool man. I admittedly am unable to read the board as much as I used to (with little ones running around) so I could've easily missed this. But I haven't seen it discussed elsewhere. Apologies if this has been talked about. 

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34 minutes ago, Aristotelian said:

I would think a Rookie who comes up in the second half may barely qualify but is unlikely to win it. Would any of our players have a chance of beating Rodriguez, Pena, or Witt? I don't see that happening

I'm saying to preserve rookie status for 2023. So 45 days or fewer, 130 AB's or less (for batters), and 50 IP or less (for pitchers). If they're still rookies in 2023, they could net draft picks (in 2024).

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The window from now until 8/24 (going off memory if off by a day or two) gets so small fast that I feel like if nothing happens with the Hall-Westburg-Gunnar group in the next week or so, I feel it likely wouldn't happen until then.

75 days or 44 days....a month of contributions could matter helping this team and readying them for October on the longshot.

But 60 days or 44 days...what's the use?    I believe 44 days and down (and 50 IP/130 AB) rookie status carries to 2023.   

I think you probably improve 2023 rookie performance if you give Gunnar-Westburg that Mountcastle-esque 128 at-bats, or Hall that handful of games.    I suspect Blackjack Basic Strategy and maximizing under the new rules this could be the line.    You can't not split aces, etc.

I don't think Stowers-Vavra rate as Rookie of the Year profiles so they could be more anytime.    I suppose Hall could be sooner, and would not be surprised if in that scenario he reached his yearend shutdown after about 40 days.

I still haven't learned if the awarded picks are Comp A or Comp B.    If they are Comp A near $2mm slot, and you believe Cohen's 5X aggregate tweet, it is basically a $10mm incentive for Clubs to set a star rookie after a pick bonus.    I think we're throttling the 2022 race, and flooding the 2023.

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