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Cubs trade DeRosa to Indians; Does this mean Pie for Olson back on??


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Well, if you're drafting for 1B you'd likely get below-AVG power (for 1B) and fringe-plus-plus-hitting. Above-average speed. If Ackely doesn't hit his ceiling, and say tops out as plus-hitting, you're using a top 5 pick for between 15-20 HR and a .300ish average.

I understand the pick a lot more if you work him out at 2B or if you have reason to believe he can return to the OF. But if your plan is 1B, look elsewhere.

Thank you sir.

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Just like they did with BJ Ryan....

It could have turned out better had a team with a good record signed him instead of the Blue Jays.

As it is, we got Pedro Beato and Ryan Adams.

The Yankees lost Tom Gordon and got Ian Kennedy and Joba Chamberlain.

It happens.

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He should able to move back to the OF.

Ackley is not a top 5 pick as a 1B. But he might be as a 2B or OF.

Is this opinion? I'm honestly interested because word out of UNC is he'll be at 1B but they are not clarifying the reason (it was assumed he'd be back to CF in 2009). If it's a matter of not pushing his shoulder and keeping him healthy, great. They have a good chance at a National Championship this season and it could be that his bat in the order is the most important issue. If it's a question of his shoulder never being able to take the full load of OF throws then that's a different matter all together.

2B would seem to be a good option, since it's a different arm action with less shoulder stress. You'd have to work him out there, though, before committing a 1:5.

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How long did it take the Rays to become a play off team? You can't blame Andy for the years we did nothing to improve our farm system before he got here. That stink falls on the previous administration, who I believe some on this board wishes was still here to funnel them info.

Our revenue stream is probably 3 times that of TB. Also we don't have all the #1 picks Tampa has had either. How long did it take the Tigers to become a playoff team???

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Because we've not doing anything to upgrade the talent in this system and get better. We're going on the cheap and putting more money in PGA's pocket. That's why.

IF that's true, wouldn't you think it's more likely that MacPhail is following orders from the owner?

The way you write about MacPhail makes it seem like you think he's choosing this course of action because of his own motivations/m.o./whatever and needs to be held accountable for it.

I enjoy your posts whether they're of an insider nature or not, but the lack of logic between point A and point B in some of them lately is apalling. I'm not putting you on ignore or any nonsense like that, but keep in kind their are numerous posters trying to tell you the same thing. Maybe it's not all of us. Maybe it's you.

(And if it is, no biggie. Ain't met a perfect person yet)

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I must say, I'm taken aback at the snippy tone by just about everyone today on all sides of the issues being debated.

I think I've said about all I'm going to say. I have some concerns about the approach AM is taking, but I also feel it's premature to judge. That's my personal view. I'm not going to hurl insults at others who feel that there is no need to wait and they have enough basis for judgment already. If that's their view, they are entitled to hold that opinion. If others think AM is doing exactly what he should do, and that moving more dramatically would set the franchise back, that's a valid opinion, too. To me, either position can find plenty of logical support.

I do know this: the season doesn't start until April. There's plenty of time to let the picture come into better focus and that's what I intend to do.

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I must say, I'm taken aback at the snippy tone by just about everyone today on all sides of the issues being debated.

I think I've said about all I'm going to say. I have some concerns about the approach AM is taking, but I also feel it's premature to judge. That's my personal view. I'm not going to hurl insults at others who feel that there is no need to wait and they have enough basis for judgment already. If that's their view, they are entitled to hold that opinion. If others think AM is doing exactly what he should do, and that moving more dramatically would set the franchise back, that's a valid opinion, too. To me, either position can find plenty of logical support.

I do know this: the season doesn't start until April. There's plenty of time to let the picture come into better focus and that's what I intend to do.

What? Get out of here with that logic.

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I must say, I'm taken aback at the snippy tone by just about everyone today on all sides of the issues being debated.

I think I've said about all I'm going to say. I have some concerns about the approach AM is taking, but I also feel it's premature to judge. That's my personal view. I'm not going to hurl insults at others who feel that there is no need to wait and they have enough basis for judgment already. If that's their view, they are entitled to hold that opinion. If others think AM is doing exactly what he should do, and that moving more dramatically would set the franchise back, that's a valid opinion, too. To me, either position can find plenty of logical support.

I do know this: the season doesn't start until April. There's plenty of time to let the picture come into better focus and that's what I intend to do.

So superior with your reason, patience, and calm. Frankly, Frobby, I think we should all turn on you.

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What a great, logical argument to make.


Some picks work out. Some don't. Saying you don't want picks solely and basing that on some of the ones that haven't worked out is very clearly and obviously inept logic.

The value of draft picks is relatively known. If we get more offered in trade than that value for a pending FA, pull the trigger. If not, take the picks. Its really not even a remotely difficult concept.

Agree... just like some free agent signings work out and some don't.

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Well, if you're drafting for 1B you'd likely get below-AVG power (for 1B) and fringe-plus-plus-hitting. Above-average speed. If Ackely doesn't hit his ceiling, and say tops out as plus-hitting, you're using a top 5 pick for between 15-20 HR and a .300ish average.

I understand the pick a lot more if you work him out at 2B or if you have reason to believe he can return to the OF. But if your plan is 1B, look elsewhere.

I agree which is why we should have taken Smoak this past year who could have been our 1st baseman as soon as 2010, but I've already mentioned that so I won't go there...

The point is we shouldn't keep drafting pitching, and ignore ML ready position players when we have holes all over the IF, and plenty of arms to step up to the rotation.

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