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Orioles sign Kyle Gibson


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9 hours ago, Flash- bd said:

Well, I think it's pretty clear they figured out something with Voth and that the Baltimore version has little to do with the Washington version. 

Yeah, Voth was a statcast darling which is why he got so many chances with the Nats, so it isn't like his 2022 with the Orioles was a total shock.

I don't think he is going to have a 3.04 ERA going forward but he has a reasonable chance to be a decent back end of the rotation starter.

As for whether Gibson will be better than 4 of Kremer, Bradish, Rodriguez, Hall, Voth and Wells, all but Voth have options so I am excited to let the cream rise to the top and have the rest simmer at AAA (or potentially the bullpen in Hall's case).

If a Gibson signing means that we don't give 40+ starts to guys like Spencer Watkins, Zimmermann, Baumann, Chris Ellis and Bryan Baker like they did in 2022, then it is tough to be against it.

Edited by MurphDogg
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47 minutes ago, DirtyBird said:

Lyles rotation spot was #1 in starts, #1 in innings and #1 in wins.

If you think Gibson is taking over all those spots in the rotation, I think you are wrong.

I am simply referring to the rotation spot itself. That open rotation spot was a golden opportunity for the Orioles to upgrade from someone below average to someone above average, thus improving the 2023 club's chances of competing for a playoff spot, and it was instead filled someone else who is below average. Lyles is out, Gibson is in, no real improvement has occurred, and now there is one less spot where an upgrade to the team's area of greatest need for 2023, the rotation, could be made.

Choosing to punt on that rotation spot this early in the offseason, when so many legitimate rotation upgrades remain available in both free agency and via trade, is completely and utterly insane to me. It implies that Elias is working with extremely limited resources, which in turn implies that ownership has no intention of loosening the purse strings in any meaningful way, even after an 83-79 finish and the arrivals of Adley and Gunnar. That is very discouraging.

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I agree with posters who point out that we are likely to sign another pitcher this off-season, someone with more upside and a better track record than Gibson.   

So what?  What does that have to do with whether we should have signed Gibson?  If we sign (say) Bassitt or Eovaldi, we still have 4 rotation slots to fill, and giving one of them to Gibson means that we are bumping two of Wells, Bradish, Kremer, GrayRod, and Voth to the bullpen or Norfolk.  All five of those guys are younger and have more upside than Gibson, and four of them were better MLB starting pitchers in 2022 than Gibson.  And I'm not even counting John Means or DL Hall as possible rotation options.  

Bumping any of those guys for Gibson probably makes the 2023 Orioles worse.   Yes, there is some upside risk that Chris Holt's magic touch can unlock a higher level of performance for Gibson, but unless that happens, the O's are going to have 9 million reasons to keep Gibson in the rotation, even if he isn't helping the team. 


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21 minutes ago, MurphDogg said:

Yeah, Voth was a statcast darling which is why he got so many chances with the Nats, so it isn't like his 2022 with the Orioles was a total shock.

I don't think he is going to have a 3.04 ERA going forward but he has a reasonable chance to be a decent back end of the rotation starter.

As for whether Gibson will be better than 4 of Kremer, Bradish, Rodriguez, Hall, Voth and Wells, all but Voth have options so I am excited to let the cream rise to the top and have the rest simmer at AAA (or potentially the bullpen in Hall's case).

If a Gibson singing means that we don't give 40+ starts to guys like Spencer Watkins, Zimmermann, Baumann, Chris Ellis and Bryan Baker like they did in 2022, then it is tough to be against it.

Agreed, though the progression of Grayson, Hall, and latterly Means recovery, would seem to solve that in 2023. 

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