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Content hire..Cal Perry

Sports Guy

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It has been at least five years since the consequences of having an "unfortunate" social media history have been understood.  For someone who has been hired as Senior Vice President and Chief Content Officer to not be aware of the benefits of taking steps to rectify his past indiscretions and then lie about it afterward in this media climate is not only extraordinary but laughable. 

But top qualification on his job description looks to be "storyteller" so I guess Cal Perry deserves full points for consistency.

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3 hours ago, Pickles said:

Oh, I didn't realize racial slurs were cool so long as we weren't describing individuals.

I'll drop this now because this is exactly what's wrong with twitter and social media in general: People pretending to be offended by things in order placte their internal emptiness and demonstrate their superior morality.

Cal Perry is human garbage.  All propagandists are, which describes virtually everyone working in corporate media.

He spent years lying to the American public, and the world at large, about the Iraq War.  He's almost certainly a spook as well.  He must not be very intelligent to end up here, but he's certainly garbage none the less.

This post is in violation of several board rules.  I never heard of Cal Perry until yesterday and have no opinion of his character, but personal attacks like this are directly contrary to the board’s rules.  

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This is the absolute strangest thing the Orioles have done in my lifetime. This is a guy with ties to those who have run the country into the ground over the past 20 years. So, let’s make  him a senior VP of the Orioles. He can discredit and eliminate the evil Orioles fans critical of the team. 

I am just going to put this out there. If I write critical things about the Orioles in the future, I did not hang myself. 😂 

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5 hours ago, Can_of_corn said:

I'm not using it as a generational term but an attitude.

The term for the actual generation is "Baby Boomer".  A "Boomer" is something else.  Kinda like how "Karen" isn't actually a comment about people named Karen.

Sorry if my nuance confuses you.

It's not a nuance. It's you acting like a jerk by using boomer for anything you think is old. It's BS and you know it.

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