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630 start time plus pitch clock

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2 hours ago, DrungoHazewood said:

When you say "no scientific study to conclude that for sure" I think the reality is closer to "there's really no evidence that the pitch clock is anything but a minor contributing factor." I think it's quite obvious that the root cause of pitching injuries is almost every pitcher trying to throw almost every pitch at 110% of their reasonable capacity. Sure, wildly over-straining your arm might be slightly more dangerous if you do it a bit more quickly, but that doesn't change the fact that the wildly over-straining part is the overwhelming cause. It's like saying you broke your hand punching the brick wall, but saying the real problem was how quickly you repeated the punching.

Of course that didn't stop people like Tony Clark from issuing knee-jerk, reactionary, baseless statements blaming the pitch clock. He's paid to look out for his current members, and only slightly cares that the product on the field is immensely more enjoyable with a clock.

Pretty sure you can make this statement about many issues. Clark is one of the biggest problems in baseball and the sooner the MLPBA jettisons him the better off the game will be. 

I love the pitch clock and was a big proponent of it when I saw it used in the minors. Players have mostly adjusted to it, nd pitch or hitter clock violations are pretty rare. 

As for the pitcher's injuries, I tend to agree with you. The max effort of pitchers trying to create velocity and/or spin rates can not be good for arms. I also don't know how they would study something like this. How can you study how much time is needed between repeating a violent unnatural act with your arm before it breaks? 

This is lot like trying to figure out why some guys have a "rubber arm" and can pitch with less rest than others. It's all a hard thing to study, but with stat cast data available for players throughout the minor leagues (to teams, not the public unfortunately), they may be able to track guys a little better and correlate what pitches, spin rates, and mount of pitches break guys more frequently.

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5 minutes ago, Fiver6565 said:

i love the 4PM.  I think when it gets to that Africa hot level heat, the difference b/w 4 and 7 isn't much anyway - its hot as hell either way.  Sure the seats in the sun are hotter, but you can prepare for that, and its not usually for the entire game.

And the pitch clock/635 first pitch combo is just awesome, I can't say enough positive things about it.  Last nights game - tense, well pitched, great atmosphere, and a W - and it all being completed by 9PM is a big cherry on top of that.  That same exact game, played under the old rules, ends at 10:30-11, and even w/ the good result, the feeling from the game is different, in a bad way.

But there is a big difference in being in direct sunlight and not. Either way, I realize others like the 4:05 start time. I just happened to like having a game to watch on Saturday nights.

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Just now, Tony-OH said:

But there is a big difference in being in direct sunlight and not. Either way, I realize others like the 4:05 start time. I just happened to like having a game to watch on Saturday nights.

yeah I've sat in the CF bleachers for a couple of these and I can admit that it was a relief when the sun went down below the upper stands and finally put us in shade, LOL.  Still, I like the 4PM time when I'm watching at home, it fits nicely in with whatever barbecuing or general hanging out we're doing on Saturdays typically.

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7 minutes ago, Fiver6565 said:

yeah I've sat in the CF bleachers for a couple of these and I can admit that it was a relief when the sun went down below the upper stands and finally put us in shade, LOL.  Still, I like the 4PM time when I'm watching at home, it fits nicely in with whatever barbecuing or general hanging out we're doing on Saturdays typically.

This is a good point, but I guess I've found that 4-7 period is usually a transition time for me from the days activities (motorcycles, boating, BBqing, etc) and I enjoyed knowing I had a game to watch that evening. But I get the other side too. 

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