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I want to say this about Coby Mayo (All Inclusive)

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Just now, Roy Firestone said:

I think it's a fair opinion. Elias is doing his management job. I DO get that. I just think it's absurd that this extremely talented player who can help us unassuming he hits, is not even a consideration for 2 more weeks or whatever it is. It's a crummy deal for him...and for us as fans.

Completely agree. Frustrating and ridiculous. Hell, I’ve been rostering him on my fantasy league stash list all season…..and I just lost my starting second baseman today. Yes, my Oriole bias infects my fantasy roster……

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50 minutes ago, Frobby said:

Saving Mayo’s rookie  status is not related to saving money unless Mayo doesn’t play a full season NEXT YEAR.   There’s no difference in terms of Mayo’s eligibility for free agency or arbitration regardless of whether Mayo is brought up now or next March.   So Roy, you are flatly wrong about that.  

Where rookie status does matter is Mayo’s eligibility for Rookie of the Year next season.  If he passes rookie limits in the last two months of this year, he can’t win the award next year, and the O’s can’t earn an extra draft pick that they’d get if he did win it.   But it’s not related to his comp, or saving money.  

Roy, you can obsess about Mayo and post your opinion every single day for as long as you want.   But it gets a little old, even for those who agree Mayo should be up.  And, I have to say, if Mayo played better defense he’d be up here now.   His performance at 3B is very mediocre and at 1B he’s been nothing short of awful.   That is absolutely holding him back, no matter how much you may think otherwise.  

All that said, I’d be excited to see Mayo get called up, and fully expect he’ll be up in the next several weeks.  


This is all 100% correct and I’ll add, the PPI was put in place precisely for this reason and the Orioles have behaved exactly as intended with their top prospects Gunnar and Holliday (who knows on Adley since he got hurt). Both had the shot at a full year of service time - Gunnar earned it and Holliday showed he needed more development time.

Mayo can have a gripe if his callup is delayed next year. But I fully expect him to debut this year and be in the Opening Day roster next year, and the difference in being called up now, in two weeks or on Opening Day next year is meaningless for his service time.

If any prospects got a tougher deal, it’s the guys who were blocked and spent a long time in AAA - Ortiz, Norby, Stowers. And guess what? They got traded to teams that will give them better opportunities.

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6 minutes ago, LA2 said:

Sorry but I feel this is a very contrived concern.

No doubt. The coaches and development plan is still the same. It’s not like he’s suddenly in a dysfunctional clubhouse. Losing that internal competition hurts though

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1 minute ago, Roy Firestone said:

I think it's a fair opinion. Elias is doing his management job. I DO get that. I just think it's absurd that this extremely talented player who can help us unassuming he hits, is not even a consideration for 2 more weeks or whatever it is. It's a crummy deal for him...and for us as fans.

i wanted Mayo up over Urias all year long, but if its a couple weeks to retain the year, and possible ROY chances next year im not sure why anyone would assume Elias wouldn’t be always thinking about constant reloading the farm. We have a new owner and a good GM which most of us never saw in our lifetimes and yet so many people are constantly looking for things to be negative about wether that be just in the terms of striking up convo or to just be a a complainer, im not calling you out as complaining as you been on the Mayo train all year like me.  — But where we disagree is now that it’s so close to retaining the year i say retain it and Mayo can go win ROY the next year and raise his value. Me personally i want the Orioles to be good for a couple decades not like the Blue Jays who mismanaged everything and only gave themselves a couple year window, if it takes a couple weeks yet im all for it. 

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1 hour ago, Malike said:

Who cares, he'll be here for 6 years no matter what he thinks. He's 22 years old playing spotty defense. I bet you the majority of the guys in AAA think they are ready to come up and play at the MLB level. He's not on the 40 man and they are preserving his rookie eligibility, like it or not. If Coby isn't a big enough boy to realize that this is a business then he's probably not the sharpest tool in the shed.

I think these guys all understand that this is a business. But they’re no different than anyone else in any other business who are busting their ass, performing at a high level and feeling that they need a challenge and a promotion. 

People want this to be like the glory days of the 60s-80s, part of that is creating an organization that people want to be a part of and love playing for. I completely get that’s a propeller hat beanie statement but you want guys who want to stick around. I don’t see the problem with that. 

I’m sure Mayo sees Westy go down today, doesn’t get called up and is either thinking “what the **** else do I gotta do to get a call up” and/or “this rookie eligibility stuff is BS.” 

In regard to his spotty defense, it’s also a BS excuse. I’m sure he’ll have made leaps and bounds in progress between now and the end of August in the defense department when they call him up. He’ll be a regular Brooks over there. 

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1 hour ago, Malike said:

Who cares, he'll be here for 6 years no matter what he thinks. He's 22 years old playing spotty defense. I bet you the majority of the guys in AAA think they are ready to come up and play at the MLB level. He's not on the 40 man and they are preserving his rookie eligibility, like it or not. If Coby isn't a big enough boy to realize that this is a business then he's probably not the sharpest tool in the shed.

How many younglings have we had sign, or even gave an inclination to sign....extended contracts since what?  Cal?

The fact is this organization treats their most precious commodities.....your controllable and most gifted players.....like actual commodities.   Like a company who treats its stock structure with impudence....diluting like crazy.  With no regard for its shareholders.  Or in this case...no regard for how a young player feels while growing with an organization. 

They do not feel appreciated. 

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42 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

He’s not gaining any more service time. The Os won’t get him for longer if they bring him up two months ago, now or 3 weeks from now. 

It’s to keep a potential ROY draft pick available 

Or God forbid he has a health mishap in the coming weeks and is still kicking the ball around Sarasota in March 2025...then it might become only prudent and sensible to rerun the Ryan Mountcastle play.

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This is tiresome so I'm just going to copy and paste what I wrote in the other Mayo thread.  Or maybe there are more.  I've lost count, but this is really getting old.  So here it is:

I have to say it is annoying to see the same pattern around here with our top prospects.  It’s like people expect Mayo to come here and set the world on fire.  Do we forget how hard it was for Henderson, Cowser, Holliday and even Westburg to adjust? Do we want both Holliday and Mayo trying to make those adjustments in the middle of a pennant race?

I see no problem with calling Mayo up in September to give him a taste and then hopefully be ready to be a productive player at the start of 2025.  

Sure, it’s a hard decision but man we’ve got to stop acting like this is some grave injustice.  I’m glad we have a GM who is patient.  

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10 minutes ago, Roy Firestone said:

I said I would be resentful if it were me. I also said he's been a "good soldier"while everyone around him was called up. I have no information on how HE feels.I know how I would feel. 

You also said you know his family well and are in contact with them several times a week.  In fact, that is the context in which you placed your post.  I read the post carefully and recognize the way you were using language protectively, but I also see that it didn't work as well as you might have intended.  A lot of people don't read carefully and are more that ready to draw unwarranted connections, and think we are seeing a lot of that in this thread. 

BTW, I didn't start or sign on to the notion of Mayo becoming a "clubhouse cancer" which you perhaps think I did given your later response to me in this thread.  The completely unfounded rumor that Mullins and Mountcastle were clubhouse cancers that circulated a couple of days ago are a perfect example of how easy it is to turn idle speculation into "reality".

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Maybe they plan on giving first base to Coby Mayo next season after they move Mountcastle?  Maybe the manager/coaches at Norfolk are telling management that he's not good enough in the field to be on the Major League squad yet.   Maybe they really like the defense around the current infield and there wouldn't be a place for Mayo if he came up here.   

There are a lot of possible factors involved in promoting a guy with a great hit tool, but is very weak on defense.   I could certainly understand Coby's frustration...but he's going to have to wait it out.

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I think right now the defensive issues that Gunnar has had isn’t helping Mayo’s cause to be called up.  I don’t think they want an infield with a rookie at both third base and second base.  It probably has more to do with the rookie status being preserved.  That is a complement to him because I am sure Elias thinks he could be the rookie of the year next year and grant that draft pick.  Could the Orioles have 3 in a row?  Has that ever happened before?  Also the offense is not a problem right now.  The Orioles are scoring plenty of runs without Coby Mayo’s bat.  I also am pretty sure that the Orioles management communicates with Mayo that they want him to work on things before he is called up.  I doubt he is resentful.  

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25 minutes ago, owknows said:

Roy, I'd like to have seen him up last year. But as for now, if they keep him down long enough to preserve his rookie status they're actually doing him a favor.. inasmuch as he is probably a ROY contender, and if he finishes first or second next year, he gains a free year of service time, and costs the club a year of control.

As long as he is on the opening day roster next year and stays up the whole year, he won’t get any additional service time for ROY.  He would get a $750K, however.

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I believe that the Orioles' MiL development team has decided that Coby Mayo is not a third baseman.  I wish they had given him some time in right field, but they obviously didn't think he'd be a good fit there.  They've been giving him a good bit of time at first base but we have not need for a first baseman right now.  So, they've already started the Ryan Mountcastle play and until Ryan is moved (which means after the season since the trade deadline has passed) Mayo will have to wait.

[Really wanted to have a "the Orioles will hold the Mayo" reference, but I'm sure it's been used.]

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1 minute ago, Moose Milligan said:

I think these guys all understand that this is a business. But they’re no different than anyone else in any other business who are busting their ass, performing at a high level and feeling that they need a challenge and a promotion. 

People want this to be like the glory days of the 60s-80s, part of that is creating an organization that people want to be a part of and love playing for. I completely get that’s a propeller hat beanie statement but you want guys who want to stick around. I don’t see the problem with that. 

I’m sure Mayo sees Westy go down today, doesn’t get called up and is either thinking “what the **** else do I gotta do to get a call up” and/or “this rookie eligibility stuff is BS.” 

In regard to his spotty defense, it’s also a BS excuse. I’m sure he’ll have made leaps and bounds in progress between now and the end of August in the defense department when they call him up. He’ll be a regular Brooks over there. 

If he needs a challenge he should keep working at 3B defense and people are saying the reason he hasn't hit much in a month is he's bored, maybe focus and keep the nose to the grindstone. I think he was getting called up before he broke his ribs because Ramon wasn't hitting at all and he would have had enough time to win ROY if he came up and mashed. He got hurt, that sucks, and this is where we're at.

Ramon has been hitting, I wouldn't bet money that Mayo comes up and immediately hits better than Ramon. He'll get his shot this year. He's 22 in his first full season at AAA. Nobody can convince me that he has been handled poorly.

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23 minutes ago, UMDTerrapins said:

The other way of looking at thus is that they think so highly of his abilities that they think he could be ROY in 2025. I think it’s fairly clear that if not for the draft pick in question, he’d be in Baltimore. Mike Elias’ job is to do what’s best for the organization. If he believes waiting another 2 weeks on Mayo’s arrival can net us a valuable pick, I respect that. If there’s a beef to be had, it’s really about the CBA…not Mike Elias doing his job to use the rules to the best long term advantage of the organization. 

Has Connor Norby tweeted anything tonight about the Marlins gracing him with that honor?

Either Connor Norby or Coby Mayo's league is probably going to have Roki Sasaki in it.

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