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Yea and what sucks is it could potentially knock your team out of a spot where they could have gotten a potential impact guy.

I really don't like the rule at all...Seems to me it rewards teams for not doing their jobs.

Yup, they've cooked up a bad solution to a bad problem.

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I can't believe anybody would actually advocate this franchise doing something so stupid.
Why would that be stupid? Whats the downside? We won't have an extra $6M to try and work out a contract extension with Jay Payton? It won't take that nearly much, but it'd be a hell of a lot smarter than not signing him at all.
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Yea and what sucks is it could potentially knock your team out of a spot where they could have gotten a potential impact guy.

I really don't like the rule at all...Seems to me it rewards teams for not doing their jobs.

I think it's interesting, the new rule. I mean, it certainly reduces the leverage of draft picks, and that was entirely necessary. Boras shouldn't be determining who gets selected where simply by contract demand (and I'm not knocking him, either - he does a very good job for his clients).

But these guys are mostly high-risk guys, demanding huge compensation for performance against far lesser competition. BUT...

...this is where Wieters is different: he's an advanced bat at a skill position that he's actually good at. We're looking at a guy who could be an immediate help. Not another Loewen (whose contract didn't kill us anyway) who was 18 and playing in Canada.

If, in fact, it turns out that Wieters isn't signed because MacPhail refuses to go over slot, then he should go. That much is clear. If Wieters isn't signed because Boras was asking for Teixeira-money (i.e., a $10+ million deal) that's another question, altogether.

As I said earlier, though - I'm not optimistic. But I'm not panicking either. There's simply too little information on the table. And I've never trusted tea leaves to tell me anything about the future.

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Why would that be stupid? Whats the downside? We won't have an extra $6M to try and work out a contract extension with Jay Payton? It won't take that nearly much, but it'd be a hell of a lot smarter than not signing him at all.

It'd be like winning the lottery and deciding you want a new mercedes and going in and writing the dealer a check for $150k to purchase one you could of had for $50k. Pure stupidity, no? Same principle applies.

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It'd be like winning the lottery and deciding you want a new mercedes and going in and writing the dealer a check for $150k to purchase one you could of had for $50k. Pure stupidity, no? Same principle applies.
Which would you rather do, sign Weiters for $12-15M or take the pick next year?
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Yeah, but he's a great prospect.

I'd pay $15M in cash to trade for most of the top 10-20 prospects in baseball, which is where Wieters will instantly be once he signs.

He'll only be there as long as he produces his first year in the minors. I need to see SOME production in the minors before I call him one of baseball's top prospects.

I'd go up to $10 million. And that's my limit. I think higher is simply imprudent and unnecessary.

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Before lots of big signings, especially with Boras, I've noticed about a day or two before the signing happens it hits the press that talks have crumbled and there probably won't be a deal. I'm pretty sure these "leaks" are often (not always) negotiation tactics. Show Boras that the team isn't afraid to not sign him so that Boras won't just suck us dry. Also, there is a chance Wieters just doesn't want to come to the O's and that this is all a formality, in which case it would be hard to blame McPhail.

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15 Million would be crazy. It would make the real deal for him something like 7/36. He better not be a bust.
What? I'm not saying a $15M bonus and then a huge deal on top of that. I'm talking total value, probably about 2/3 of which is the signing bonus.
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What? I'm not saying a $15M bonus and then a huge deal on top of that. I'm talking total value, probably about 2/3 of which is the signing bonus.

Well actually you are talking about something in line with my numbers. He still become eligible for arbitration and all of that just like any other player. Right?

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Before lots of big signings, especially with Boras, I've noticed about a day or two before the signing happens it hits the press that talks have crumbled and there probably won't be a deal. I'm pretty sure these "leaks" are often (not always) negotiation tactics. Show Boras that the team isn't afraid to not sign him so that Boras won't just suck us dry. Also, there is a chance Wieters just doesn't want to come to the O's and that this is all a formality, in which case it would be hard to blame McPhail.

Does anyone REALLY believe that a 21 year old kid would give up 6 to 10 MILLION dollars just because he doesn't want to play for a specific team? What if he blows a knee out catching next year at GT? What if we draft his arse again? I just don't buy it. It happens in football because players can almost force a trade, ala Eli Manning, but in baseball these kids are giving up a LOAD of guaranteed money before they have ever made aq dime in the game. I just don't buy it. I think if we offer a fair deal, he signs tomorrow night. The question is, will the new McDonald's sandwich, the MacFail, offer a fair deal?:confused:

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