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Trembley to be fired today?

Pedro Cerrano

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While I assumed it was going to happen sooner or later, I never thought it would come in the middle of a series. Especially in NY. That would be surprising.

That was my first thought too. Especially since its an early game. Maybe they'll can him after we lose today.

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While I assumed it was going to happen sooner or later, I never thought it would come in the middle of a series. Especially in NY. That would be surprising.

Well there goes my latest post. It is a crying shame if it comes down like this.

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According to the Viviano Show's facebook page:

"MLB Sources - Dave Trembley will be fired today by the O's."

He goes on to say that Juan Samuel will be the interim manager.

I just had a flashback to a song I sang as a small child.

Dave Trembley will be fired today by the O's Yah!

Juan Samuel will be the interim manager. Boo!

Yah, boo, yah, boo its lots of fun to do. If you like it holler yah, if you don't you holler boo!

Oh well maybe lightning will strike and Samuel will do a good job.

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Only thing I can think of, is they have already told him. They are letting him manage today, with the understanding that he is gone after the game. I really hope not. I've always thought that was an insensitive way of treating an employee. Especially one whom has given his heart and soul to the organization, regardless of his results.

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I was thinking that if I was DT that I would strongly consider resigning after today's game—just to end this speculation and take the high road. Oh well, best of luck, DT.

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