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Do the O's now have the best ShortStop in the AL East?


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You got yourself a PHD, a Player Hater Degree.

It's about time "PHD" made it's way back into conversations.

Bravo! It's been 5 years and 5,000 rap albums since I last heard it!

I will now make it a point to say it at least once a week regardless of the topic of conversation!

What are your thoughts on "Phat" though? Too soon?

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It's about time "PHD" made it's way back into conversations.

Bravo! It's been 5 years and 5,000 rap albums since I last heard it!

I will now make it a point to say it at least once a week regardless of the topic of conversation!

What are your thoughts on "Phat" though? Too soon?

Pretty hot and tempting? NEVER to soon!

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We love to rag on Jeter, but I'm not going to assume that one bad year means he's done, even at the age of 37 (in 2011). He was 3rd in the MVP voting in 2009, deservedly so. He's the best SS in the division until proven otherwise.

That's true. He also won the Gold Glove for 2010, so he MUST still have it. ;)

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We love to rag on Jeter, but I'm not going to assume that one bad year means he's done, even at the age of 37 (in 2011). He was 3rd in the MVP voting in 2009, deservedly so. He's the best SS in the division until proven otherwise.

Well said.

Look, I was absolutely steamed about him getting the GG and I think Jeter is rapidly on the decline (I scoff that those who think he's going to have a bounce back year). But really, Jeter is head and shoulders above the rest of the division right now.

Naturally the potential is there for him to be dethroned but we haven't jumped from last to first yet. At least we have a chance to though ;)

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So how serious are Hardy's nagging injuries???

Can he get back to his Mil days??? That would be great.

I can't help being a little suspicious since the Twins got back almost nothing.

Certainly worth a shot considering how bad Izturus was.

The O's are betting on some bounce back for Reynolds and Hardy, but I like that they are on the right side of 30. It is definately possible, which was not the case last year with Tejada and Atkins.

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It's about time "PHD" made it's way back into conversations.

Bravo! It's been 5 years and 5,000 rap albums since I last heard it!

I will now make it a point to say it at least once a week regardless of the topic of conversation!

What are your thoughts on "Phat" though? Too soon?

"I'm taking it back!"


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Going with the rap vibe is perfect actually in describing the Orioles offseason so far...

So you've got that cheesy rap song out now "Like a G6"...I use "rap" in the loosest sense of the word with this song.

Follow with me...

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4s6H4ku6ZY?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4s6H4ku6ZY?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

Andy MacPhail trades for Hardy and Reynolds. Upgrades no doubt. The team is better now...no doubt.

But he hasn't really built any long-term foundation for the team in the farm, internationally, or player development. Any he's a blatant penny pincher and scared of going after the top names in any realm whatsoever.

His idea of "Like a G6" is this...


A Pontiac G6. Sporty. Better than the 98 Hyundai you were driving. But you aren't winning any races with it.

That's the Orioles after this offseason. We aren't a Hyundai anymore. We're a Pontiac G6. Stop the presses.

Now Theo Epstein trades for a middle of the lineup game changer. Then signs one of the top free agents who's a top of the lineup game changer.

He's built a farm system that always has top prospects. He spends more than us every year on the draft. He has more scouts. And signs legit international players.

His idea of "Like a G6" is this...


A Gulfstream G6. More expensive. But shows you who's serious about getting to where you need to be.

I must admit i'm incredibly surprised how quick the vibe of the OH for MacPhail changed this offseason because he bought a Pontiac G6.

I mean he's been here enough time now to have fixed our farm system, gotten some sort of international program going, upped scouting and player development, and become a top draft spender relative to our annual top of the draft selection position.

He's done none of these things.

Now people are ready to call this a "A" or "B" offseason if we add LaRoche or D-Lee.

"A" is Epstein's... a Gulfstream G6. "C to C-" is what we did...a Pontiac G6.

I think it's sad that our bar is so low now. Because we undoubtedly are a better team with Hardy and Reynolds. And what does that say about what we were before?

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We love to rag on Jeter, but I'm not going to assume that one bad year means he's done, even at the age of 37 (in 2011). He was 3rd in the MVP voting in 2009, deservedly so. He's the best SS in the division until proven otherwise.

True, but at the same time Jeter was not that great in 2007 or 2008. So at this point, I'd say that 2009 was the aberration for him during his twilight years until and unless proven otherwise.

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