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Young baseball fan gives ball to distraught younger fan


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I thought this was a really cool story. Some adults could learn a thing or two from this youngster.

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I went to Yankee Stadium in 93 and got my first foul ball. I had never gotten one before. I didnt take it away from anyone but I moved my huge butt super fast and out dove some Yankee fans to get it. I was with a 12 year old boy (son of my friend) at the time. I didnt give it to the kid. Even after he got two Toronto players to sign it.

I thought about that for a couple of years and I felt wrong.

Finally I called his dad up and gave him the ball. They never asked for it but I figured it was a stronger memory for them than me.

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It seemed to me that the older person in red instructed the kid to give the other kid the ball, and he did. Watch what happens beginning roughly at the 16 second mark. The boy is excited, hears the attendant in red yelling to him, who then instructs the youngster to give the ball to the smaller boy.

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It seemed to me that the older person in red instructed the kid to give the other kid the ball, and he did. Watch what happens beginning roughly at the 16 second mark. The boy is excited, hears the attendant in red yelling to him, who then instructs the youngster to give the ball to the smaller boy.

Yep. I mean it was nice that the kid did give him the ball, but you can see that his elation at getting a ball was ruined by the attendant who was telling him to give the other kid the ball. He did not do it out of the goodness of his heart like the announcers were saying. He basically did it because an adult told him to.

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Yep. I mean it was nice that the kid did give him the ball, but you can see that his elation at getting a ball was ruined by the attendant who was telling him to give the other kid the ball. He did not do it out of the goodness of his heart like the announcers were saying. He basically did it because an adult told him to.

I'm not sure he even realized that the other kid was supposed to have gotten the ball, until the attendant pointed it out. When they asked him about it, he said "I thought it was the right thing to do." That's good enough for me. Anyway, I like the way the announcers reinforced his behavior.

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Yep. I mean it was nice that the kid did give him the ball, but you can see that his elation at getting a ball was ruined by the attendant who was telling him to give the other kid the ball. He did not do it out of the goodness of his heart like the announcers were saying. He basically did it because an adult told him to.


I'm not sure he even realized that the other kid was supposed to have gotten the ball, until the attendant pointed it out. When they asked him about it, he said "I thought it was the right thing to do." That's good enough for me. Anyway, I like the way the announcers reinforced his behavior.

This is also true... it was a solid thing to do, and I'm glad it worked out in the end.

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