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Cartoon Bird is BACK


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Yes. It's gone.

I am firmly in the cartoon bird camp- but I wouldn't be opposed to the 89-97 ornathologically correct bird making a re-appearance as an arm patch or something down the road. It did have its moments ('89, Camden Yards opening, '93 All Star Game, Cal passing Gehrig, 96-97, etc.)....

Dang! I can't believe it's completely gone. I guess I'm the lone fan that preferred the ornithologically correct bird.

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It's true, not a superstar among them. They're still my guys, through thick and thin. Mostly thin. And none of them will be 30 next year, so there's that.

I also wonder if the Orioles would trade Jones after putting him out there front and center in this campaign. It would be akin to having a bobblehead night for Reimold and Matusz after they'd been demoted to the minors.

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I also wonder if the Orioles would trade Jones after putting him out there front and center in this campaign. It would be akin to having a bobblehead night for Reimold and Matusz after they'd been demoted to the minors.

The Sacramento Kings did a huge mural of Jason Williams and then traded him like a week later in the package for Mike Bibby.

It happens.

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I've made my disdain for the white panel cap known so I won't beat that dead horse' date=' and I think I can actually warm up to it with the white jerseys. But they absolutely need to go with the black cartoon bird cap with the orange jerseys.[/quote']

Really? I actually really like the white panel with the orange jersey... it's the white jersey that bothers me. I'm just nitpicking, though, I think these uniforms are pretty well done.

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As an O's fan, I'm very happy today with the new uni's. As a fan of this team, it's certainly weird to finally have a chance to feel like a "have" instead of a "have-not" for a change.

With all that being said, I'd like to take a moment of silence and offer condolences to the Miami Marlins.


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