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My Bold Prediction


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Orioles will win AL East in 2012. I'm sick and tired of expecting and watching failure. I grew up watching the Orioles win and I've about had it with the losing and the low expectations. Why can't 5 guys have career years? Why can't the Yankees get old all at once? Why can't Tampa and Toronto be tough but beatable? Why can't the RedSox continue to slide back to the pack? I don't want to hear why we can't, I will dare to hope and I'll dare to hope now.

Before you laugh, how many of you bought mega million tickets a week ago? I say why not and I say why not now!

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It's nice to be able to think these thoughts on April 19. A year ago this morning, we were 6-9 after having been 6-1, and our illusions had been shattered. Two years ago, we were 2-11. You'd have to go back to 2005 to find us in first place on the morning of April 19. However, we were over .500 at this time every single year from 2004-09, and in first place in both 2004 and 2005, and we all know how those seasons turned out. So yes, I am harboring some hope of a dramatic run this season, but recent history restrains me from getting too lathered up about being 3 games over .500 after 11 games. Let's just say that I'd rather be in this position than in the position we were in last year or the year before.

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It's nice to see us playing well and having the "never give up" attitude. I'm taking this using the old baseball cliche'..."one game at a time". If we somehow wind up battling for the WC or the division, I'll be ecstatic. But, like Frobby, I'm keeping very even-keeled about this start.

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This thread is more amusing than I imagined it would be. It could turn into a classic. But... probably not.

Also, there's some truth to the OP, I think. The Sox are looking a little shaky right now. If Bobby Valentine can work his magic and totally destroy what remains of the team's chemistry, that's ONE DOWN. Now we just have to hope the Yankees really do run out of Geritol, and that the Rays come down with the plague, and that Toronto is overrated. Then I, too, will "dare to dream."

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