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Schoop and Machado


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On June 17, Schoop hit his 3rd home run of the year. He now has 6 doubles and 9 homers in Bowie's last 28 games (and I think he didn't play in one or two of those). His power has just exploded the last month or so.

He's over his injury now. The OBP is still low (.309), but he is really starting to hit now.

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When he gets to the majors, how often do you think announcers will mis-pronounce his name? Probably a lot, at first.

The O's should be providing a pronunciation guide to their players to the announcers. Let us hope that they are professional enough to use them.

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Interesting to note Schoop's monthly improvement in OPS:

April: .570

May: .653

June: .781

July: .906

Machado also is improving:

April: .738

May: .712

June: .803

July: .792

Machado has had a remarkably consistent season for being the youngest player in the league.

Schoop was injured coming out of spring training...he certainly has exploded.

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Pretty impessive when you consider Schoop is 21 yrs. old and Machado just turned 20.

And even more impressive when you realize that actually, Schoop is 20 years old. He doesn't turn 21 until October 16. He is one of the four youngest player in the league (at least, he was as of May when I looked at all the rosters).

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Further research shows that starting on June 16, Schoop has done the following:

26 games, 100 at bats, 30 hits, 7 doubles, 9 homers, 6 walks, .300/.352/.640.

Look at that ISO.

I'm eager to see how long he can extend this. If we're truly starting to see him get comfortable and come into his own, his value may really skyrocket. Looking back he really took a pretty giant leap from 2010 to 2011 in terms of his prospect status and the results he posted. We might be starting to see another one.

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Like I've already said, the previous trades show he may not value our prospects as he should. I'm not up in arms about anything, just a little nervous bc he may be trying to prove himself too much too soon.

Which trades are those? I didn't necessarily think he should have given up both Henry and Miclat for Teagarden, but I don't think he under valued the players. Miclat is a possible utility guy and Henry if he can stay healthy may be a setup guy. Neither were more than a C-level prospect. Any major league contributor is worth that in my opinion.

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I've said it before, but I don't think anyone has issues with trading Lino, or really anyone Duquette has traded. The perception from those who have been opposed to those trades has generally been that the prospects could have been used more effectively as part of trades for more valuable assets.

He hasn't traded one of the five or six "legit" prospects in this system yet, but he's certainly established a track record of valuing minor leaguers lower than most fans who are familiar with said minor leaguers. Which is something he's certainly entitled to do, he's the GM after all. But if that track record holds true for the more highly regarded prospects, it's not entirely unreasonable to be worried that someone like Schoop will get traded for a return that many might see as too little. I don't think we have to worry about Bundy or Machado going anywhere, but I'm not sure about Schoop.

This is because fans over value their own "prospects" all the time. The Orioles GMs of late have done this as well and we see where that has gotten us. I like the fact that DD is willing to part with C-level guy for guys he thinks can make us better now. The idea of getting some value out of guys guys who "may be able" to help one day is ok as long as you have other similar players in the system or you have evaluated said "prospect" and found him less than advertised. Knowing you system is the key. Good GMs know who to cut loose and who to keep, but the bad ones just keep them all and watch the natural degradation occur. Wonder how good we could have been had we traded a Matusz or Arrieta after the 2010 season? Fans would have been up in arms but if an evaluator was able to determine that they would struggle in the future then it would have been smart to trade while the value is at its highest.

It's just a different way of looking at things and for a team trying to stop another slide, I'm not against DD moving anyone outside of the potential impact minor prospects (Bundy, Machado, Schoop, Hoes, Delmonico, Gausman) as long as the guys we get in return can help us now and in the future.

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Which trades are those? I didn't necessarily think he should have given up both Henry and Miclat for Teagarden, but I don't think he under valued the players. Miclat is a possible utility guy and Henry if he can stay healthy may be a setup guy. Neither were more than a C-level prospect. Any major league contributor is worth that in my opinion.

Trades and prospects aside, DD makes me a little nervous simply because he was still talking about making a splash and contending and all the usual blood and thunder bluster despite the fact the ship already had leviathan sized holes in it.

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Which trades are those? I didn't necessarily think he should have given up both Henry and Miclat for Teagarden, but I don't think he under valued the players. Miclat is a possible utility guy and Henry if he can stay healthy may be a setup guy. Neither were more than a C-level prospect. Any major league contributor is worth that in my opinion.

It may not come to fruition, but I can see how someone who makes those trades would trade Schoop for a less than impressive return. That's what concerns me. I'm not saying he will, just that I'll be a little nervous until after the trade deadline.

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This is because fans over value their own "prospects" all the time. The Orioles GMs of late have done this as well and we see where that has gotten us. I like the fact that DD is willing to part with C-level guy for guys he thinks can make us better now. T

I agree with this in concept, but only if the timing is right, which it is not. Parting with C level prospects to make an 80 win team rather than a 78 win team or a 72 win team rather than a 74 win team, etc. does not make much sense. Giving Steve Buscemi a nose job doesn't do much good at all.

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