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Roberts Comes Clean

Night Owl

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The other key component to his confession is that he had no excuse for it other then that he did it, made the wrong choice and felt bad and didn't do it again.

All of the other confession's i've heard about on ESPN have been circled around "injuries". At least Roberts, even if he took 4 shots instead of 1 has come out and said, yeah I did it. And didn't follow that up with, "but only because I needed to do it to recover from injury."

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Forgiving and believing are two different things. To me, it's easy to understand why people would be quicker to forgive Brian Roberts than some other random player, in light of all the good, charitable work the guy has done and the fact that he has no other blemishes on his record. Believing him is a tougher call (though I've chosen to give him the beneift of the doubt, myself).

Part of the reasons is also his on the field production. If this was Danny Baez we'd be hanging him from the highest tree.

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The silence is deafening. There must be a lot of saints here on OH.

For some of us and our particular outlook on this situation, it's not particularly relevant.

But for the record, I was most definitely a recreational drug user in my past. You'd be an idiot to assume otherwise. ;)

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That would be refreshing but I don't believe we'll see someone take that stand unless they are willing to run head on into the union.

Another scenario would be that he wants out of town, and by coming forward on something relatively minor, the storm has a chance to blow over a little sooner and his ticket out of town (like it or not) could be punched a little sooner, BRob can start over somewhere new a little sooner.

I'm not saying he's going to "fight the power," but rather his admission was a bit of passive-aggressiveness.

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So it turns out that the hearsay on Roberts was correct; but it still was heresay, and Roberts didn't have to come clean about it. Guys with much more evidence against them are being defiant and dishonest. Roberts should be disciplined in whatever way they decide, just like everyone else. But I'm actually relieved. It seems like it really was just a one time thing. That means his 2005 power season was not artificially produced, and right now, he is still our best player. He did the right thing in the end; now he can acccept responsibility, and we should forgive him. That's more than can be said for some players in the league.

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It was not hearsay, at least not according to any sort of legal definition.

Please elaborate. I was always under the impression that a court would never allow something like the following.

Prosecutor: So did you ever witness Brian Roberts purchase or use steroids?

Bigbie: No, but he told me that he used them once or twice.

Defense Attorney: Objection your honor, hearsay.

Judge: Sustained.

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Please elaborate. I was always under the impression that a court would never allow something like the following.

Prosecutor: So did you ever witness Brian Roberts purchase or use steroids?

Bigbie: No, but he told me that he used them once or twice.

Defense Attorney: Objection your honor, hearsay.

Judge: Sustained.

A bunch of our lawyery friends told us what the term was, and for the life of me I can't remember what it is.

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