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Matt Wieters to Boras: Keep me in Baltimore


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I think the point is more and more teams are spending their "free agent" money on extending their own superstars rather than taking the risks associated with signing the "premiere" free agents, who are indeed becoming less and less each year.

Yea, and I see that as the market making a little correction and acting more rationally. Resigning your own has always been a better use of resouces, on average. We'll see if that (the rationality) holds as more and more teams get hooked up to larger and larger cable TV IVs.

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All systems will have their outliers. Wieters was significantly above average in '12 by TZ, UZR, +/-, and the Fans. I'm not going to give him too many demerits for not showing up so highly on BP's system. I've seen nothing to indicate it's better than the others.

I agree. I was just curious where they had him in '11.

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OK folks, now for the other part of the equation.

Does an owner that is as risk adverse as Angelos OK the funds to make this happen?

Extending an oversized Catcher long term is different then an outfielder.

He doesn't seem as risk adverse when it comes to our own players, for whatever reason. If Matt wanted something like ~5/80~, I don't think Pete would have a problem with that. If it starts getting into the ~6/100+~ range, then maybe he starts to ask questions.

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Also from the linked piece:

I hadn't realized FRAA was so down on Wieters' defense relative to other metrics.

I'm not surprised really. Wieters did not have a standout year defensively. He led the league in errors (10) at catcher and his five passed balls were a career high. He's still a stellar defensive catcher and has always been well above average in controlling the running game, but he didn't really have a great year last year.

back to the topic at hand. I'm glad to hear this but until a deal is worked out I'll remain skeptical. I do believe Matt wants to stay in Baltimore, but actions speak louder than words, especially in contract negotiations.

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I'm not surprised really. Wieters did not have a standout year defensively. He led the league in errors (10) at catcher and his five passed balls were a career high. He's still a stellar defensive catcher and has always been well above average in controlling the running game, but he didn't really have a great year last year.

back to the topic at hand. I'm glad to hear this but until a deal is worked out I'll remain skeptical. I do believe Matt wants to stay in Baltimore, but actions speak louder than words, especially in contract negotiations.

And it is a two way street. If Wieters' side has reasonable parameters for a contract and the O's are not willing to agree to them I can't hold it against him to test free agency.

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back to the topic at hand. I'm glad to hear this but until a deal is worked out I'll remain skeptical. I do believe Matt wants to stay in Baltimore, but actions speak louder than words, especially in contract negotiations.

They also need Angelos to find his checkbook. That gives me an idea, or two...

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OK folks, now for the other part of the equation.

Does an owner that is as risk adverse as Angelos OK the funds to make this happen?

Extending an oversized Catcher long term is different then an outfielder.

Right and forget Angelos, for his size and wear and tear when can we project he starts to decline. I mean, I love the guy but at some point he is going to break down. I'm not sure I want to go as far as six years.

Mauer is 29 and has already seen significant decrease in innings behind the plate with that trend likely to continue. If we lock MW up for six years how many of those years do you think he spends the majority catching where he holds the bulk of his value?

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