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Assault at Orioles game sends man to intensive care

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The fan who got punched, I feel bad for him. No one expects or should have to fear getting assaulted by another person at Camden Yards. The guys in jail are 100% to blame.

BUT... he put himself into a position to get hit by making a direct confrontation with the rowdy drunk guys who threw the beer. The safe play would be to ask for an usher to deal with it.

Yeah that is easy to say but when you are on a second date and your date gets hit in the head with beer most likely your adrenaline is going to take over. I would have a hard time holding back if that happened to me.

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Yeah that is easy to say but when you are on a second date and your date gets hit in the head with beer most likely your adrenaline is going to take over. I would have a hard time holding back if that happened to me.

I think you are 100% correct. I don't think anyone can say what they would have or should have done unless they are in the situation. The logical solution is to get an usher, however when a beer is thrown on your girlfriend, logic is thrown out the window.

Poor guy, I wish him the best and a quick recovery.

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I've seen more bad behavior directed at opposing fans in Baltimore than I have anywhere else. I have no problems going to Yankee Stadium in Orioles gear, but I'd be a little leery in Baltimore if I were a fan of an opposing team.

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I've seen more bad behavior directed at opposing fans in Baltimore than I have anywhere else. I have no problems going to Yankee Stadium in Orioles gear, but I'd be a little leery in Baltimore if I were a fan of an opposing team.

I find this to be false. Ever been to Philadelphia?

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I think you are 100% correct. I don't think anyone can say what they would have or should have done unless they are in the situation. The logical solution is to get an usher, however when a beer is thrown on your girlfriend, logic is thrown out the window.

Poor guy, I wish him the best and a quick recovery.

Agreed, for some reason, when I read that his girlfriend was there, my mind immediately began thinking that he could have just been showing off for her. But ultimately, if someone throws a beer at your girlfriend I would EXPECT you to show off, not just to impress her, but to intimidate the others, ever so slightly, as to keep her safe.

But like a few others said, we don't really know the full story here. My assumption is that the two O's fans are in the wrong but I'd still prefer to air on the side of caution until we know more details of the event.

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Obviously you have to be law enforcement, as a CCW in Maryland for the rest of us is near impossible.

I work and spend a lot of time down in the city and would love to be able to carry my piece on my person. But, no sir, not in Maryland. In Maryland, and down in the city, the only people that don't get to carry a gun are us tax payers.

This is not directed at you, by the way. I'm glad that even off-duty, you guys are packing, because it's a (drug) war zone down here.

So you're saying that if the guy had been packing the situation would have been --- better? Because it is always good to add lethal weapons to a mix of adrenaline, machismo and oh yeah drunk. Because large crowds always react so well to the presence of fire arms during a fight.

Yeah that's great.

Please child, the absolute WORST THING that could have happened in that situation is for a gun to be there. Let alone some civilian who THINKS they have training using a gun in a crowded chaotic situation when they really don't.

It is the ignorant-ass views like that that make sure responsible gun owners get shafted because enough wanna-be action heroes like you ruin it for the rest of us.

/end politics

/worth the likely sanctions I will get.

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I've seen more bad behavior directed at opposing fans in Baltimore than I have anywhere else. I have no problems going to Yankee Stadium in Orioles gear, but I'd be a little leery in Baltimore if I were a fan of an opposing team.

What would you be leery of? What is all this bad behavior you speak of? Did security resolve it, or have you repeatedly seen people carted off to the shock trauma center?

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This is a tragedy. Absolute tragedy for all involved.

Two idiots make a bunch of bad decisions and it ends in this. The victim will likely never be the same, and these two kids' lives are essentially over, or at the very least put on hold for the foreseeable future.

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What would you be leery of? What is all this bad behavior you speak of? Did security resolve it, or have you repeatedly seen people carted off to the shock trauma center?

I've seen Yankees fans minding their own business getting verbally abused with some extremely salty and threatening language. I've seen a small child booed out of his section for wearing a Steelers jersey. I've seen Reds fans who have done nothing but sit and watch the game get pelted with junk all game. In the last case, the guy was finally taken out late in the game, but not for throwing things. He was ejected for getting into a physical fight with the woman he was with.

I've never seen anything like that in any of my many games at all the New York stadiums.

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I've seen Yankees fans minding their own business getting verbally abused with some extremely salty and threatening language. I've seen a small child booed out of his section for wearing a Steelers jersey. I've seen Reds fans who have done nothing but sit and watch the game get pelted with junk all game. In the last case, the guy was finally taken out late in the game, but not for throwing things. He was ejected for getting into a physical fight with the woman he was with.

I've never seen anything like that in any of my many games at all the New York stadiums.

Funny because I have had Yankees fans do that to me AT Camden.

The bottom line is this is not any sort of representation of Orioles fans nor the atmosphere at Camden. I could find dozens of anecdotal stories like yours and apply them to every stadium, of every team, in virtually every sport.

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