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Regretting Not Signing Andrew Miller?


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He did not take off. He was going to leave, The Orioles were never going to sign him . Not at that price for a set up man.

Not even when we traded for him. I know, many folks took solace in the fact that he might love Baltimore and the marvelous clubhouse and sign a team friendly 3/18 extension. Dan never thought that. That is why he waited until the very last moment to pull that handle. He know he had the trump card. He just knew the cost as well. There was no future. Nor yesterdays. Only the sweet days of a warm September and the autumn crisp air of October baseball. To be savored for what and when they were.

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N x R* x fp x ne x fl x fi x fc x L/Peter Angelos = Spending money on players who lead to wins is a bad thing, a horrible bad thing because the team makes no money, ever.


How many strawman arguments have you come up with in this thread?

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So if we didn?t need or want to sign Miller because we had Britton as some posters are saying, why did we trade a top-level prospect for Miller? If we had no need for him this year why make the trade last year? Why did we need him last year? Because he is a lights out set-up man. Bottom line there has been a two game swing with his loss. Almost assuredly we are 5-2, not 3-4 with Miller. You extrapolate that over 162 games and you are talking about a 46 game swing. Am Isaying Andrew Miller is a 46 game difference maker? No I am not! We will see at the end of the year how Hunter, Matusz, Brach do in the set-up role. People were on this forum from day one last off-season talking about the importance of resigning Miller. This was our year to seize the moment and win. Did the Angelos regime seize the moment? Time will tell!

It was never about this year. Get that through your head. It was not because of need. It was because of opportunity. You know, like the opportunity that Detroit squandered by not trading for him.

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So if we didn?t need or want to sign Miller because we had Britton as some posters are saying, why did we trade a top-level prospect for Miller? If we had no need for him this year why make the trade last year? Why did we need him last year? Because he is a lights out set-up man. Bottom line there has been a two game swing with his loss. Almost assuredly we are 5-2, not 3-4 with Miller. You extrapolate that over 162 games and you are talking about a 46 game swing. Am Isaying Andrew Miller is a 46 game difference maker? No I am not! We will see at the end of the year how Hunter, Matusz, Brach do in the set-up role. People were on this forum from day one last off-season talking about the importance of resigning Miller. This was our year to seize the moment and win. Did the Angelos regime seize the moment? Time will tell!

Last year was our year. And we seized it. Please, please try to understand that you are not right in your two win analysis. There is still hope that you can see it honestly.

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So if we didn?t need or want to sign Miller because we had Britton as some posters are saying, why did we trade a top-level prospect for Miller? If we had no need for him this year why make the trade last year? Why did we need him last year? Because he is a lights out set-up man. Bottom line there has been a two game swing with his loss. Almost assuredly we are 5-2, not 3-4 with Miller. You extrapolate that over 162 games and you are talking about a 46 game swing. Am Isaying Andrew Miller is a 46 game difference maker? No I am not! We will see at the end of the year how Hunter, Matusz, Brach do in the set-up role. People were on this forum from day one last off-season talking about the importance of resigning Miller. This was our year to seize the moment and win. Did the Angelos regime seize the moment? Time will tell!

Actually no, it is not "almost assuredly" known that we would have won two more games.

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Whatever. "Intellectually dishonest."

You've been ringing that bell for as long as you've rung the "Orioles don't have money" siren.

Just because someone doesn't agree with you, it doesn't mean that they're wrong. You've used a dead bet to try to bury my POV, but guess what, other people feel that the Orioles could have done more in the offseason.

No matter what the Orioles could do to improve, if it costs money, someone comes from the shadows to complain that we don't have the loot or say why "x" player isn't worth it because of WAR. Yet, all the math in the world can't change the result of last night's game.

Miller is an above average pitcher who shuts down batters. That leads to wins. What's the dishonest part about that?


You're opinion on Miller is not what's dishonest. It's the strawman arguments that you're creating, that are dishonest. Again, you harping about not signing Miller and using last night's results is the definition of simplistic.

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So if we didn?t need or want to sign Miller because we had Britton as some posters are saying, why did we trade a top-level prospect for Miller? If we had no need for him this year why make the trade last year? Why did we need him last year? Because he is a lights out set-up man. Bottom line there has been a two game swing with his loss. Almost assuredly we are 5-2, not 3-4 with Miller. You extrapolate that over 162 games and you are talking about a 46 game swing. Am Isaying Andrew Miller is a 46 game difference maker? No I am not! We will see at the end of the year how Hunter, Matusz, Brach do in the set-up role. People were on this forum from day one last off-season talking about the importance of resigning Miller. This was our year to seize the moment and win. Did the Angelos regime seize the moment? Time will tell!

That top level prospect had a very poor year for the Orioles last season. He was tarnished by the time we traded him to Boston.

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You're opinion on Miller is not what's dishonest. It's the strawman arguments that you're creating, that are dishonest. Again, you harping about not signing Miller and using last night's results is the definition of simplistic.

Please. Ignore.

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Not even when we traded for him. I know, many folks took solace in the fact that he might love Baltimore and the marvelous clubhouse and sign a team friendly 3/18 extension. Dan never thought that. That is why he waited until the very last moment to pull that handle. He know he had the trump card. He just knew the cost as well. There was no future. Nor yesterdays. Only the sweet days of a warm September and the autumn crisp air of October baseball. To be savored for what and when they were.

It stinks because we grew to love him. How could you not? But at the same time, it just didn't make sense. I mean it's one thing to me if Britton had an awful year last year at closer but Britton put up similar numbers to Miller at a fraction of what Miller ended up costing and I'll add this, we weren't going to get him for 4/36. It would have cost us more because the Yankees being the Yankees probably would have offered more money if we equaled or raised the offer. And furthermore I understand why the FO is conservative about signing relievers to long term expensive deals. Anyone remember when we tried to build a pen from strictly FA some years back? Jamie Walker, Chad Bradford, etc. Or more recently how quickly Jim Johnson fell off after two consecutive 50 save seasons and how Balfour ended up being a total wreck after his failed physical. I'd be shocked if Miller is performing this well half way into his Yankees deal. It really does suck we lost him especially because he's now a Yankee and we missed out on the WS last year but at the same time, we were on our way to the playoffs without him and who is to say we can't improve this year?

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You've been ringing that bell for as long as you've rung the "Orioles don't have money" siren.


I'm the one who sirens that. You have your apologists misidentified again. Targeting is everything.

I can prove they don't BTW. They just got off the debt list. I am not saying that the Angelos family is not incredibly wealthy. I am saying the Orioles are poor. Because the Aggelos family sold part of their land grant. Under duress.

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Yep...and true fans like MSK only come out during the offseason to harp on every non signing ad nauseam and when the Orioles go thru a stretch like they're going thru to start the season. If they were 6-1, you wouldn't hear a peep out of him.

I'd be happy.

Very happy. I just want the team to win.

That's all.

The one thing I hate is watching completely winnable games go down the drain.

Especially when it could have been avoided by incredibly simple moves during the offseason.


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