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Bud is coming back to the rotation....


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Lots of teams need help in the back of their rotations. If Bud can have a few decent starts, I would let it be known that we'll listen to offers. I'm not sure what we should be looking for since we're not going to get an OF upgrade for Bud Norris. Maybe a SS prospect who's a couple of years away.

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Lots of teams need help in the back of their rotations. If Bud can have a few decent starts, I would let it be known that we'll listen to offers. I'm not sure what we should be looking for since we're not going to get an OF upgrade for Bud Norris. Maybe a SS prospect who's a couple of years away.

If we get any value back for Norris it is because we ate most of the contract. I assume the Os just want to get out from the contract and will take a warm body back that can provide depth in the minors. It won't be anybody with high upside.

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I think with the prospects and payroll room they have at their disposal that they would set their sights higher then Bud.

Especially since he has ripped the organization since he left.

Well, if they anticipate Feldman returning, the sights may not be too high for a fill in who then might go to the bullpen. They could send Josh Hader back...lol.

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Lots of teams need help in the back of their rotations. If Bud can have a few decent starts, I would let it be known that we'll listen to offers. I'm not sure what we should be looking for since we're not going to get an OF upgrade for Bud Norris. Maybe a SS prospect who's a couple of years away.
Drat. If Norris had just been able to pitch to his normal 100 ERA+ he'd have been traded by now.
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Well Gausman is getting starts on the 6th and 11th at Norfolk. And could get more. A decision on him is at least three weeks away.

Which is just enough time for Norris to have a few bad starts and insert Gausman. Since it's unlikely we get anything of value for Norris at that point I'd like to see him shifted to the pen where he actually may prove useful.

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Norris will start Tuesday at Norfolk. Buck said he believes it will be his last rehab start. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/orioles?src=hash">#orioles</a></p>— Eduardo A. Encina (@EddieInTheYard) <a href="

">May 30, 2015</a></blockquote>

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Norris will start Tuesday at Norfolk. Buck said he believes it will be his last rehab start. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/orioles?src=hash">#orioles</a></p>? Eduardo A. Encina (@EddieInTheYard) <a href="
">May 30, 2015</a></blockquote>

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Hmmm. There are lots of potholes in Norfolk.

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I don't really see where the undying loyalty for Bud comes from. He was pretty good last year, but he still had the highest ERA of all of our starters. He was bad when he came over to us 2013 and has been bad this year. He should not be above losing his rotation spot to someone else that has come in and pitched very well.

I think he should be in the bullpen. If Wright falters than you swap them out.

Last year, when Ubaldo pitched poorly, Buck put him into the pen (which was actually the best thing that could have happened to him). So why not the same treatment for Norris? It might actually help him out.
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Last year, when Ubaldo pitched poorly, Buck put him into the pen (which was actually the best thing that could have happened to him). So why not the same treatment for Norris? It might actually help him out.

Because Norris is a FA and won't be back with the team. Putting him in the bullpen is more to get him out of the rotation than to help him.

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Because Norris is a FA and won't be back with the team. Putting him in the bullpen is more to get him out of the rotation than to help him.

So what? You're not the only one to say this, but why should the team be concerned about how it looks for him going into FA? He won't be with us anyway so if he is in the BP he likely was put there due to poor performance.

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So what? You're not the only one to say this, but why should the team be concerned about how it looks for him going into FA? He won't be with us anyway so if he is in the BP he likely was put there due to poor performance.

I was just responding to the post I was quoting. The team had a big reason to get Ubaldo back on track. As for Norris, they could release him now and I would be happy. He already screwed himself in his walk year. Ubaldo at least seemed eager to correct his issues. With Norris, you get the Arrieta quotes. "I felt like my pitches were good today just didn't get the results" after giving up 7 runs in 3 innings.

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I was just responding to the post I was quoting. The team had a big reason to get Ubaldo back on track. As for Norris, they could release him now and I would be happy. He already screwed himself in his walk year. Ubaldo at least seemed eager to correct his issues. With Norris, you get the Arrieta quotes. "I felt like my pitches were good today just didn't get the results" after giving up 7 runs in 3 innings.

Ha! Very true. That bugs me no end. Just say you stunk it up and be done with it.

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