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Will Matt Wieters' Return Sparks Slumping Orioles Offense?


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Matt Wieters will return to the Orioles' lineup June 5, but will he provide the spark the offense needs? Paul Folkemer doesn't think he will. http://www.pressboxonline.com/2015/06/04/will-matt-wieters-return-spark-slumping-orioles-offense

I tend to agree with the article. Caleb Joseph from an offensive standpoint has been good enough that even if Matt comes back and gets his bat going, the difference between what he can provide and what Caleb has given us is not that much that it will tip the balance IMO.

It will be nice to see Matt make it back, not as much help as we would hope I am afraid. If anything it may end up being a negative if his spring numbers are any indication of the effects the long lay off will take

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There is no way to predict what he can do because at this point Wieters is unproven. It's probably wise to have low expectations and be surprised if he exceeds.

It might take him some time to adjust to the majors. He has not played in over a year. I guess all the work in extended Spring Training might help but it is not the majors.

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Without making Matt Wieters out to be the savior that will completely turn our season around just by his mere presence, given how we're currently hitting and the concurrent struggles of so many different bats, I would make the argument that he needs to be in the lineup every night (or close to it). The question, though, becomes how do you do it? Assuming that he can't catch every day for at LEAST the first few weeks to month, it would be difficult to DH him because if Caleb got hurt in a given game, we could move Wieters to catcher, but our pitcher would have to hit (at least per my understanding of the rule - others can correct me if I'm wrong). As such, I see a few options:

- DFA someone. It would seem Lough would be the most likely candidate, but he probably has to stay because he can back up CF. Cabrera would be another candidate, but with Hardy's injury situation, that one ain't looking great. Snider has been kicked about too as an option, but he's not playing that badly and he's getting on base - I would not cut ties with him, even with some of the extremely frustrating mental lapses. Could we consider Pearce? I know highly unlikely, but throwing it out there...

- Phantom DL someone. It seems Pearce or Paredes would be possible candidates given their current struggles but our likely desire to keep them in the organization.

- Option Clevenger and either take the risk of having to have your pitcher bat in a pinch. I don't mind this option all that much, because essentially it would just impact us for one game. The difficulty, obviously, would be if Joseph gets hurt and is out for a few games. However, given that both he and Clevenger have options (I believe) perhaps that's not a show-stopper.

- Option Clevenger and just play Wieters when he catches. As I indicated previously, I don't like this option, but I fear it's the most likely.

I just think the prospect of dropping Wieters into the middle of the order, given our offense's struggles, is too great to keep him on the bench. Again, I don't expect him to come in and light the world on fire, but he should at least help us score more than two runs every night. We need some kind of spark.

The other difficulty, though, is with Matusz's pending suspension, we'll already be down a player. Can we afford the lack of positional flexibility of carrying three catchers? Or do we just go short in the 'pen? Again, my opinion is you take the risk given the lack of hitting, but far from a slam dunk.


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But expecting him to lead an offensive renaissance for the O's is probably a bit too much to ask. The Orioles' lineup has glaring problems across the board right now, and one man can't fix that.

Wieters does not have to be a one man fix.

Wieters may hit better as a part time catcher then he did as a workhorse, everyday catcher. That workload away wore down his legs and hurt his hitting. Sharing time may not only help Caleb but help Wieters offensively as well.

JJ is about ready to take his SS position back and push Flaherty back to 2B. That will help the team.

Each day away from Adam's ankle sprain helps him return to full health.

Norris' return may help also. Maybe we see the healthy guy who pitched last year. Then the O's have enough starters to give Tillman a little time off to get back to 100%. Especially with Gausman adding extra depth.

Someone is likely to be added to the outfield at some point. Alvarez? Parmelee? Push Davis to the OF? Maybe Schoop returns and Flaherty goes to the OF. I don't know what happens but I have to think moves are coming.

These are the dark days of the O's 2015 season. But this is a 4+ runs offense and a 3+ run pitching staff and defense. Things will turn around and the O's will climb in the standing. I don't know when but I feel it is going to happen.

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Clevenger has been decent in his time up. And was swinging well at Norfolk. I might have preferred him to get a longer look but know that isn't possible with Wieters back.

I think Clevenger has opened some eye about his overall game. His time may be September and next year.

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Caleb Joseph has been solid overall, but he's been pretty cold with the bat over the last several weeks (.195/.250/.312 since May 3). Hopefully Wieters can top that. But he won't radically change our offense. We just need guys who have been cold to start hitting like they are capable of. Adam Jones (.562 OPS since May 1), I'm looking at you!

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I think that the offense will come around, regardless of whether or not Wieters rakes.

Excellent first game back today for Matthew. I hope that he has many more, although I will settle for a solid defender with an average bat, or a solid defender with a below-average bat with some power.

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