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A potential storm brewing?


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Why does Buck get a pass around here? I really don't like the way he has developed our young pitchers. His mishandling of Jake Arrieta is a large part of the reason why the pitching is in the state it is today. Chris Tillman was also a mess until DD arrived and hired Rick Peterson who was able to fix his mechanical issues. And let's not forget about the way DD and Buck have destroyed Gausman's development by jerking him around so much. Instead of being in a consistent environment in AAA to work on his breaking ball, they moved him up to put him in the bullpen than sent him back down again and then put him in the rotation then sent him back down again. And then Buck has the nerve to say "All the good ones should be able to succeed no matter what their situation is." Well, we had a good one in Jake Arrieta and he struggled here because your pitching coaches kept tinkering with his mechancics because of your insane obsession with time to the plate, Buck. Watch the same thing happen with Gausman. He'll go to a team like the Cardinals and turn his career around like Chris Carpenter did.

Wow, Buck develops pitchers, and I was thinking he was the manager. Whatever was messed up with Arrietta was messed up long before Buck got here. I believe 90% of it was between his ears.

I blame the lack of development of our pitchers 90% on the minor leagues. Its like our pitchers know nothing about pitch sequencing, hitter strengths/weakness,etc when they get to the majors.

I did hate the yo-yoing of Gausman between the minors and majors. Starting pitchers always emphasize how important their "routine" is. How much of a routine can you get into, when every start you think you might get sent to the minors.

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After the Duquette era ends (whenever that may be), how difficult will it be to sign a replacement without an explicit clause allowing the GM to leave should a better job be offered? Without that, Brady could be the only candidate.

What is the point in having a contract when one party can walk away from it whenever it wants to with no repercussions? I guess the only solution is to give one-year contracts like Walter Alston used to get.

I will be happy when Duquette leaves the O's, but due to his lack of front office experience I would hope the O's can find a better candidate than Brady Anderson.

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Peter doesn't fire baseball managers. He just lets their contracts run out. So I don't expect any changes in management this off season. The Toronto position has been filled, so that is old news.

If you are going to blame someone for Arrieta it should be Connor and Adair. Buck got rid of both of them. That Wallace could not fix Tillman or Norris is the current problem. Also that Buck would rather die with an injured and burn out Gonzo then call up Chris Jones or start McFarland. It has not been a good year for a lot of Orioles.

This makes me really nostalgic about the days of Ray Miller (as the pitching coach!).

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I stated in an earlier thread that I think Duquette will step down shortly after the season ends and a shakeup is coming. Just a gut feeling that something is wrong in the warehouse.

Well they say that the fish rots from the head down. In other words, dysfunction in the FO can lead to the dysfunction on the field we are seeing.

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I think Dan will head somewhere else in the off season. Just a hunch. Eventually Buck wants to be upstairs.I wouldn't rule out Cal as an Oriole manager someday.Im serious.

What makes you think Buck would be an effective general manager? He has no front office or scouting experience at all. From his background, how can you be sure he has the ability hire the right people in scouting, analytics, player development and baseball operations?

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What makes you think Buck would be an effective general manager? He has no front office or scouting experience at all. From his background, how can you be sure he has the ability hire the right people in scouting, analytics, player development and baseball operations?

I have no belief that Buck would be nearly creative enough to be good at it.

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I don't think anyone will overreact to one disappointing season. I expect Dan and Buck to both return. Another bad season might change things.

If Duquette leaves, it will have nothing to do with "one bad season." I think something else has been stirring since the events of last off-season and are still percolating..

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