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It appears nothing about game management. He just doesn't have baseball smarts. How can this happen? I don't think Sam is able to deal with game pressure. It's totally different being a third base coach. I just don't understand how he could be associated with the game for so many years and not know how to manage a game. It's puzzling to me and I think many fans. He does things rookie managers don't do.

I still think he needs to stop smiling at his post game press conferences after losses. It's not the time to smile. Take the job seriously Sam or let someone else.

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Nice take. I hope the press corps grills him on that. I'd like to hear the excuse and/or reasoning. That has got to go down as one of the worst managing jobs in history.

If Birkins were successful, would he have been the first of our relievers in the game to pitch more than 2 innings? Yes, the AAA call up. It must have been lonely out there in the bullpen by the end of the game being that there were only coaches and Guthrie left.

Nah, the press is soft.

Just like this organization.

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My only question is, can it be quite as simple as it seems? I mean, none of us would ever have a chance of managing, or being the general manager of a baseball team, but is there something more to it than the obvious that we see? Is it that hard to see that this team is horrid against lefties? That this team has a horrible bench? What is it? I thought the guys who got paid the big money to see this stuff would atleast be able to see it as clear as us.

I have to share in this mentality. For Sam to make the mind-boggling decisions he's been making, there has to be something behind the scenes that we don't know. I mean, he can't really be THAT bad of a manager, can he?

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I am just so angry/bitter/frustrated/upset/emotional.

I LOVE baseball and the Orioles happen to be my team. They always seem to find a way more often than not to just rip my heart out. Could they win with what they have? Possibly if the fundamentals like defense/managing were great. Unfortunately, "good" teams can't overcome mistakes in those 2 departments.

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It baffles me how the FO and coaches can actually be content with 13 pitchers and no bench. How many times do we have to see all of our left handed hitters fail against left handed pitching? People wonder why we struggle to score runs when the starter leaves...its obvious that the other team matches up against us, lefty vs. lefty for the most part. We have nothing to counter an opposing team's move, so we go with what we have. Its beyond stupid and its for me to actually grasp their reasoning behind any of this.

And just awful bullpen management by Perlozzo. This is what happens when you carry a 13th pitcher. The 13th pitcher probably isn't very good and probably should be used only if we are desperate for pitching or for mop up duty. The 13th pitcher should not be used in extra innings of a 0-0 game with a rested bullpen. Absolutely awful.

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Perlozzo didn't think the game would go that long? Has he been paying attention to his offense the past couple games? Did he really expect them to put something together?

How many more games like this before he loses the respect of his own pitching staff? And do you think Mazzone has any role in this debacle? It can't be that he told Sam that each pitcher was tired. I think he has to be completely baseball dumb not to gradually realize that he was managing his team into a corner--how many times did he have to yank a pitcher too early before it began to dawn on him?! :confused: Is perlozzo drugged up during games? :002_ssleepy:

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If you start to put the screws to Sam (scoring only 1 run) you really begin to see what kind of manager he is.

BTW, where are all the apologists at on this. I'd like to hear their opinion. SilentJamess? BTerp?

Sorry if apologist is too harsh, I mean no ill will...I am interested in what you have to say.

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This thread is very long and I don't have time to read every post, but I just wanted to comment and say that I love the article Tony and you just expressed what thousands (hundreds?) of Orioles fans thought watching that game on TV tonight.

Job well done!

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