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Wieters watch...

Sports Guy

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I was told today from a member of the Keys that he will get moved to Bowie in mid June. Was also told don't be surprised if he's the O's openeing day 2009 catcher and Hernandez is moved over the winter.

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Well, if they plan on making him the opening day Catcher next season, they better get him up this year to get his feet wet.

So he remains at Fedrick for another month (possibly ending his stay at A+ with 20 HRs), then moving to Bowie in mid June, facing trickier pitchers for a couple of months, and then get a call up to Baltimore in September. Sounds like a plan to me.

In the meantime, if teams are asking about Ramon, I'd look to move him and have Quiroz get a lot of burn time. He'll get a lot of game experience, and then move back to backup once Wieters comes aboard.

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Ok, it took every inch of restraint that I have to not make a new thread out of this post.. but I'm in a video on the front page of milb.com!! if you go on there now, the 4th story that it scrolls through is a video about Matt Wieters, with interviews and all. You can see me at the :50 second mark in the video... You can see my head sitting behind the dugout with a black and white "O's" cap on!! I know you guys probably don't care, that's why I didn't make a new thread... but I think it's awesome.

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I was told today from a member of the Keys that he will get moved to Bowie in mid June. Was also told don't be surprised if he's the O's openeing day 2009 catcher and Hernandez is moved over the winter.

Thanks for passing this on. I still think this is too conservative. Why leave him at Frederick for another month when it's clear that he has nothing more to learn from facing Carolina League pitching? He's not young for his league. Allowing Wieters to face an appropriate level of competition has to be a higher priority for the organization than winning the first half Carolina League title or letting Wieters play on a minor league All-Star team...handled properly and with a little luck, I think Wieters is going to be playing on plenty of major league All-Star teams in his career.

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Isn't the goal to find where his skills are challenged just enough to learn to adjust?

No. The goal is to help him develop into the best possible major league catcher.:) Move him up when Stockstill and MacPhail believe it is appropriate. If that's now, fine. If it's mid June, I'm okay with that too.

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No. The goal is to help him develop into the best possible major league catcher.:) Move him up when Stockstill and MacPhail believe it is appropriate. If that's now, fine. If it's mid June, I'm okay with that too.

Don't know how developed Weiters' catching skills are, although they were supposedly a plus when they signed him. But it's pretty obvious that he's a man among boys hitting-wise at Frederick.

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Don't know how developed Weiters' catching skills are, although they were supposedly a plus when they signed him. But it's pretty obvious that he's a man among boys hitting-wise at Frederick.

I think so to. But, I'm not there every day, watching how he prepares, calls a game, sets up as a catcher, etc.. I just think we can't assume that we know more than Dave Stockstill and MacPhail about when the right time to promote any player is. We all really want to see Wieters succeed, and do so quickly. I'm sure the FO does, too. But, they're paid to show more patience and judgement than we do. I'll defer to them.

In the meantime, seeing an O's prospect with the following position in his league, any league, is really exciting:

OPS - 1st

AVG - 2

SLG - 1

OBP - 4

BB - 10

TB - 1

RBI - 1

HR - 1

H - 2

R - 2

Gotta love this kid.

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When BA releases their top 20 lists for each league at the end of the season, these guys could/should be Carolina League #1 and #2. And, to top it off, they could end up in the top 10 for the Eastern League before the end of the season, as well. And, given his age and level of performance, Chris Tillman could be top 2 or 3 in the Eastern League, too. And, I'm really excited about this year's draft. I don't see any way we don't get a big-time talent in the #4 position this year.

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