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No, not embarassing, it's pathetic.  I feel bad for them.  They cant compete on a professional level.  They have given up 10 runs a game on average over a six game span.

I feel bad for them.  I can't remember a team playing worse baseball over a week's worth of games and I lived through the dark years, mothers day massacres and 30-3 results.

It's showing on the player's faces, in their body language, in their execution.  It's hard to watch.


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I couldn't care less about this team right now. I think I would enjoy feasting on their misery, hypothetically, but I don't think any of these players who are monetarily set for life care one lick about the game they purport to "professionally" play, either. If they don't care, I don't care.

I don't feel bad for them because they don't care that they suck, and I don't feel good that they're suffering because I don't think they're suffering. They're just glad to be guaranteed millions of dollars regardless of how bad they do their job, and that they can put their kids and grandkids through Ivy League school because they had a couple good seasons of swinging a bat or throwing a baseball.

They're certainly not deserving of my patronage or attention. I'll miss the OH though; you guys are fun.

I wonder how many slumps could be avoided if the MLBPA allowed contracts to pay per "good thing" (hit, pitcher K, putout, etc.) and deduct money per "bad thing" (error, strikeout, GIDP, etc.).


If the minimum they could make was, say, $30000 per year and they had to earn every penny beyond that with legitimate production and the absence of awfulness, how much harder would they try out there? Gee, they'd be just like the rest of us...

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5 minutes ago, thatbearflies said:

Even Orioles Xtra has run out of anecdotes and cliche sayings about how "the game" can turn in an instant and how we could be about to launch into a historic run...because baseball. 

Bordick must be staying up all night trying to think of ways to put a positive on this. 

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Buck is an emperor with no clothing.

He has exhausted all his options and there is no plan B.


This is why he was fired by multiple other organizations despite putting up solid results and some of those teams went on to win World Series rings.

I actually feel bad for Buck though because it's really Duquette's fault he is in the position he is in. This is why he couldn't get a job in baseball for over a decade and likely will never get another one after the O's eventually clean house.

God I wish he had left for Toronto. That entire offseason killed this franchise. Absolutely killed us.

Yes I am mad and venting but the truth also hurts and this is our reality right now. No starting pitching depth, a worn out Tillman, an exposed Gausman and a soon to be injured from being overused Bundy.

We have no top hitting or pitching prospects on the horizon either.

The Yanks and Sox both cleaned house of worthless aging vets and got much much better by acquiring young hungry talent.


We have gone the exact opposite route and doubled down on guys like Trumbo, Davis, O'day, Jiminez etc. We let Nelson Cruz walk but gave up a draft pick for a year of awful pitching from Gallardo.


Duquette has been poison from day 1 and the meltdown has been a long time coming.

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7 minutes ago, thatbearflies said:

Even Orioles Xtra has run out of anecdotes and cliche sayings about how "the game" can turn in an instant and how we could be about to launch into a historic run...because baseball. 

That is the worst part about all of this, the constant sugar coating of our p.ss poor baseball.


Even they are checking out on this dumpster fire now because even they have functioning eyeballs.

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7 minutes ago, ORIOLE33 said:

No one, other than maybe Mancini, Schoop or Bundy, should feel safe.

And that includes the manager.

Schoop is a guy you might want to move if the price is right.  He might be the type of player that could bring you back a pretty decent haul. 

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14 years, I waited for this team to finally not suck. 14 long, agonizing, horrible years in baseball purgatory. 2012 was fun, so was 2013 to an extent. 2014 was the best season I've personally witnessed as a fan. The year we'd finally get over the hump and get the crown we deserve. Then the Royals hit, and the O's became the O's again. 2015 felt like 1998-2011, then we had fun last year. This year felt like last year, but now just feels like 2010 again, where we're lost without a hope in hell of being good. 

There are two ways to go about this. Absolutely nuke the team Marlins style and get rid of everyone for prospects. This is the least likely to happen because of the 87 year old toad in the owners box, who honestly won't survive another rebuild and wants a WS ring before he dies. The other option is that we could do what the Ravens do after a piss poor season. Retool in FA and the draft. We have about $25-$40 million coming off the books this offseason. This is what's most likely to happen. Now is a good time to evaluate where we are starter wise and SS wise. 

SS's available this year in FA are horrible, and Hardy may actually be the best of the bunch, and we have no one of interest in the system ready or available just yet. I'd be interested in Zach Cozart because he reminds me of a young JJ Hardy, but the Reds could deal him at the deadline, but we could get him in FA. I'd give him 2-3 years. Another option would be to put Manny there and find a 3B. The best option would be Moustakis if we chose this route, who honestly would be a massive weapon on offense and an upgrade from JJ. Defensively, Manny is better at 3B, but all other options at SS are terrible unless we make a trade. (How this could happen or pan out, IDK and won't get into that can of corn). I'd give Moustakis a 3 or 4 year deal. 

Outfield wise, if Mullins keeps raking like an suburban dad in october, he'll be in RF or CF next year. Wouldn't mind Stewart in LF if he proves himself worthy. If not, then take Colby Rasmus or Jay Bruce on a 1 or 2 year deal and have Mancini in LF. This is something we need to play by ear. 

SP wise: 

Miguel Gonzalez. Dude is a Yankee killer. Would get him for about 2 years just because he can shut the Yankees down. 

Lance Lynn. His FIP worries me, but it should come down as the season continues. We'll see how well he does against the AL East as the season progresses. Did well against Boston and has done well against Tampa, but not so much with Toronto. 2 or 3 years max. 

Yu Darvish. Dude can be a god, but injuries worry me big time. Depending on what happens this year, I'd try and get him for cheap. 1 year, maybe 2 with a team opt out. No one is going to throw him stupid money this year. 

Jaime Garcia would be a good option, but I fear him being to much of an NL only pitcher. 

Again, I will not be diving into trading for starters, as you can't predict the market all that well. 

Reliever Market is going to weak as all hell this year, with the strongest two being Wade Davis and Drew Storen. DD has a knack in finding BP guys. I'd trust him to find another good arm somewhere. Maybe it's Yacobanis. He did well tonight in 2.0 IP. We'll see more as the season progresses. 

We could save money by letting the beef go and letting Sisco handle catching duties. I'd try and see what I could get with him on the market this year if we really want Sisco up here, and try and get rid of Trumbo too. That would free up even more room for us to try and get some SP. We can retool the team for a run next year without blowing up the outside world. 

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Ok, I am jumping in here.  I  am a transplant from Chicago . I've been conflicted this past week because the Orioles are playing my childhood team, the White Sox.  Part of me feels that I should have been loyal to the White Sox and cheered their victories.  But something happened when I came to Maryland back in the 1990s. I  got taken in by Orioles Magic. I became a very passionate Orioles fan. I still was attracted to my White Sox but I was excited by all that Magic around me. This was the age of Johnny Oates and Davey Johnson.  It was also the age of Eli Jacob"s final years and fears that he would sell the team to an outsider who would move the team . These were the years of my introduction to a Magical place called Oriole Park at Camden Yards. There were Cal Ripken, Mike Mussina, Todd Frohwirth, Ben McDonald,, Mike Devereaux, Harold Baines, Fernando during his final year, and my favorite, a soft tossing lefty named Jamie Moyer. There were playoff years  (I actually got to go to a couple of playoff games). There was Cal's Streak of consecutive games and the thrill when the banner was unfurled. Finally there was Peter Angelos a local zillionaire who promised to keep the Orioles in Baltimore. 

Fast forward 14 losing years. I got so disgusted at PA and his staff that I declared myself an Oriole Fan In Exile. I refused to go to games because it would mean that PA would get my hard earned money. I kept track of the White Sox during those years and could watch them occasionally on WGN and was introduced to Hawk Harrellson "You can put that one on the board   YESSSS!" for Sox HRs. The Ravens came to town and I became a rabid Ravens fan and got a PSL and season tickets, which I still have.

One day a few years ago, I noticed that the Orioles were becoming a decent team. I started watching them and lo and behold they were actually competitive. I came out of exile and started attending Orioles games. The Magic recaptured me.

But now the Magic is escaping.  So what to do? I am in a dilemma because the Orioles are playing the White Sox. Miguel Gonzalez , one of my favorite Orioles, who DD rather casually tossed aside after an injury filled season,  will be pitching for the Sox tonight. Part of me will root  for Gonzo to do well. Another part of me will root for my pathetic Orioles to cease being so pathetic. 

Okay, what to do to make the Orioles stop being pathetic.  It's going to take some years. I was watching the Sox last night. They are a rebuilding team but they were exciting to watch. A few suggestions: first, get rid of DD. He has done a few good things that got the Orioles into the playoffs.  But he has gutted the Orioles farm system and thus has mortgaged the future. I wonder if Brady would make a decent GM. Or should we start completely new? In which case Brady would also have to go. As far as Buck, he has managed well. But if his influence also contributed to the gutting of the farm system, then he also needs to go. If he is willing to participate in a rebuilding process, then consider keeping him, depending on the wants of the new gm.

As far as players , does PA want to keep Manny for a few years? Does Manny want to stick around for a rebuild? If the answer to both is"yes" then get a contract done. If the answer to either is "no" then trade Manny for top prospects. Release any pending FAs. Consider trading anyone else not named Mancini. Bundy or Schoop. And once we get a new gm, go from there. 


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5 hours ago, Norfolk orioles said:

Duquette has been poison from day 1 and the meltdown has been a long time coming.

I've got no other way to put it - this is flat out wrong.

I can, however, get behind the idea that things changed after the Toronto situation.

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5 hours ago, MDtransplant757 said:

14 years, I waited for this team to finally not suck. 14 long, agonizing, horrible years in baseball purgatory. 2012 was fun, so was 2013 to an extent. 2014 was the best season I've personally witnessed as a fan. The year we'd finally get over the hump and get the crown we deserve. Then the Royals hit, and the O's became the O's again. 2015 felt like 1998-2011, then we had fun last year. This year felt like last year, but now just feels like 2010 again, where we're lost without a hope in hell of being good. 

There are two ways to go about this. Absolutely nuke the team Marlins style and get rid of everyone for prospects. This is the least likely to happen because of the 87 year old toad in the owners box, who honestly won't survive another rebuild and wants a WS ring before he dies. The other option is that we could do what the Ravens do after a piss poor season. Retool in FA and the draft. We have about $25-$40 million coming off the books this offseason. This is what's most likely to happen. Now is a good time to evaluate where we are starter wise and SS wise. 

SS's available this year in FA are horrible, and Hardy may actually be the best of the bunch, and we have no one of interest in the system ready or available just yet. I'd be interested in Zach Cozart because he reminds me of a young JJ Hardy, but the Reds could deal him at the deadline, but we could get him in FA. I'd give him 2-3 years. Another option would be to put Manny there and find a 3B. The best option would be Moustakis if we chose this route, who honestly would be a massive weapon on offense and an upgrade from JJ. Defensively, Manny is better at 3B, but all other options at SS are terrible unless we make a trade. (How this could happen or pan out, IDK and won't get into that can of corn). I'd give Moustakis a 3 or 4 year deal. 

Outfield wise, if Mullins keeps raking like an suburban dad in october, he'll be in RF or CF next year. Wouldn't mind Stewart in LF if he proves himself worthy. If not, then take Colby Rasmus or Jay Bruce on a 1 or 2 year deal and have Mancini in LF. This is something we need to play by ear. 

SP wise: 

Miguel Gonzalez. Dude is a Yankee killer. Would get him for about 2 years just because he can shut the Yankees down. 

Lance Lynn. His FIP worries me, but it should come down as the season continues. We'll see how well he does against the AL East as the season progresses. Did well against Boston and has done well against Tampa, but not so much with Toronto. 2 or 3 years max. 

Yu Darvish. Dude can be a god, but injuries worry me big time. Depending on what happens this year, I'd try and get him for cheap. 1 year, maybe 2 with a team opt out. No one is going to throw him stupid money this year. 

Jaime Garcia would be a good option, but I fear him being to much of an NL only pitcher. 

Again, I will not be diving into trading for starters, as you can't predict the market all that well. 

Reliever Market is going to weak as all hell this year, with the strongest two being Wade Davis and Drew Storen. DD has a knack in finding BP guys. I'd trust him to find another good arm somewhere. Maybe it's Yacobanis. He did well tonight in 2.0 IP. We'll see more as the season progresses. 

We could save money by letting the beef go and letting Sisco handle catching duties. I'd try and see what I could get with him on the market this year if we really want Sisco up here, and try and get rid of Trumbo too. That would free up even more room for us to try and get some SP. We can retool the team for a run next year without blowing up the outside world. 

Miquel was an Oriole but he almost has a 5.00 ERA and has not been good lately. In his last two outings, Gonzalez has been charged with 10 runs and 16 hits in 10 2/3 innings. He’s surrendered four home runs.

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