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Best baseball movies


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Speaking of movies that make me cry every time that I watch it, I ALWAYS cry at the end of A Few Good Men.


The 2 marines in question have have been acquitted of the most serious charges in which they had been accused of (murder, and conspiracy to commit murder), but are found guilty of conducting unbecoming a marine ........ and to them, THAT is almost more devastating than the murder charges of which they were acquitted of.


When Corporal Dawson informs Private Downey that, "Yeah we did do something wrong. We were supposed to fight for people who couldn't fight for themselves. We were supposed to fight for Willie,"  )the tears start coming out ........ but that is just the beginning of my crying.


Shortly afterward, their lawyer (Lieutenant Kaffee) is acutely aware of just how devastating being convicted of conduct unbecoming marine and subsequently being dishonorably discharged from the Marines is to his two clients ........ but he is ALSO aware of the immense character and intestinal fortitude of Corporal Dawson, who not only risked going to jail for the better part of his life by not taking a plea deal in the first place, but who also took full responsibility for his actions, conceding that he and his Marine mate did indeed deserve the dishonorable discharge which was given to both of them. Lieutenant Kaffee then says to him, "Harold ........ you don't need to wear a patch on your arm to have honor,"  )THAT is when the tears pour uncontrollably from my eyes.



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I liked "Fever Pitch" too.  

For crying at movies.  I remember seeing "Beaches" at the theater and at end every was crying quite loudly except me.  I was just happy the movie was over as it was boring me to tears.  

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55 minutes ago, Frobby said:

I used to have a law partner named Lanny Davis.   Some of you may know him as a Clinton surrogate during the Monica Lewinsky scandal.    His son is Seth Davis, who does college basketball analysis on CBS.

When Field of Dreams came out, Seth was in middle school or high school.    Lanny took Seth to see it, and during the final scene where Kevin Costner asks his dad if he wants to have a catch, Lanny just started bawling.   

That year for Hannukah, Seth got Lanny a large framed poster from Field of Dreams, on which he’d written in the corner “Hey Dad - Wanna have a catch?    Love, Seth”

That poster was the centerpiece on the wall of Lanny’s office.   I think of that every time I see the movie.   


I think I voted for Lanny in Maryland one year.  Did he ever get elected?  btw - did they "ever have a catch" after that?

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My ranked order 


15. Field of Dreams

14. The Stratton Story

13. The Pride of St. Louis

12. The Life and Times of Hank Greenberg

11. Sugar

10. Bang the Drum Slowly

9.    Eight Men Out 

8. Pelotero

7.  A League of their own

6. 42

5.   Moneyball

4. Fear Strikes Out

3. Bull Durham

2. Pride of the Yankees

1. The Natural


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 Eight Men Out is at the top and then the rest.  "Say it ain't so, Joe."

Costner is milquetoast; when he tries to act all tough, it's really laughable.  Of the Costner movies critics seem to enjoy, Field of Dreams is better than Bull Durham for a few reasons.  Both of the leading ladies, (and both are named Annie), are annoying as hell.  The difference between the two is Annie Kinsella isn't the focus of the film like Sarandon is, so less is more, and points awarded to Field Of Dreams accordingly.  Field of Dreams gives us Darth Vader *ahem* James Earl Jones and Burt Lancaster; Bull Durham gives us Tim Robbins.  One of my favorite scenes is when Dr. Moonlight Graham saves Karin and Ray realizes Moonlight can't be a ballplayer again.  (It's all about the choices we make in life)  Again, it's not even close, more points for Field of Dreams.

Pride of the Yankees can be mawkish in a few scenes, but many films of that era were.  "Gosh, gee willikers."  Gary Cooper couldn't swing left handed, so the film makers had to flip the film around.  Still, it has the real Babe Ruth. 

I noticed some pointing out Jonah Hill comparisons to DePodesta, but Billy Beane is no Brad Pitt either.   Moneyball is in the second tier, enjoyable, but not near the top.  I've always liked Tom Selleck from his Magnum PI days, so Mr. Baseball is also in that second tier.


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30 minutes ago, bobmc said:

I think I voted for Lanny in Maryland one year.  Did he ever get elected?  btw - did they "ever have a catch" after that?

Lanny ran for Congress in ‘74 and ‘76 — lost in the primary the first time and the general election the second time.    He and Seth are very close and I’m sure they had that catch.   

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2 hours ago, atomic said:

I didnt find any of that stuff sad.  I also don't think it is a baseball movie.    More like a bunch of people taking acid and start hallucinating. But I don't like fantasy movies in general.  

These comments are very telling.  Father son relationships are very tricky fragile things and playing catch and the like  can often be at the center of them. When I saw the last game at Memorial Stadium and they played the Jones speech, and every Oriole still alive came out and stood at their old positions ,I realized I knew every or of them and understood how much a part of my life they were .That's what Field of Dreams was about for me and it wasn't a fantasy.

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13 minutes ago, accinfo said:

I like most of what is mentioned but I want to put a vote for The Rookie with Dennis Quaid.  I like Dennis Quaid.  

Forgot about the Rookie. Another baseball father son film. Liked it too. But I've heard that Quaid is a d* "!,k.

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