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New Head-Who You Want?

Bahama O's Fan

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No matter what title they give the person the Angelos brothers hire to run the baseball side of the Orioles (VP, President, GM, etc...), the question is who do you want? Out of all of the candidates out there, who do you think would do the best job to rebuild the team back to a winning franchise if given the opportunity?

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1 minute ago, Greg Pappas said:

There may be two positions, such as 'President of Baseball Operations' and 'GM'.  As regards who I want to see making all personnel and organizational decisions (GM), I want Jason McLeod, Amiel Sawdaye, Jared Porter, or Chaim Bloom. Probably in that order.

I'm meaning the top person who gets final say over everything. Hires, roster, etc...

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