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Orioles hire Mike Elias as Executive Vice President and GM


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57 minutes ago, Tony-OH said:

Hopefully Elias will lift the veil of secrecy behind the Orioles baseball operations. Notice how the Houston media is all over this while all the local media can do is retweet and repeat what the national and local Houston guys are saying.


This.  It's really amazing that Roch almost NEVER breaks stories and just has to parrot off of someone else.  I specifically remember Passan breaking Cobb and Roch being like oh yea! I heard that too!

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Just now, connja said:

Anyone else still worried the Orioles find a way to screw this up?  Still no press conference scheduled?

1.   Of course I’m worried.   

2.    I don’t expect there will be a press conference this week.    And they probably won’t announce a press conference until less than 24 hours before it happens.    

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27 minutes ago, Tony-OH said:

And now, we get back to our subject.... ;)...

That requires the Orioles ownership to actually do something right.  Clearly we're changing the subject and killing time since we're all nervous they'll screw this up.

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