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August 3rd vs M's; going for the SWEEP!

Big Mac

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WTF Cintron?! How in the blazes do you miss that? He has got to be the worst shortstop ever. Playing with him has to be incredibly frustrating for Brian. :angryfire:

All our SS's are the worst SS ever. At this point, I'm ready for them to have Bordick unretire and give it a shot...

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It's good to see that 67-year-old defensive stalwart Castro is not in the lineup, but a true shortstop in sort of his prime Cintron gets the start.

You know we have a record of stuff you say, right?


I can't believe that Buck was making excuses for Cintron. "Awkward angle, handcuffed him". Jeez... what BS...

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Wow, what the hell was that?

Cintron dropping the ball because he was jealous that Brian has the range to get to more balls on the SS side of the bag than he does? :laughlol:

Seriously, I have NO idea how he missed that throw. It was right at his abdomen and he didn't even get his glove close to it. It looked like the ball just hit him in the stomach.

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Killed again by bad D at SS. But hey, that's OK all that matters is the OPS. right?

I don't see how you could think that was bad D from the SS. He had his hand at chest level, with his palm up. He would have had to flip his glove down and catch it around his knee.

That was a tough tough catch for Cintron.

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