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The Rubber Match (vs. DIAMONDBACKS, 7/24)


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2 minutes ago, Sessh said:

..and found two baby praying mantis' this year. I hope they come back, those things are awesome.

 When I was a young boy, our air-conditioner would frequently break, so we had the windows open and we had lots of bugs in the house, and I kept an enormous praying mantis on the windowsill in the kitchen and would catch flies and feed them to it.

It was incredible to watch. I’d hold the fly, praying mantis would turn her head, not her body, just her head, then pivot her body, grab the fly and start eating it: top down, side to side like a typewriter: Side to side to side and down and down and down  until nothing was left in the praying mantis was licking her mandibles. What a wonderful thing it was to watch, and she could take a fly from all there  to licking her mandibles in about 30 seconds. 

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2 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

We have quite the variety living here.  The two deer that hang around are slowly getting less skittish around us.  I actually managed to start my truck this morning and have one of them not take off until I started backing up.

Deer rarely ever come around here, but they are in areas not far from here. Too many houses and nowhere to hide. Did you know deer eat birds? So much for that whole herbivores thing. I found out not too long ago that almost every animal that can be called an herbivore are also opportunistic carnivores. Quite interesting. Take that, vegans!

1 minute ago, scOtt said:

Don't care about my lawn but moles are BAD for golf courses.

I wish I could just rip up the lawn and replace it with rocks.. or clovers maybe, they attract bees. Lawns are a pain to maintain.

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Just now, Philip said:

 When I was a young boy, our air-conditioner would frequently break, so we had the windows open and we had lots of bugs in the house, and I kept an enormous praying mantis on the windowsill in the kitchen and would catch flies and feed them to it.


You had air conditioning as a child?  Must have been nice.  I had a box fan I put on stacks of books to blow on the bed.

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