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Davis. What do you see different with him?


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3 hours ago, Tony-OH said:

You know, I would have said this as well until I looked up his stats. He's been less and less pull happy since 2015 and his power his dropped as well.
           Pull %      HR
2015: 54.9%      47
2016: 40.6%      38
2017: 40.0%      26
2018:  37.6%     16 
2019:  36.8%     12

I've noticed that his swing path looks different too. Less long and outside and more inside the zone. His bat speed looks quicker like it used to as well

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1 hour ago, Aristotelian said:

Only 1 K so far. New prescription? Back on Adderall? I have to think something is helping him see the ball better.

Roch assured everyone very early in ST (like the first day) that EVERYONE also gets a thorough eye exam,  so needing glasses isn't a concern. Adderall (focusin...) ( with a prescription and MLB exemption) is very possible.

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3 minutes ago, scOtt said:

Probably was me who gave you the link. But BEWARE!!! That site is not working well this year so far. You can get video... but if I try to full-screen the video, or unmute it, Norton says you're entering a restricted site trying to steal your data. I've trusted Mr. Norton for... 25+ years now. Even when he got bought out by Evil Bill. Anyways... approach with caution.

Malwarebytes was telling me that also.  I'm not too worried, tho.  Mine, and everyone else's info is out there anyway.  What else can they take?  However, they could take control of my AI chick when I have her hooked up to wifi.  Now that would be interesting.



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4 minutes ago, MongoBoy said:

Malwarebytes was telling me that also.  I'm not too worried, tho.  Mine, and everyone else's info is out there anyway.  What else can they take?  However, they could take control of my AI chick when I have her hooked up to wifi.  Now that would be interesting.



That's how I look at it too. I have $12 in the bank. If you're hacker enough to steal it have at it! Good on ya!

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1 hour ago, DrungoHazewood said:

To slug .600 he'd have to hit at least .260 or .270.  He hasn't hit .260 in a month since June of 2016.  And if he did that he'd have an ISO of .330 or .340.  Last year he hit .179 and slugged .326, with a .147 ISO.  Last spring didn't he hit under .200?

If he hits .270 and slugs .600 this spring I think I'll conclude something is pretty radically different.  Not that it would mean he's going to hit .270 with a .600 slugging in 2020, but that he might not hit .170 with a .300 slugging.

Fair enough.  It'll probably be enough for me to think that he won't OPS .550 again.  But my bar's pretty high given that it's spring stats, he's been so bad for so long, and, as you said, the only thing that correlates even a little bit is SLG.

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9 hours ago, Tony-OH said:

It's early but the improvements are dramatic to say the least. I remain skeptical but adding that 25 pounds of muscle over one winter sure does seem to make a difference.

Wonder why he shrunk down so much after he got the big contract and after two years of being the worse player in major league history he suddenly gets back to looking like he used to a boom, home runs again. Weird.

Its totally just my memory but I recall him saying he slimmed down in the hopes it would help his body stay healthy and avoid injuries as his contract went on.

I thought it was curious at the time. I think CD can really over think things at times.

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Seen him in 3 games so far,  what I see is that he not going max effort like last two year, same thing that Tiger is doing in golf,  80 percent instead of 100. Like Tiger, age is not your friend, and trying to out drive some new young player is not going to work, being shorter to the ball with less effort does, making solid contact where the ball is pitched is better. Last year Davis approach was to hit the long and over the fence, he would take the outside strike and K, this year he is hitting the ball to the opposite field more instead of rolling over and hitting into the shift, I credit Gentry for his transformation. Gentry was never a great hitter but he realize that you have to use the whole field to hit in the majors. Here hoping that it continues and Davis keeps it up!!!!

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19 hours ago, Tony-OH said:

It's early but the improvements are dramatic to say the least. I remain skeptical but adding that 25 pounds of muscle over one winter sure does seem to make a difference.

Wonder why he shrunk down so much after he got the big contract and after two years of being the worse player in major league history he suddenly gets back to looking like he used to a boom, home runs again. Weird.

I believe it's called the PED hail mary. 

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21 hours ago, joelala said:

The psychology behind these deductions is sound and I too wouldn’t be surprised nor blame him. When he signed the contract originally it’s very possible a positive test would have voided the whole thing. He had everything to lose. Now that he’s made a very large sum of money and has admittedly considered retiring and walking away from the rest of the money, why not take one last ride so to speak and have some fun again? 

I’m not saying I suspect him of taking PEDs this winter, but psychologically it would make sense

Yep, your summary of what my thoughts are really cover this.  Not sure he has anything to lose at this point.   

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