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Jose Iglesias traded to Angels.


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17 minutes ago, Tony-OH said:

Yeah, it's December and we'll have to let things play out, but it's disappointing. 

As a fan, I'm tired of this team sucking. I just am. I understand fully about a rebuild, but it's time to start a transition. Getting rid of good defense up the middle just sucks, especially when he's getting two more pieces that are so far off. 

I feel the same way.   The team has gotten a bit better the last two years and I was hoping to build on that in 2021.    Now we look to be taking a step backwards.   Does it hurt the long run plan?   No, and maybe it could help it.  But like you I’m just ready to see some half decent baseball.  

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I feel like I’m the only one here who has looked at Jose Iglesias’ baseball reference page. Let’s just say last year was an outlier. How he suddenly became a legit #3 hitter is anyone’s guess. Whether he’ll ever play in most of his team’s games in the field is anyone’s guess. The fact that Elias got something of potential value for him is awesome. 

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7 minutes ago, LookinUp said:

I feel like I’m the only one here who has looked at Jose Iglesias’ baseball reference page. Let’s just say last year was an outlier. How he suddenly became a legit #3 hitter is anyone’s guess. Whether he’ll ever play in most of his team’s games in the field is anyone’s guess. The fact that Elias got something of potential value for him is awesome. 

I agree completely

Elias picked something shiny out of the dumpster and someone paid him something of value for it.

Would it have shined all season?

Sentiment hopes yes.

History says no.

This was the right move... but it hurt a little... cuz people are tired of the suck.

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39 minutes ago, Tony-OH said:

Yeah, it's December and we'll have to let things play out, but it's disappointing. 

As a fan, I'm tired of this team sucking. I just am. I understand fully about a rebuild, but it's time to start a transition. Getting rid of good defense up the middle just sucks, especially when he's getting two more pieces that are so far off. 

I totally agree but trading Iglesias doesn’t really change the record.  I would rather have the players we got than Iglesias.

But that’s not really the point and it was my big issue with the Nunez decision.  At some point, they need to start winning games.  Zero issue with the tear down and the initial tanking but I have an issue with it now.  And here’s the thing that really gets me..they can hide behind this covid stuff all they want but if Covid happens, I still think they make decisions like the ones they made today.  Im not saying covid didn’t hurt them, it obviously did.. but it’s not like they were jumping up the payroll this year anyway.

Now, all of that being said, I like the team we should have out there.  I hope Elias makes a deal for a young third baseman.  There are players out there and we have some depth to make a move.  No need to be lazy with that position.  We may have some guys for third base but that’s up in the air now.  But this team is all about the young players getting better and that would be the case whether Iglesias or Alberto or whoever is here.

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“There will come a time when we flip the switch to maximizing wins, but it’s our judgment that we’re not there yet. This is not fun to subtract from your major league team, but that’s what you do when you’re below .500 and rebuilding and we still are.”   https://www.masnsports.com/school-of-roch/2020/12/elias-discusses-todays-activity.html

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4 minutes ago, OrioleDog said:

Last year the Villar trade was 12/2 and the Iglesias signing was 1/7.

(Also the Bundy trade 12/4, so careful John Means)


If same as last year Rule V draft should be about 10 days off, and look who has space now...

Bundy was traded headed into Arb-2, means won’t be eligible for Arb-1 until 2022. 

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8 minutes ago, BohKnowsBmore said:

Bundy was traded headed into Arb-2, means won’t be eligible for Arb-1 until 2022. 

I know, was just comping on the Good Player thing there.   Some of us are disappointed tonight, but I'm not.

I would be if Means is traded this weekend for four low-profile names we doubtlessly have strong preferences for how they shoved in the 2019 SEC or WAC!

We Sold High, and the case one year out for rerunning the Tejada/Lopez/Palmeiro "The Orioles are not a losing team anymore" thing is to be made by Means, Rutschman, Grayson, Hall and Mountcastle, and then to a lesser extent like Hays, Baumann, Yusniel, Kremer, Akin and Harvey.   I suppose Kjerstad too if he can do the Vaughn/Torkelson things to push himself into the '22 picture.   Trey is Willis Reed.

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7 hours ago, Frobby said:

“There will come a time when we flip the switch to maximizing wins, but it’s our judgment that we’re not there yet. This is not fun to subtract from your major league team, but that’s what you do when you’re below .500 and rebuilding and we still are.”   https://www.masnsports.com/school-of-roch/2020/12/elias-discusses-todays-activity.html

As I was saying the other day...they aren’t trying to win right now.

That being said, this is an awful quote and attitude by Elias.  This “gee shucks we aren’t good right now” Attitude is annoying.  I think it’s all Angelos family driven though.  Elias certainly believes we need to add talent but again, outside of a higher pick, there is nothing the Os are doing that can’t be accomplished winning 100+ games.

Its all about the money.  They just want to be as cheap as possible and yes, I go back to what I said before..somehow they have gotten the fan base to buy into that.

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7 hours ago, BohKnowsBmore said:

Bundy was traded headed into Arb-2, means won’t be eligible for Arb-1 until 2022. 

Anyone on this team could be dealt.

The bottom line is if Elias only cares about inventory, which is exactly what he does care about, there is no reason to keep around a lot of these players IF a good deal comes along.  

This is why I’m shopping Santander now.

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    • Are you directing that at me?    
    • I think probably what’s bothering people the most is that Holliday was hitting unbelievably well as of his call-up (.333/.462/.595), and he hasn’t been at that level of domination since being sent down (.259/.437/.445).  Plus, his K rate was 14.3% before the call-up, 24.2% since.   Bottom line, his meteoric ascent last year and his fast start this year set crazy-high expectations that he’s not quite meeting.   Personally, I’m not worried at all, but I’d like to see his post-return BA back in the .300ish range before I’d be clamoring for another call-up.   
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    • Yeah. Not your fault. Poor way they handle it. Don’t get it. 
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