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I’m about ready to give up on DJ Stewart


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I have been pretty patient as I think he has some really good OBP skills.  But I am at the point where I just don’t see his skills translating enough.  He just doesn’t have enough of a hit tool, defense tool or power tool to pair with his OBP.  I really liked him and was able to look past the occasional defensive gaff.  

I’m not an expert at all, so I ask the hangout faithful: am I missing something?  I really want to see something in him, but OBP isn’t enough, you need to have some other skills. He swings and misses routinely.

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37 minutes ago, Philip said:

Teams are reluctant to give up on first round picks, but except for a brief moment at the beginning of this season, I have been ready to say goodbye to Stewart for a long time.


Agree that if DJ Stewart was a mid-round draft pick that the O's would have already sent him down to Norfolk or DFA. Santander and Hays frequent trips to the IL have also helped give DJ more chances than he otherwise would have gotten. 

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2 hours ago, NelsonCruuuuuz said:

Let him play in Norfolk next year or DFA him. That was another bad first rounder. 

To be fair, we picked 25th (out of 26 teams) in the first round of the 2015 draft, and there weren’t a whole lot of quality players taken subsequent to that. It wasn’t like picking Hobgood over Mike Trout in 2009. 

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It was a very week draft that year. Look at the 1st and 2nd rounds of that draft and it has not paid off very well.

As for Stewart, this post would be more surprising if some HAD hope for him. Stewart is exactly who he is at this point. He's a guy who take a professional at bat with some occasional pop but who is very streaky, will never hit for a high average, and is a well below average outfielder where ever you put him.

He night have a little value as a pinch hitter in the National League unless they go to universal DH, then he's probably better off trying out Japan. He will be DFA'd before the 40-man is set next this winter.

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Looks like DJ will need an injury to Hays or Santander to get playing time.   If he gets the PT and gets hot he could stay.  Would be trade bait at that point.   If he does not get hot I believe he is a non tender.

Neustrom has a good chance to take his spot next season.

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1 minute ago, Moose Milligan said:

If he could hit .250 he'd be an asset.  His OBP would be .380-.400

And even if he could do that, he'd have to be a full time DH.  With the current roster construction, there's no room for that.  

I think it shows his lack of pure hitting ability.  He has such a good eye that it forces pitchers to throw him strikes, and he still has trouble batting .200.  

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18 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

I don’t think people understand how difficult it is to get real production out of a draft pick in the mid to late 20s

Yeah I feel like the fact he's been in the majors this long mean the pick was somewhat of a success. Unfortunately I don't think he's long for the majors unless something really changes in his game. 

The main thing is he's such a terrible defensive outfielder. It's really been kind of shocking to see just how bad he is out there. I like the OBP and the guy plays hard. He just can't really hit, which is wild considering he was one of the best bats in that draft. 

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