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3 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

Ahh how progressive, accusing folks on the internet of being homosexual.


There's nothing wrong with it. What's the problem?

I didn't accuse you of being gay.  It just seems like Sportsguy has your back so to speak.

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4 minutes ago, 7Mo said:

Was JJ Bleday an advanced college bat?

Vanderbilt, good numbers, more walks than K's.

Yes, he'd qualify.

Oh my god, did a drafted guy not pan out as projected?  Oh no.

That's unusual.


It's baseball.  Prospects miss.  Guys come out of nowhere.


Do you think him spending more time in the minors is going to make him a good 1-4 pick?  You think a couple more years in the minors and he'll be ready to be a force in the majors?

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3 minutes ago, RZNJ said:

There's nothing wrong with it. What's the problem?

I didn't accuse you of being gay.  It just seems like Sportsguy has your back so to speak.

You really should just own that you were trying to call us gay for some reason.  It's pathetic and all but I'm not sure what else you could have meant by the get a room comment.

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4 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

You really should just own that you were trying to call us gay for some reason.  It's pathetic and all but I'm not sure what else you could have meant by the get a room comment.

Haha. It was a joke.  Yes, I inferred that you two were gay lovers because you two are like a tag team in this thread and he's coming to your defense like a pitbull.  Thou doth protest too much.

I don't believe anyone on here actually thinks you're gay because of my post, do you?  You can call me gay.  Wouldn't bother me one bit.  

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1 minute ago, Can_of_corn said:

Vanderbilt, good numbers, more walks than K's.

Yes, he'd qualify.

Oh my god, did a drafted guy not pan out as projected?  Oh no.

That's unusual.


It's baseball.  Prospects miss.  Guys come out of nowhere.


Do you think him spending more time in the minors is going to make him a good 1-4 pick?  You think a couple more years in the minors and he'll be ready to be a force in the majors?

Come on now. This started with you saying NO advanced college bat needs the minor league system. Now you've moved to "Tork will be up next year" and "prospects miss".

Your argument that advanced college bats don't need minor league development is nonsense. And that's what you said and you've said repeatedly. It's nonsense.

But it's your board. You and SG shout everyone down. So I'm out.

Not that it matters but was it you or SG that down voted my post? If you guys want me gone, just say the word.

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4 minutes ago, 7Mo said:

Come on now. This started with you saying NO advanced college bat needs the minor league system. Now you've moved to "Tork will be up next year" and "prospects miss".

Your argument that advanced college bats don't need minor league development is nonsense. And that's what you said and you've said repeatedly. It's nonsense.

But it's your board. You and SG shout everyone down. So I'm out.

Not that it matters but was it you or SG that down voted my post? If you guys want me gone, just say the word.

Haha. It's not you they want gone!  LoL

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4 minutes ago, 7Mo said:

Come on now. This started with you saying NO advanced college bat needs the minor league system. Now you've moved to "Tork will be up next year" and "prospects miss".

Your argument that advanced college bats don't need minor league development is nonsense. And that's what you said and you've said repeatedly. It's nonsense.

But it's your board. You and SG shout everyone down. So I'm out.

Not that it matters but was it you or SG that down voted my post? If you guys want me gone, just say the word.

I'll try and explain it to you.

I don't think advanced college bats need the minors.

That doesn't mean they might not fail in the majors.

That means that their ultimate success or failure in the majors won't be predicated upon their experiences in the minors.

Do you understand the difference?

If Matt Wieters has a slow bat 800 at bats in the minors ain't going to fix it.

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4 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

Boy you think highly of yourself.

I don't want anyone gone.

I'm fine with using the /ignore function if it comes to that.

You are way more worried about me than I am you.

Just another one of your crazy theories. I don't give you a second thought until I see a post on here.  Your buddy asked me to leave OH forever.  So, it wasn't you.  I respond to a lot of posts on here.  Just so happens that you, SG, and Frobby dominate this board in the amount of posts.  What can I say? Frobby is smart, level headed, not full of himself, admits when he is wrong, and doesn't get shifty when he's cornered.  As for the other two, well ......

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26 minutes ago, RZNJ said:

Haha. It was a joke.  Yes, I inferred that you two were gay lovers because you two are like a tag team in this thread and he's coming to your defense like a pitbull.  Thou doth protest too much.

I don't believe anyone on here actually thinks you're gay because of my post, do you?  You can call me gay.  Wouldn't bother me one bit.  

The type of slight doesn't bother me at all.

The fact that you felt compelled to use a slight is the issue.


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2 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

The type of slight doesn't bother me at all.

The fact that you felt compelled to use a slight is the issue.


There is no slight in being gay.  The joke is that Sportsguy was very emphatically protecting your honor.  Inferring that you were both gay was not intended as a slight.  It was intended to show he was going above and beyond.  Whatever.  If Sportsguy was a female I could have used the same "why don't you two get a room " joke.  Keep trying bucco.  I don't know where you can buy a sense of humor though.

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1 hour ago, Can_of_corn said:

Yep.  I stated as much at the time.

I'm not faulting Elias for not doing something this drastic.

I've also never stated that the minors aren't good for developing most players. 

I don't think it's needed for advanced college bats. 

I don't think much is needed for some high end prospect HS players.

You never heard me say Adam Hall didn't need the minors.


1 hour ago, Can_of_corn said:

Don’t forget that Vaughn had 245 PA in the minors in 2019.    He didn’t go straight to the majors.   He certainly was fast-tracked, though, and has done a respectable job.   

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  • Posts

    • Another thing I should say is that my chart doesn't speak to pitch efficiency or how may pitches teams allow their pitchers to throw.   That data isn't easily collected.   But it could be that O's pitchers don't throw a ton of innings because they walk a lot of guys and reach their pitch count limits sooner than a typical team's pitchers do.
    • On the specific question of whether the O's push their starting pitching prospects' workloads far enough, I had a look at all MiL pitchers in the AL who had thrown at least 90 innings, by team, and broke them into groups of 90-99, 100-109, 110-119, and 120+ innings.   This chart summarizes my findings: Team 120+ 110-119 100-109 90-99 Total 90+ Total 110+ BAL 0 1 4 9 14 1 NYY 4 4 2 6 16 8 BOS 0 3 1 5 9 3 TBR 5 4 4 1 14 9 TOR 1 0 5 2 8 1 CLE 7 3 3 2 15 10 MIN 1 3 3 3 10 4 KCR 3 4 4 7 18 7 DET 0 2 4 7 13 2 CWS 2 3 5 4 14 5 HOU 1 4 6 6 17 5 SEA 4 6 3 4 17 10 TEX 1 1 4 8 14 2 OAK 2 1 2 5 10 3 LAA 4 1 4 4 13 5 AL Ave. 2.33 2.67 3.60 4.87 13.47 5.00 Now, there is some incomplete information here.   It won't pick up a pitcher who had 70 innings with one organization and 20 with another, for example.  It obviously can't tell you which organizations lost pitchers to injuries.  And, it doesn't account for the age and experience of pitchers, which can matter a lot with regard to how much workload a team is comfortable with for a pitcher.    All that said, you can see that the Orioles are at the very bottom of the number of pitchers who have thrown 110+ innings.   They only have one, Alex Pham, who is at 115.   The average team has 5, and two teams have as many as 10.  The O's also are one of only three AL teams that have no pitcher who has thrown 120 innings.  The average team has 2.33, and Cleveland has 7.    I might also add that there are a good number of pitchers on the list who have thrown 130+ innings or more.    On the other hand, the O's have a pretty normal number of pitchers (14) who have thrown at least 90 innings (average was 13.47 and the median was 14).  There are some teams like Boston and Toronto who have a lot fewer than that. All in all, I wouldn't say the Orioles are at the very top of the "baby the pitchers" list, but they are certainly leaning heavily in that direction, based on this data (with the caveats I gave above).
    • Some might call it arrogance, others might call it resolve. I think it's as simple as identifying a problem/situation, analyzing it to the best of your ability and that of the resources at your disposal, reaching a conclusion, and sticking to that decision based on the analysis that brought you to that decision. Beyond that, Elias will learn when and how to adjust as he gains experience in the #1 chair.  Honestly, I don't even have any gripes with him at the moment. We all wanted Holliday up, then he stunk. Then we all wanted Mayo up, then he stunk. So who are we complaining about now? I can't even keep up. Not to derail, but it's the same unfair criticism that Hyde is facing on this board. Manager and GM sure have become thankless responsibilities around here. And I know how you all talk about Harbaugh on the football board, too. I'm not apologist for any of them, but I do admire the fact that they've been able to build a championship-caliber club and maintain it through all of the injury adversity we've faced. This board is quick to point out mistakes, but is terrible at giving credit where credit is due, and having the most wins in the American League as we sit here on September 6 deserves a bunch of credit. 
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    • Is it really more difficult? Much more?    To this O’s fan, the 1970s were a lot “easier” than the 2000s. 
    • That seems to require that Dominguez would be the better contributor. 
    • I live in California and prices for games in SF and Oakland change day-to-day. That is just normal in 2024, any price is only the price at the moment.
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