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Agent Scott Boras takes shot at Braves’ World Series

Paul in Virginia

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38 minutes ago, Philip said:

I rarely push back on you, my friend, but I think that is exactly what Boras is doing. He is complaining about a potentially new way of conducting business that would mean less money for him and for his clients, and it worked.
He is incomplete, certainly, not every team can do what the Braves did, and he is Disingenuous, Because every player wants the opportunity to go from a bad team to a good team and will be making more money as a WS-winning FA, but Boras is complaining because he could lose money.

I also read the-brief- linked article about Anthopolous’ “dangerous” comments and I’m considering anew how bad the players association leadership appears to be.

My point is, he’s not blaming the Braves. He’s saying he doesn’t like the system that allows the Braves to do what they did.   

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17 minutes ago, Frobby said:

My point is, he’s not blaming the Braves. He’s saying he doesn’t like the system that allows the Braves to do what they did.   

All right, but that doesn’t really change anything.

as long as baseball incentivizes losing there will be teams who think it is better to lose.

The teams who think that will change as fortunes ebb and flow, but there will always be teams for whom losing is better, until we give them a reason to strive. And the way we do that is by changing the draft order process.

But Tony and Fred, in addition to hating each other, are limited and unable to think beyond their own very limited agendas.

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