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The Teixeira Watch: Part IV


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I to believe in a firesale.

We need to trade Roberts, Huff and some older bullpen arms. Maybe even Guthrie for the right price.

Look to sign cheap starting pitching that could pan out for the future...

I don't think you really mean a firesale. A firesale is commonly used to denote a sale that has to be done very quickly even if it's at a very steep discount. Even if we lost Tex, we're not in that mode. We're still being patient and looking to get the best deal possible for our veterans, whether that's now, in July, or by taking the draft picks.

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I will start by asking why would the website take offense if I doubt the credibility of the poster? I would assume they can't control who writes what. What I am saying is, for someone who just drops in, and reads these posts, how do we know how credible they are?

You can say the website vetted them, but what is the process?

I hate to nitpick, but this community is comprised of thousands of members. Suggesting "the website" would take offense isn't realistic.

The whole "insiders" issue has been discussed and addressed ad nauseum here. You're free to doubt, question, scrutinize, rebuke, etc. anything posted here up to and including "insiders" and their information. As long as it isn't/doesn't evolve into a personal attack, such responses are what invoke great conversation.

For someone who drops in and may not know, obviously you'd have no idea regarding their credibility. Along with being credentialed with the Orioles and all of their minor league affiliates, the staff here has relationships with various, decision-making members of the Orioles front office. The 2 or 3 guys who post as insiders here have revealed their sources to the staff and it was determined that it's reasonable to believe said source would be privvy to such information.


Having said that, here's a "disclaimer" re: Insider Info...

To clarify, by "vetted" we mean that the source has been revealed to a member of the staff and the determination was made that it's reasonable to believe said source would probably be "in the know". By no means does "vetted" mean "determined to be absolutely 100% accurate and reliable."

I think over the last two years the staff here has made it clear that buyers should beware. The game of baseball information is a volatile one. Things change so quickly that what seemed off the wall and far-fetched 10 minutes ago might now be waiting for the ink to dry.

It's not an exact science and there's no way to be mostly right with insider information let alone perfect. Anything presented as "insider info" here (or anywhere else for that matter) should be taken with a grain of salt.

It's worth mentioning that the intent behind the whole vetting process is to try and prevent this place from becoming chock-full of wild rumors and unfounded speculation. I have no doubt that over the years a handful of alleged insiders came forward with information that was legit, but because their sources were along the lines of "my mom's friends' cousin's brother's nephew", it either did cause or would have caused more trouble than it was worth. The entire community here is better served if said insider just keeps the info to themselves.

/insider info rant

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I don't know. Why would the O's FO care what the ESPN ticker said? They know if they're in or out, and that's all that's important.

Sorry JTrea...this was in regard to the post you replied to.

You know, sometimes my buddies go "Hey Lewis, lets go to the bar"

-I go "Don't really feel like it"

They go "Just for a drink?"

-I go "sure", then find out that after a couple that I wanted more than one!

So my point is, perhaps ESPN changes their story like a a drunk person changes their mind at the bar for half price drink night. Practice safe sex!:D

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I'm not trying to be a jerk or anything, but if ESPN or Olney was reporting that the Orioles were in the lead, I think most would take it as fact. But, because people aren't hearing what they want to hear, it's ESPNs/Olney's fault. And this is coming from someone who DESPISES ESPN.

Again, nothing personal towards anyone. I understand the "hope" that people have. But let's put things into some perspective.

They did just that less than 24 hours ago.

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I'm not trying to be a jerk or anything, but if ESPN or Olney was reporting that the Orioles were in the lead, I think most would take it as fact. But, because people aren't hearing what they want to hear, it's ESPNs/Olney's fault. And this is coming from someone who DESPISES ESPN.

Again, nothing personal towards anyone. I understand the "hope" that people have. But let's put things into some perspective.

True, my ears would be :clap3: if ESPN were reporting that the O's were the leaders.

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I don't think you really mean a firesale. A firesale is commonly used to denote a sale that has to be done very quickly even if it's at a very steep discount. Even if we lost Tex, we're not in that mode. We're still being patient and looking to get the best deal possible for our veterans, whether that's now, in July, or by taking the draft picks.

You are right.

I want a slow methodical fire sale:). AM knows what I mean. Oh and I forgot Scott.

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And I love the insiders here, and I've been following this board for years and they add a lot to this board, but you've got to take it for what it is, and those guys have been dead wrong just as much if not more than they've been right. You can't get your hopes up too much, and I take a lot more out of a national journalist like Olney has to say on these matters...

In all fairness, Olney is also wrong just as much as he is right. Sources have to change constantly because unless it is the GM himself (and what GM hurts their bargaining position on purpose?) after a while the guys will figure out who the "sources" are and keep them out of the loop. The only people that can really leak genuine info are the GM, owner and agent, and seeing how eliminating the O's only hurts Boras' position, I think we can rule him out. If AM was ruling us out of the race to Olney, he would be saying something along the lines of we have multiple holes to fill and are exploring all possibilities, also known as we aren't spending 20 hours a day working on TEX.

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I said Tex would not sign with the Orioles. I also said the Birds would not make a deal with Roberts or Nick this year. If you're a big time FA who want's a ring why would you come to Baltimore? A once proud history has been turn into a joke. I remember when we won the WS in 1966. I remember the Championship years. Look at the HOFers who were standing in line to play here. Look at us now. We are hoping just to have a .500 season. This is what the Angelos era has done to us.



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I understand the frustration, but at what point do the dollars outweigh the product? I'm sorry, but spending north of 20 million is not only a huge risk, but pretty irresponsible, considering the Orioles are more than Mark Teixeira away from competing in the next 4 years.

If this were an ordinary FA I'd agree with you. But this isn't Vlad, A-Rod, Tejada, or any of the other big name FA's we've gone after in the past. This is Tex. Our Tex. He's Angelos favorite and he has the chance to be the next Cal in Baltimore (like Brooks was before him). Tejada never had that, Vlad never had that.

This is way beyond looking at ordinary logic and saying "Is Tex worth it for 20 million?", this is about saying, "This organization needs a shot in the arm and a local Superstar being available is the BEST thing that could happen to the franchise in over a decade."

If we were talking about someone else, I'd agree with you; but not Tex.

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