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Have the Orioles ever resumed the use of paper tickets?


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Last time I went to a game at Camden Yards was in 2019, before the COVID epidemic hit.

As I recall, when the Orioles finally decided that fans, at least in limited numbers, could attend games at Camden Yards in 2021, they announced that all tickets would have to be purchased online.  No tickets would be sold in person at the ballpark.

In addition, it was announced that the Orioles were permanently discontinuing the use of paper tickets, so that the turnstile attendants would not be subjected to the risk of picking up germs by handling the tickets.  Tickets would be sold exclusively online and when you got to the park, you could show your smartphone with the proof that you had paid for the ticket, and then you would be allowed in.

I contacted the Orioles and told them that I don't have a smartphone, so how the heck would I ever be able to attend a game?  They told me it would be possible, although the procedure was pretty complicated - I'd have to order the ticket online, print out proof of my purchase at home, take my proof of purchase, my credit card that I had used to make the purchase, and proof of my ID to the box office on the day of the game, and then I could be given something that would enable me to get into the park.

Sounded like an awful hassle and I wasn't real anxious to order a ticket when there was a possibility that, after driving 90 miles to get to Baltimore, I might not be allowed into the park because I had left one or more of the essential documents back home.

I didn't go to a game last year and I haven't gone to one so far this year.  I might like to go to one before this season ends, but I still don't have a smartphone.

Does anyone know if the Orioles have decided that the risk of COVID has decreased enough to allow the use of paper tickets again?  Or is it still the case that if I want to go to a game, I  will have to order my ticket online and then go through the hassle  that was described to me in 2021?

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3 minutes ago, interloper said:

You literally just show them your phone and they scan it. 

As he stated, he doesn't have a smart phone.  Yes, many folks have smart phones now, but my in-laws still don't have one and unless they can print out their digital tickets that are sent to them, they also can't do the whole digital ticket thing.  I have no idea how many folks aren't going to games because they don't have the technology to make it work, but it is something the Orioles should figure out a good solution for those who don't have or don't want to have a smartphone with that kind of capabilities.  

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18 minutes ago, interloper said:

Anyone can have a snapshot of your ticket in their phone if you're going with someone who does have a smartphone. It doesn't have to be via the ballpark app.

OP should just call them and ask.

I know this is inconceivable to some people, but not everyone has a smartphone or goes to baseball games with friends or family members  who do. About 15% of households have no smartphone.  And I’m sure it’s higher than that in certain age groups and income levels.  

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Just bring your rotary phone instead. I'm sure it'll still work. :)

In all seriousness, the O's should be able to accommodate this for sure. Printing a receipt of your purchase and bringing it to the ticket window has to work, right? Just might want to get there a little early in case you run into a hassle.

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I have to say that I miss ticket stubs, I still have my old ones since I started going to games in the late '70s or any concerts. In the past decade it's mostly been a full-page printout of my ticket confirmation, but those are comparatively boring to look back on. I understand why they don't do them, but I miss them.

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4 minutes ago, Baltimorecuse said:

I decided to get it from the horse's mouth so I called them.  I got a message they don't have operators.  Their chat option doesn't work.  Email says they get back to me in two days.  

Are they flipping me the bird?  Lot's of people in my age group aren't tech savvy.

Yeah, that's not great service.

I've never used them but I've heard nothing but good things about the ticket /customer service folks there.  I'm certain you can find someone there that will help you.

I'm also not a fan of the no paper ticket / cashless / any policy that excludes folks that don't have smart phones.  But, I'm a bit of an early 40's Luddite myself.

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