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Will the O's Make the Playoffs?

Bahama O's Fan

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The Orioles might be even with the Red Sox in the wildcard standings after the Astros series this weekend. They are missing Mancini and Lopez right now and the team has been over-performing.

Elias made trade deadline moves building towards the future and not for making this season's playoffs. It's impressive the O's are even in this position in the first place. 

Edited by OsFanSinceThe80s
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After tonight's lackluster loss I'll say no. Really I kind of gave up last week when they lost to the lowly cubs. They've been treading water for a while now with tough Astros and GuardIndians coming up. I'd be shocked if they go better than 1-5 in that stretch which would just about polish them off. Only chance is if they go on a tear in the head to heads vs the Blow Jays but I'm not seeing it.

Hopefully I'm wrong 

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No we lose to many tiebreakers so we really more games behind then we actually are looking at standings.   The Rays are up 4 games in loss column but we have to gain 6 in loss column to make playoffs over them.   Seattle really up 3 in loss column and have very weak schedule down stretch.   The Jays are only team we can take tie breaker against but they have lot more talent then us so I don’t see us making up the difference in last 40 games.  

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