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We have a playoff caliber offense need to acquire MLB pitching


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2 hours ago, Jagwar said:

I know it's only 11 games, but I don't think I'd call the offense "playoff caliber" until Mullins and Santander get out of their respective funks. Santander in particular looks lost. You could also say that it's too early to trust the hot bats of Hays and Mountcastle.

That being said, the team does need pitching to reach the postseason. Let's hope that they are still close to a playoff spot near the deadline and see if Elias can pull off a solid trade. 


The offense is going to cool down.  2/3 of the lineup is hitting right now.  Not going to be that way all season.  Mullins, Santander, and Gunnar will heat up.  Others will cool down. 

It's still way too early to say what the offense is going to look like.  But I'm encouraged more than discouraged, based on what I've seen so far. 

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3 hours ago, glenn__davis said:

Too early to say either way.  I think at the end of the day the offense will be around league average.  Outside of Adley and surprisingly enough Frazier I'm not sure there's anyone that I trust to have consistently good at bats.  The rest of the lineup will run hot and cold.

As for the rotation, Kremer and Irvin have both had difficult starts against some tough lineups.  Kremer was really good last year, the command hasn't been as sharp through 2 starts this year.  Irvin hasn't quite gotten in a groove yet either.  Give them both another few starts before we start saying they're "total ass".

Bradish looked great the 2nd half of last year and really good in his start in TEX before he got hurt.  Wells was great in TX and then got roughed up a bit by NYY which will happen to a lot of pitchers.

All in all...long season.  Ask me around mid-May where I think the strengths and weaknesses are.



My thoughts exactly, fantastic post. Means also waiting in the wings at some point and Grayson and Hall are interesting arms and we've seen what's happened when we've given up on arms of that type too early (Gausman, Arrieta). 

This is a long process, we need to hope our pitching development is better than it has been in the past (as that obviously played a part in Gausman and Arrieta, too), but our system is loaded with talent and I don't think there's any need to force the issue with trades at this point unless a really interesting option falls into our laps...same thing with position players. Lot of hand-wringing about where certain pieces will fit into certain spots, but these things have a way of working themselves out rather organically. 

Edited by Flash- bd
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Last year Adley led the team with .806 OPS. We averaged .695 (97 OPS+). Not terrible, not great. Of the Astros, Yankees,Blue Jays, Guardians, Mariners, and Rays, did we have a better offense than any of them? Maybe the Rays? 

I agree a TOR starter would be nice if we could get one for a reasonable price. I would really need to be convinced we had a WS shot to trade Holliday for Cease though. 

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1 hour ago, Aristotelian said:

Last year Adley led the team with .806 OPS. We averaged .695 (97 OPS+). Not terrible, not great. Of the Astros, Yankees,Blue Jays, Guardians, Mariners, and Rays, did we have a better offense than any of them? Maybe the Rays? 

I agree a TOR starter would be nice if we could get one for a reasonable price. I would really need to be convinced we had a WS shot to trade Holliday for Cease though. 

I expect this year’s offense to be better, for a host of reasons.  Playoff caliber?  Not sure I really know what that means.   I think it has a good chance to be a bit above average, and I do think it’s a bit ahead of the pitching.  But I also wouldn’t put too much stock in 11 games.  

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2 minutes ago, backdoorslider said:


You are so right! We need to trade and acquire a top starter. Now.

I'd love for them to do so but what kind of premium are you going to have to pay to get a team to part with one in April?

I just don't see it happening until much later in the season.

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Just now, Can_of_corn said:

I'd love for them to do so but what kind of premium are you going to have to pay to get a team to part with one in April?

I just don't see it happening until much later in the season.

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. I'd trade two top prospects for a proven ace.

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1 minute ago, backdoorslider said:

Somebody help Kremer locate his fastball low and away.

So why did you pick the name backdoorslider?   

Obviously no pitcher tries to groove one down the middle.  Sometimes it happens, even to good pitchers.   


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