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Oscar Salazar removed from 40 man roster


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I think wild overreactions and knee-jerk defenses of the front office are a lot more of a problem than a few guys saying "it would be nice if the team valued Ken Phelps All Stars who can hit over random arms with track records of abysmal failure like Alfredo Simon."

Mild criticism of relatively minor moves can be made without the Andy MacPhail Defense Fund feeling a need to file a round of lawsuits.

I don't think we had a bunch-o-pages due to "mild criticism". The idea that the critical voices were oh-so-mild-and-reasonable, and that those who didn't buy it were part of the "AM Defense Fund" is itself a rhetorical defense of the typical overreactions that bash the FO for any little thing.

In fact, there were mild and reasonable views on both sides.

As for which side contributed the extreme reactionary views, a brief reading of the threads in question might be illuminating.

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